Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by ultimaheart4

  1. well its seems to be because of enchanted tfc armor. since it also whites out the ingot molds. i think its just something that hasnt been fixed in a while and when i started a new world i didnt have that bug but as soon as i got an enchanted peice of armor it started up again. not sure if tools are included or not.


  2. yeah it doesn't help that the mosquitoes take up 90% of the spawns in the swamp and are just plain annoying. since id rather have the slime beetles and the mosquitoes do not abide by light rules. so no matter how many torchs i have they still spawn inside my base -.-


    and for the visual bug ive tried it with every item in my inventory (by removing certain ones and even having an empty inventory) it seems to be random. i cant recreate or fix it. 


  3. ive seem to have ran into a problem with the quests. the pottery quest early on wont acknowledge my ceramic jugs. are they suppose to be filled? yes i do have 4 of them made. ive even tried putting them into my hotbar and my inventory even placing and picking back up also giving them to my partner. neither of us can complete that part.


  4. was kinda sad you didnt add in some of the machines from immersive engineering. also shouldve added in coal coke as a forge fuel and allowed us to make coal coke :/


    it was possible not sure in the last few updates of tfc but i had coal coke working for forges. one of those tweaking mods. havnt played with minecraft modding in a while... been modding for other games. sorry if i seem a little out of the know.


  5. i have been absent and i feel it may be my fault as to why the server closed down and renadi had no other help. if renadi would like to reopen it with more mods in the pack if people wanted i could possibly help admin again including add in mytown again if it was removed for better protection for all.


    renadi hasnt messaged me in a while so i have no clue as to when he may respond to me or anyone


    my absence was due to lose of internet in moving to a new place. i have also been playing on my own servers of tfc, agrarian skys and Direwolf20 FTB pack+extra mods.


  6. im begining to like this guy so should i attempt to remove the water parts from my mod i randomly started for tfc? or continue? XD


    as another note the water screw is a "pump" as dedicated in the site i mentioned in earlier posts which i could implement as an early simple short water system able to be used underground. for the aqueduct ideas though if you want something like roman or bigger then you would want a windmill water pump. 


    and or should i let zerren here do all the things you want and just continue on my own mod to add into ftb hopefully someday. i have a lot more work set out for me with that. i feel currently i could replace gregtech, and redpower2 with the similarity of my mods abilities. even if the main part is magnetism..


  7. yes ill see what i can do. i mean my ideas are a little different. wont be just one small block doing all the work but they will be basic ancient day things. the screw thing seems cool. even though a basic small pump system would be sufficient since you will only need some pipe down. and can be anywhere underground. can even use non complete water source blocks if i can get that to work. i mean a basic pump is using suction from motion. witch would add to the windmill or water mill idea. give me a better reason to add in the actual "power" sources and no my bee's would be you have to collect parts from beehive add planks make a bee hive and the bee's then take care of themselves. cant breed though but you will be able to get honey and harvesting can hurt you because bee's may attack ;) the basic idea of any power system is to run said mechanics such as drawbridge, water pumps, sawmill, grindstones, and even elevators. like a "minecart" being lowered by ropes XD


    my water pump can be hand used slowly or hooked up to a gear system from a wind/water mill


    ive gotten a basic crappy moding thrown together that seems to work that adds in the water pump(havnt made it work with the windmill or watermills yet and some basic bee idea (i even died from being poisoned) a basic bag idea idk how to implement making it. maybe lether crafting 3 parts? i also am working on the mills. idk what kind of crafting there should be. and my codding isnt that good so i might have to redo some of it a few times. been working on other game modding over minecraft :/ 


    as for the powder keg idea... ive thought about re implementing a catapult idea to that XD launching powder kegs to kill things sounds like fun if you guys want that stuff.


    p.s. i am having issues trying to use tfc water to make an aquaduct look nice. so i think ill make it sorta multiblock structure style and have it look like water but can still add to osmosis for being in that space so not to lag everyone out XD


    my pump idea come from this basic pump systems that can be seen on this site if you like more info.


  8. nice idea's seem to be ok i did mention pm me but thanks for the idea's. to expand on the bee's would be easier. i could even have wild small bee's that can hurt you. always wanted to do that for forestry *coughs* and i know what you mean about drawbridges, if biox keeps in redstone i could make redstone wires or something old style that would match maybe to activate. or even just rope weight pully system as a multblock. i think biox has fertilizer implemented. an old style water pump system made with metal would be ok maybe limit it to certain metals like brass, copper, etc. be hard to find underground water though. unless i just take an idea of ground water being pushed through the ground to cope with people saying it doesnt make sense and give it a certain depth. thanks again. i might make a temperary patch for horses or something too. idk that takes a little more effort with tfc removing them gota look into it


    and i could implement cloth sacks. forestry and redpower both did it fairly easy and makes sense. idk about a new tab for inventory space like Mdyio did. pardon my misspelling.


    As a final note. i will not have internet for a month or so so i will not be able to get on the server if there is a need of a server restart please post here and ill c what i can do to fix it from my cell. which is possible. thank you for all your support and i am sorry if i annoyed anyone recently. also the whole mytown commands not working properly seems to be the mod itself as i am seeing same issues in other places. not just this server.


  9. no problem like i said i mod myself. so i know how it is with needing to upgrade mods or adding hotfixes in TFC case. mods will never be 100% flawless. so expect losses while playing with mods. Especially TFC. either wait for a hotfix or update that doesnt change for a while or deal with losses. 


    updates are great times to study and learn how the mod works. try many times to get better then when its ready then you take your final ;)


    as a note i gave renadi the old mytown files so hopefully it fixes issues with towns or any other issues you may have had. unless mytown has changed a lot. 


  10. overhauls of the mod which change a lot and cause map resets are usually for the better due to the mod fixing issues or being updated to better systems. i myself understand this due to being a modder for multiple games. the mod must update and be fixed even if your hard work is lost this time maybe you can do better the next or get things you didnt have before. an example could be they had redsteel. most others didnt have redsteel. now there is a better chance to find nickle before they do and before they take all of the close nickel. since nickel is rarest metal of main use. since unless its changed, nickel is used in all steel past steel. i understand though your dislike of the mod due to the huge change and loss of hard work. ive been though many losses in that department, but i have also delayed TFC due to that issue seeing as if you keep properly updated with the mod you realize that there will be huge overhauls and will lose hard work so you should either wait, or find a way to keep going with the mod.


    and for the record finding nickel isnt hard. unless on a large server that already found it and there may be none left or in a open area that you can actually mine without invading in others area's. map resets in TFC are generally better then any other mod. steel isnt hard to get neither is nickel or higher teirs. standing as someone who knows how to use a pro pick, and find all the metals in the game fairly easily due to knowing how ores spawn and where. the wiki is your friend.


  11. on the world back in 1.5.2 i had my town set up to protect spawns. in a similar fashion were people could drop and pick up items. only thing they couldnt do was build. XD i have to go for the night sorry guys i have work and some programming to do. sorry guys tty all later maybe if i still have internet.


    forthearts max was 43 people who were consistent for a month. then got bored. then they all left slowly. but im glad to see someone do what i tried. still have to go. cya


  12. tp to there would be hard unless they had homes set at the towns main place. most town spawns should be in town for people to get there easily. i think renadi would ahve it better to have a server "town" or admin town. that isnt owned that anyone can tp to and trade there.


    btw renadi why dont you just take a copy of the world, and the main mytown rules and copy to computer then dont need backup to put things back up easily. i mean those are the only real things you need. and well configs.
