Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Dante80

  1. Some small graphic suggestions

    Salutations from Sunny Greece! are some minor graphical suggestions that imo would make the game more immersive. 1. I have made an animated water texture for a 64x TP, and I want to use it in TFC but the color gets changed to sth different. I don't know whether TFC uses a custom color overlay or gradient map for the vanilla water. If yes, making that configurable for texture makers would be very handy. 2. Does the mod use custom foliage and grass gradient images to simulate different seasons? If not, implementing that would help greatly with immersion. 3. The concept of grass patches to show diminished waterfall in an area is awesome. I think though that it would be best to provide a side grass texture so that we can customize it too to fit the theme we are shooting for. 4. It would be very cool if each wood type could produce different textures for chests, crafting tables, slabs, stairs, fences etc. I guess you would need another block sheet for that, but imagine the creative options! We want pink kapok treasure chests dammit!! XD 5. To finish the palette and add variety to the mod, it would be cool if another tree type was added. I'm talking about Ebony (preferably the Diospyros ebenum variety). here is an example for logs and planks Its wood characteristics are medium-High Burning temperature and duration, slow growth rate and very hard splitting difficulty. It is an evergreen, and mostly seen in dry and intermediate zones. Color of the wood core is black-ish, and of the bark silvery grey. 6. Give us colored gravel. Its only natural that the color and texture of gravel in an area should be proportionate to the top rock layer it is derived from. Regards and best wishes, Dante80
  2. Yep, thats the idea, one plank for each tree type. Misas work is exquisite (I'm a fan and long time supporter), although the vanilla and jungle planks have a little problem when used as fences. Thats the main reason that a vertical mesh is preferable when making plank textures, although it makes less believable wall sections. C:
  3. Well yes, but you have to start from somewhere. The aim is for each wood type to have a different plank texture and grain, while retaining some sort of consistency and compatibility when meshing different plank types in construction. Making planks is not as easy as other textures, mainly due to the fact that different sections of the base texture are also used in fences, slabs, stairs etc. So a seemingly nice generic plank texture could produce ugly or odd looking fences or stairs, etc. Thus, a lot of testing and "back to the drawing board" action is needed to produce a good result. Now, multiply this with the number of different plank textures this mod has, and you begin to understand the problem. It will take time, but its a good challenge so I'm not complaining...XD
  4. Unshaped ingot

    Some nice suggestions for the grand strategy game genre. Victoria II with POP Demand mod Europa Universalis III with Mihi Est Imperare Orbi Universo mod Hearts of Iron III In general, Paradox Interactive produces some of the most complex and time devouring strategy games available. CIV V to Victoria II is like Monopoly to Caylus...XD
  5. Some small graphic suggestions

    We fine...ish? Well, they are suggestions that have to do with the mods graphics, not only texture packs. ^^
  6. A little complaint about the moderators

    Nooooo, more textures / block IDs = more creative options for texturing !!
  7. Well,....soon™...ish? As I said it will take some time, there are tons of textures and items to emulate. As soon as I'm finished with blocks and GUIs though I will post a test version for bug tracking...C: In other news, decided to remake the planks (currently working on a 3d fishbone pattern) and tweak the logs a little. Here is a preview...
  8. No worries, its probably my fault for making a thread title that does not help the search function. C:
  9. So what does Protection Meter do EXACTLY

    Here is a rough idea. From what I understand the current protection meter reads the hours of protection in the chunk it is based on, and changes the side texture to emulate different (from red to green) protection lvls. Assuming that the code for reading the chunk value is not heavy (we have seen similar codes in mods like thaumcraft when you get reading about vis/corruption in a chunk etc), you can have a medallion or necklace or talisman or whatever you want to call it that does the same job, but is more consistent with the feel of the mod (and you can carry it with you, thus knowing the protection value as you travel/survey the chunk you are in). To make the actual item, you would need a piece of string, 3 metal ingots of any kind (if Bioxx wants to make the item available later in the tech table he could choose silver or gold for it) to make the casing and a normal + gem arranged in a cross pattern with string on the top and the gem in the middle. To utilize the protection function, I think that the developers can use the existing code for the clock item. You just have to change the dial from the vanilla sun/moon picture to one showing a red to green gradient, and then alter the code so that the dial moves according to the protection lvl in the chunk. disclaimer: having no real experience regarding coding, I have no idea whether sth like is feasible and at what time cost. Also, my view is that if its very time consuming, then it would be better to spend the time elsewhere.
  10. So what does Protection Meter do EXACTLY

