Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Gimpster

  1. Nomadisim vs Settlement

    I remember reading in a thread that TFC was never intended to be a game where one puts down roots and survives in place. That it was intended for the player to move around to find the different elements needed to survive and advance through the tiers of resources. On the surface I understand this, but most of my own attempts at playing TFC1 and the Let's Plays I have watched, find the player locating a suitable location and settling down. They then explore out from this central permanent settlement to locate and obtain the resources needed, counter to the explained intended style of play. I think one of the reasons for this is that while TFC adds a lot of interesting complexity to the base game, that complexity also comes with a lot of needed infrastructure which is not very transportable. Having to tear down and rebuild ones infrastructure or recreate it at a new location when one needs to move to locate and obtain new resources is not very fun game play. It takes a lot of time and effort to setup one needed infrastructure. I am interested how this is going to be addressed in TFC2 with its new design utilizing island chains each with only a small subset of resources. It is either going to mean a lot more travel to find resources to advance or a lot of base / camp building. How will the need to move be balanced against the need for the activities to be fun?
  2. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

    I have generated two worlds one with build 76 and one with build 76 hot-fix 2. Both have experienced the same world generation bug. My worlds are getting random mis-generated chunks. These are not missing chunks which are a client rendering bug, but rather singe chunks which do not fit the terrain and are mostly or completed filled with water at sea level.
  3. Birds. (and other atmosphere things)

    It might also be nice if birds and insects get quiet when they sense danger is nearby. Thus we could use the environment to alert us to the possibility of nearby danger, if we listen. You know since creepers are so darn sneaky.
  4. My Kingdom for a roof

    Half slabs are ok for making roofs but stairs are have issues with inside and outside corners. Chiseled stone allows for greater detail in roof design. I would love to see proper wedge shapes in different rise over run lengths and supporting both inside and outside corners.
  5. I really like the style of this texture pack. Very nice.
  6. how do you make a logpile because it wont let me do it

    Thank you Eleazzar, I can now stack wood, I feel like a real cave man now.
  7. how do you make a logpile because it wont let me do it

    That does not explain why I place a standard tree trunk block when I try to place a log pile while holding the shift key.