Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Dante80

  1. Thanks for the kind words. No idea really...this pack has a LOT of textures, and since I want to do sth more than just a hue shift with them it will definitely take some time until I can produce something decent. Today was my day off from work, and since the wife was...lets say conveniently far away for the day...I managed to put a good 8 hours to it. Guess I could have a decent RC in about 20 more or so. C:
  2. And a first attempt at matching planks with wooden doors.
  3. Well, from left to right: Granite, Diorite, Basalt, Andesite, Dacite, Siltstone, Claystone, Conglomerate, Chert, Quartzite, Schist, Gneis, Marble. Some have changed already (Basalt cobble to this, Rough Marble to that).
  4. Thanks for the info, I will check on it...^^ Ok, some more rocks done, here is a rough preview for them. Have in mind that some of the blocks are not set in stone (pun intended ), more work is needed. Any feedback is welcome, cheers...C:
  5. Thanks for the feedback!...C: You are right, I wish that all enviromental rock blocks were like the vanilla sandstone texture. Then we would be able to emulate cave ceilings, walls and floor patterns! Regarding the gneis, thanks for the info. The main problem with trying to pronounce the layers (thats what I tried to do too originally, especially after seeing this) is a minecraftian one. Due to the way the graphics engine works, the more contrast you add to a block the more problems you encounter when distance tiling is concerned. In small resolutions like 16x or 32x, you can get away with it since the resolution does not allow for much detail to be put in each texture. As soon as you go for more though, this problem becomes a lot worse, ESPECIALLY if you are shooting for a detailed, semi - realistic look. Let me explain more... There are many ways to make a HD texture pack, from cell shading to hand drawing, and from picture manipulation to aggressive filtering and masking. It mainly depends on the theme you want to have, and the feeling you want to emulate ingame. To achieve a fantasy semi-realistic look like Albion has, you have to either draw the basic texture needed and apply a clusterf*ck of layers, filters, gradients and masks until you make it fit, or use a source texture and apply the same clusterf*ck of said processes until you whip it into shape and make it seamless. I do both, depending on the theme I try to emulate and the resources I have at my disposal (photoshop CS3, filterforge, genetica, repper pro) to achieve it. The main issue though (and the hardest part to making a HD texture pack), is texture compatibility and consistency. When/if you rely on source textures for making a pack, you might be able to shape/hack 'n' slash them into exactly what you want, and still lack the overall pack consistency of theme to make the result presentable as a whole. This is sadly where many artists that develop HD packs fail, and its both expected and inevitable unless you are willing to put many hours into each source texture, and know how to do it proficiently. I personally feel that I have a long way to go myself regarding this problem, but trying to become better is a fun and worthy exercise in itself. Especially when you test your own textures in your game projects to see how to make them better. And that brings us to the biggest problem HD texture packs have in game. The bigger the area you have to work with, the more detail you can cram into a texture. The more detail you cram into a texture, the more bowel-shake inducing your gaming experience becomes due to the way the game's render engine handles textures. There are two ways to overcome this problem. You have to edit the textures you make so that they are compatible with the game engine. That means removing detail and contrast, upscaling the pattern you want to emulate, killing detail and shading/grain variance in your textures and...painstakingly testing all of the above until it either works or you run out of tequila. Striking a balance is both a fun and frustrating exercise, but one you have to go through if you want to induce less migraines to either you or the players that use your pack.You ignore the problem altogether, bypassing it via hardware fixes. By using mip-mapping and AA (either via a MC mod like optifine, or by forcing it into the application) you don't really have to worry about blending or grain/moire issues. The game itself takes care of the problem, and in my view it should do that...from the start. The main problem though when/if you ride down that road is the simple fact that, what works for you may well not work for others.So, sadly no mafic and felsic contours for me...T_T
  6. A quick question. I'm trying to put down the Gneis textures, and it is more difficult than I thought. Need some feedback. After some research on metamorphic gneis formations I decided to go for a foliated rather than breccia pattern. Although making it border seamless is easy enough, I cannot lock down the distance shape shading for the life of me. The main problem is that the texture is busy enough as it is, so trying to alter the matrix for distance seaming will break color bleeding for the same distance...and by toning down the foliation will definitely destroy the emulation of the metamorphing compression. Here is a pic of the latest RC, after an hour or so of hacking and slashing, tears, rage and tequila. Disregard cobble, bricks and smooth, they may be altered. How does that look?
  7. Thanks for the feedback guys...^^ Some more work done on trees, here is a preview... Emulating bark is rather easy with fibre effects and some custom passes, but doing leaves and saplings is a nightmare. Some placeholders used for those, will have to work on them more. As always, any feedback-critisism is appreciated, cheers...C:
  8. They are made to fit the packs theme, here is a preview for the standard ones... http-~~-// I have found the pattern rather enjoyable to build with these 2 years or so, but it is definitely an acquired taste...
  9. Underground

