Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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      As of this post and forever into the future this forum has been put into READ ONLY MODE. There will be no new posts! A replacement is coming SoonTM . If you wish to stay up-to-date on whats going on or post your content. Please use the Discord or Sub-Reddit until the new forums are running.

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Everything posted by NotsoDirt

  1. Need help with installing TerraFirmaCraft

    if your doing a manual install remember that TFC is written in forge .629 (Built using Forge " from the download page the newer build don't always work. you shouldn't have to delete the meta-inf from my experence of doing it myself.
  2. [Offline] Join my server

    whitelist me please Notsodirt , DoctorDraygone
  3. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

    after being about to recreate this more then once B76H11 "once wasn't able to recreate" - B76H14 "many times" while knapping. if you attempt to knapp to fast it will think you double clicked. and will pick up all of the shards ruining the shard you just smashed.
  4. Trouble installing mods

    Glad i could help.
  5. new Build 76 playlist. working on new videos shortly atm there 1.
  6. hello im new to this community but ive been playing TFC for about a month now. i started up my youtube channel 2/3 weeks ago starting with other games. and attempting to figure out how to get the whole video editing right. but this is the only game i seem to get any hits from. my "notso Let's Play / Notso Tutorial / notso Howto" series all current videos is Beta Build 75. converting to B Built 76 soon. once i fix the damage from the orignal convert. then i can start recording again Terrafirmacraft Gameplay videos please let me know what you think. im still really new to the whole process, so no offence is taken if i suck at it. Thank you, Notsodirt link to current video playlist
  7. Trouble installing mods

    on the 3 different windows computers i put the launcher in the "c:/users/*username*/%appdata%/roaming/tfclauncher" i created it when used the launcher it created a TFcraft folder under %appdata%/roaming made a video to assist a few friends who was having issues.
  8. Trouble installing mods

    doesn't optifine have to be forcefully put into the minecraft.jar its self? where rei's can be done ether in mods or forcefully?
  9. [Solved] Single-player doesn't want to play nice

    How much ram is your client starting with?
  10. Trouble installing mods

    when you use the tfc launcher it creates a folder named TFCraft with a minecraft folder inside it.
  11. Shortly the Notso Let's Play will be restarted. Server is now Build 76. PURE legit video play server is whitelisted and Mytown as protections comments are welcome here and on the channel
  12. server console error.

    i think the pre build 76 world animals have so coding that when loaded on the new build it gets a error so it deletes them. makes me a little sad i have to jerk around bukkitforge to hope worldedit can properly copy and paste. if not manual build it back... x-(
  13. server console error.

    i took my world from build 75 server. and put it on a beta 76 hotfix 10 server. logging in i get this console error [WARNING] Skipping Entity with id sheep 2013-04-10 18:45:33 [WARNING] Skipping Entity with id sheep this does this to every passive mob in the world and now there is none. how do i fix this problem?
  14. ID mismatches

    the server's tfc.cfg and tfcoptions.cfg under /config need to be deleted and server restarted.
  15. server console error.

    so i would guess no one knows.. meh
  16. this series is on hold till i can sort my current issues with build 76 Thank you, NotsoDirt
  17. Item IDs not matching?

    i got this error as of hotfix 10 clear my folder. downloaded fresh files and tried again. i guess im doing something wrong ************ update ************* seems i had to delete the tfc.cfg and tfcoption.cfg server side to make it work.
  18. Do we currently have any lets play's?

    Check the lets play section there is a few listed there
  19. I want to say thank you for everyone who has viewed my videos and Thank you to the ones who left comments This is still kinda new to me but I enjoy it Thank you, Notsodirt
  20. rebuilding my build 75 world that was damaged from switchingso i plan to have better backups before my next convert.