    The only thing bugging me about the protection meter is that it looks a little out of place considering the tech age TFC is currently simulating. Maybe it could be converted to a magical item that you would carry with you?
  11. Phew...ok, first pass on the rock textures is done. Here is a preview (click for a blown2x view). I mainly used Wikipedia together with for resources and then worked on genetica, repper, CS3 and filterforge to produce the actual textures. There were two actual restrictions in making them. I wanted to keep the vanilla mod rock hues as intact as possible, so that it is easy for players to use the texture in existing builds/worlds where they have already constructed a lot of stuff. And secondly, each derivative (scavenged, mined, chiseled or smoothed) texture should be emulated as such, a derivative. Thus, cobblestone is emulated as the unrefined, first tier derivative used for primitive walls and rock piles, stone bricks show an advancement in technology and building expertise and are mainly used for vertical building and smooth stone tries to be compatible with flooring and ceilings while at the same time responds best to shape sculpting for slab usage. A welcome but unforeseen consequence of the above limitations is that many of the derivative textures mesh well both with themselves and their rough stone counterparts. A lot of work is needed still though for some of them in that department. Of course, I will be revisiting the stones for a long time, a lot of them need more work both for tilling and overall aesthetics. At least, now I have something to work on and refine...XD Any feedback is vastly appreciated, cheers. Time to start the ores, those will be nightmare to show properly...T_T
  12. What other mods do you use with TFC?

    Thats exactly the same for me. I would love to make a sound mod like Matmos work properly too. Other than that, I don't think that most if any content mods fit the TFC experience. I see a lot of people use smart moving, but that does not fit my play-style (makes the game easier).
  13. Thanks for the source images. I'm pretty close to emulating the second variant you posted, just need to tone down the sediment patterns a little. It will come handy. In other news, started working on a fine grained sand variant. It seems to fit most of the hues for colored sand in the mod, here is a preview of the current RC texture... As always, any feedback is vastly appreciated, cheers!
  14. I may indeed be a little overreacting to it. Here is another picture for comparison, this time with gneis and conglomerate deposits. btw....this cave system is EPIC!! I'm actually devastated that I found this in a creative test world and not in my main T_T
  15. I'll go with it then, and see what I can do. I'm having trouble with the mudstone block guys, need some feedback for it. How does it look to you? My resources for it were the following: http://people.csail....nd/mudstone.jpg http://www.staithes-..._inclusions.jpg http://upload.wikime...each_1_2006.JPG I was content with the look of it and then I saw it next to this shale stone cliff and thought..."wait, that does not look like a rock you blockhead!" Am I paranoid or did I overdo the "mud" part...?
  16. Thanks for the kind words. warfighter you are right, I have already changed the clay patterns to sth more natural looking... Here are two variants I am currently working on for a "wet" clay deposit emulation. Thoughts?
  17. Hehe thats SSP. But truly, that dolomite cave system is huge! Also, just found a Limonite cluster....bye bye bronze, but first...time to texture it lol...XD You are right man. I will post some environmental pics in my next play session...
  18. Ok, some work done on the dirt blocks. I am not entirely content with the outcome in some of them, more work is needed. As always, any feedback is vastly appreciated...^^ Here is a preview. I may also have to redo the clay deposits on some of the lighter tiles so that you can identify the seam from long distances. Thats enough for today because.... ...I found this while testing textures, off to explore!...XD
  19. Well yes, of course. The main reason for hesitating is that in some biomes/environments gravel will be more difficult to spot in beaches. Will work on it. Here a dirt preview for Chert.
  20. Hehe, thanks for the kind words guys... Ok, started to work a little on the terrablocks 2 sheet and...shit, 23 sand textures? O_o On the other hand, this gives me an idea about emulating differing pebble and coarse sand textures for some of them. You can find sand in beaches after all, and I think that you can dual purpose the block for deserts too (if you are careful that is). What do you think? Should I stick to fine grained sand or try to experiment a bit? In other news, first dirt block completed (sort of, I keep coming back to it), made to fit with rock salt formations. Here is a preview,...22 more to go (lol) Disregard the fugly "Savannah" grass, its a wip placeholder.
  21. If you want to edit the wiki.

    Have already, DANTE80 is the handle. Cheers...^^
  22. If you want to edit the wiki.

    Add, me if you can, I want to add a RL flavor section to some of the pages about stones, ores etc if possible.
  23. Aww, thanks guys. Let me quote a response from a similar question some time ago... http://www.minecraft...20#entry8161709
  24. Found Some Nice Trees..

    Speaking about trees, anyone have an idea whether there is a speed difference between an axe and a saw when cutting trees? I haven't built an axe yet, since the dual purpose of the saw seems to get me more bang for the ingot. Maybe there is a durability difference when chopping logs? Sorry for the OT, didn't know where to put this really...