    Yep, they do reach the surface. And sometimes, the effect is truly spectacular, with multiple huge entrances burned in the side of a mountain...^^
  10. Thanks for the kind words guys...^^ BloodravenD, having the vanilla blocks is the easy part. This would be an addon to an already existing pack (you can find a link at the top of the page), so you can also use it either in conjuction with it, or with any TP you like best. Started some premilinary work on tree types. Here are some early WIP examples. Trying to emulate semi-realistic leaves is an exercise in frustration, but also a very fun process. Will definitely have to work more on them... From left to right, Birch, Pine, Spruce, Sycamore, Willow, Oak And some ingame... <p> <br></p><p><br></p><p></p> As always, any and every feedback is vastly appreciated. Cheers..^^
  11. Aesthetic blocks list

    Discussing the possible use merits of a decorative block is an exercise in futility in itself man. To give an example, why do we have close to twenty different textures for the same door recipe? Because we can, and because they fit with different plank or stone colors for building. Having iron doors in the game would serve more or less the same. We could argue that they might be useful for possible future versions of the game when saltpeper or sulphur could be used for gunpowder, or for occasions when you need to build sth close to a crypt, or just for expanding the mettalurgy aspect by themselves. But again, the main reason has to do with more textures ==> more creative options for players. Thats why I put the suggestion in the aesthetic blocks list after all...XD
  12. Thanks for the kind words guys...^^ Great thread, thanks for providing the link! I started research into geology yesterday myself, mainly using wikipedia. The goal is to have completely dinstict rough stone (and derivaties) textures, each one based on the actual physical characteristics and look for the stone concerned. It will inevitably take a lot of time to produce something decent, but I think that a mere recoloring of a standard pattern will not suffice to emulate the vast variety this mod provides. Some more work done on stones, here is a preview... (from left to right. Basalt, Andesite, Siltstone, Conglomerate, Marble) Thanks! Have in mind that my 3 texture packs (Albion, Deuteros and Avaritia) have not updated since the beta times of MC, I have been on hiatus due to work for almost a year now. So you may find some textures least for the time being...XD
  13. Thanks for the feedback man,,,C: Regarding stairs and doors, they do look a little flat indeed. The main reason for that was that I had developed bump maps for them to use in an old mod for MC, giving those items both depth and texture. I think that a little shape shading is in order to make them look more presentable, I will look into it. Have also in mind that the door texture is one of many that will be used (almost each wood type will have a separate door texture), the others do look a little more 3d I think. Regarding the smooth basalt stone tiles, its sadly the nature of the pack. I want to provide a decorative look for most non physical blocks, and the resolution in conjunction with MCs poor in effects graphic engine almost always makes anti-aliasing a problem. The obvious solution is to use mipmapping to alleviate that, I think Optifine does wonders for bigger resolutions. Another procedure is to try and minimize grain and color bleeding issues via texture resizing and blur/contrast/high pass masks, but then it is impossible to have the amount and quality of detail I am shooting for. A combination of both solutions though is warranted, most blocks will be reviewed many times and/or changed until I'm satisfied. C:
  14. [Solved] B64 Weird graphics glitch (?)

