Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by almostluckyducky

  1. TFC & BC small issue

    i have been pondering with ideas of mods to mix together to get a longer lasting game and even though TFC is pretty dam good it seems to concentrate on stone / survival area and once you have got to a certain stage you just seek more. i ran a few scenarios with different mods using custom NPCs to re-add recpes and make alot of them harder to run with the theme of TFC but i came across a small issue with BC. If i have BC only and add a bucket of water to a glass tank everythings ok but once TFC is added i repeat the exact same task but get a blue screen with this: the way i understood it is that BC does not have an official 1.5.1 version but it is available from the github and just needs ot be compiled like this: But this is not a bug in BC as it works fine on its own, its only once TFC build76 HF11 is added the problem appears and only with water. Fuel, oil and other liquids work fine just not water. i can only imagine that TFC changes water somehow and that is what is cauign the problem. any ideas???
  2. TFC & BC small issue

    it work some times and sometimes not.. if i pump water into a combustion engine it works but if i add a vanilal bucket of water to it then the client crashes and it still seems you cannot fill vanilla buckets with water either from TFC rivers/ocean or from BC tanks filled with water from the TFC rivers/ocean via BC pumps
  3. TFC & BC small issue

    "using either copy" i tried both copies. first the hotfix one and opened a combustion engine GUI after water had been pumped into it and my client crashed. then i tried your altered copy but got the same client crash after i tried to open the same GUI on the same engine.
  4. TFC & BC small issue

    using either copy a GUI containing water (such as combustion engine ) still crashes the client once there is some water pumped inside it and gui is opened
  5. TFC & BC small issue

    i was going to re-do all the recipes anyway to make them fit in with the style of TFC. I have custom NPC on my server and have used it already to add quite a few mod items but all i really need is that line of code removed to make it run without crashing the client / server.. i wanted to re-do the rest anyway.
  6. TFC & BC small issue

    i have no idea how to do that or what i would need to do it so i would have to try to find someone to do it for me
  7. TFC & BC small issue

    well i have no idea how to do either so iam guessing that means BC & TFc could be a write off.. shame really as that could have been the base for a good mod setup
  8. World Gen

    no worries.. just bouncing some ideas round inside my head
  9. World Gen

    simple question really... is TFC compatible with other mods that add blocks/mods/trees to the world or does the TFC world gen overule others mods completely so nothing from any mod except TFC is generated in the world?
  10. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

    Iam getting this one too. On my server we have built a smelting building with various metals stacked ont he floor.. when some players go into it they have real bad lag and loss of FPS. Some players used to get it around barrels which seems to be fixed in HF#10 but iam assuming it is down to rendering lots and lots of ingots that is the problem
  11. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

    me and a few others on my server are having the "Dropping Items" issue and its very frustrating. Works fine in your own inv or a chest but placing items into a gui like a forge or campfire is a nightmare.. i tried crafting a pick and whilst the ingot was in the anvil it took me 4 attempts to place the plan along side it