    Thanks for the info guys, will try a clean install. cheers...^^
  15. Only reis minimap installed. Game is stable, playing for some time now with no problems. Found this issue when exploring new lands. You cannot see it well from the screenshot, but the affected parts/chunks also pulsate green-yellow-red color. Any idea what this is?
  16. Prospector's Pick

    Its random, as it should be. If you have 2 veins in close proximity, you have to triangulate them indepedently. Take readings from each tunnel sprout in a cross pattern with 12 blocks in each direction. Since you have 2 veins, more readings are needed at each tunnel section so that you can identify both locations. When you get consistent readings regarding size, go to the hypothetical center of the biggest vein and dig down 8 blocks. Repeat the process until you find it. Finding the other is just a matter of time, since you will begin work on mining the first one and the readings will get less confused as you deplete it. A good exercise is to trace via mining the exact dimensions of the vein you have discovered. You will find that by doing so the other vein is revealed too when they are in close proximity. Practice makes perfect, no changes are warranted.
  17. Aesthetic blocks list

    Here is a quick one. Metal doors. You use plans and work 2 metalx2 sheet pieces for them. Blastproof and zombieproof. May or may not need levers/buttons/pressure plates to open/close (depends on what Bioxx has in mind for the vanilla redstone system). Adds a decent amount of textures that can be modeled indepedently. Now, take a look at my PIMPIN' GOLDEN GATES! XD
  18. Why are we only spawning south?

    Thanks for the info! C: It seems like I have to do an expedition to the North Pole...let me get those javelins ready...XD
  19. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Finally found a metallurgy workstation setup that I am comfortable with. Here is a screenshot...^^ Contents" Forge Anvil Bloomery Mettalurgy table Scribing table Bellows for the forge Racks Chests for mettalurgy and plans. Firepit Access to the bloomery pit room upstairs is very fast. Also, both forge and bloomery have rain-proof ventilation. My only gripe with the setup is that it is not easily upgradable due to it being inside the main house. But its Bronze age SSP afterall, I don't think I will need multiple bloomeries/forges anytime soon...^^
  20. Regarding stone walls

    A quick suggestion. Right now, you need 6 blocks of mined, scavenged or chiseled rock to construct one block of stone wall/fence. To build a 3x3 secure fence you would normally need... 1. 24 sticks 2. 16 rocks harvested/mined and chiseled To do the same for the new walls: 3. 48 rocks harvested/mined for cobble. 4. 48 rocks harvested/mined and chiseled for bricks. 5. 48 rocks painstakingly removed for rough stone. 6. 48 rocks chiseled on site and mined for smooth stone. Given the availability and use of the chisel to create said walls/fences (option 2), it seems like the cost for the new blocks is somewhat imbalanced and can lead to limited use or redundancy. I'm all for challenging gameplay (and thats the main thing that dragged me to this superlative mod in the first place), but it looks like taking the vanilla equivalency and applying it in this instance does more harm than good for creative options. Thus, I think that a ratio of 6 blocks to 2 wall parts would be more warranted. Any feedback would be vastly appreciated, cheers...^^
  21. Why are we only spawning south?

    Can someone explain (or link to a thread) the way terrain generation works in this mod? For example: X + = X - = Z + = Z - = Water level = Lava level (?) = Biome distribution according to latitude? Any help would be vastly appreciated, cheers. Its been a long time since I played the mod, and coming back to see all these awesome changes makes me extremely happy...and confused at the same time...XD
  22. The New Music - Thoughts?

    Posting to give a big thumbs up for the new Music Tracks included. They are technically superlative, add to immersion greatly, fit the game snugly and make the mod even more awesome. Keep the goodness coming man, hoping to see more of your work soon...C:
  23. Tool racks and Invisibility, build 62

    Same here. Removing the rack updates the invisible blocks, but there are issues then with blocks showing irregular height (like you have used a chisel on them). Also, game crashes for me when trying to remove log from an existing log pile when shift-clicking.
  24. New biome

    1. Please learn to spell. 2. Don't troll other users.
  25. Stairs, slabs etc.

    Thats actually a very nice idea. Here is a way that we could implement it. 1. Make a carpentry table that would allow woodworking for doors, slabs, stairs, panels etc. It would essentially be a 4x4 grid for crafting (thus enabling even more complex recipes in the future) with a separate slot for nails and a hammer. 2. Use the anvil to forge nails from any metal ingot. The number of nails forged would depend on the accuracy when using the anvil instructions. 3. Provide recipes for doors, ladders, slabs, panels, fences, trap doors, different colored beds, supports etc. 4. The carpentry table could also enable in the future more complex recipes like chairs and tables. 5. You could also add the ability to make sticks from logs or planks by using the table. 6. Lastly, some of the more complex recipes could require plans to make them. What do you think guys? The ability to make said objects at a later part of the game will both boost the survival aspect a little imo, and at the same time give another tech tree to shoot for.