Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Graknorke

  1. No, it completely bypasses your problem by ensuring that time does not exist. You can't have an unsolvable problem if the medium for said problem doesn't exist, never existed, and will never exist because those terms are/will be/have been redundant and meaningless.
  2. Immediately after the initial existence of the universe, annihilate all of it with antimatter. I have no idea how a stable time loops could form out of that, but maybe it wouldn't be necessary after the destruction of the concept of space and time.
  3. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    There's a death penalty system in?As far as I know, there's just a bug where you can't respawn.
  4. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Lava deaths/dungeons.You would never be able to get out.
  5. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Thing is, some of these will just make the game literally impossible after dying. If someone couldn't survive with full hearts and everything, what makes you thing they could with 2 hearts and whatever other debuffs they'd end up with? I know that people aren't meant to be excellent at everything, but it should really be possible for everyone to reach the lowest level of competence (being alive). The players killing themselves to restore hunger is a problem with the player, not the game.
  6. I support underground ecosystems and general fleshing out of the underground environment. As it is, underground is pretty dull, sometimes the occasional chasm, nothing particularly noteworthy in there though. Adding more detail and intricacies makes it feel more worthwhile to be down there. I'm not a fan of making things stupidly laborious and painstaking to get in the name of "balance" though, difficult or unlikely is fine, but making something such a pain (Must harvest under specific conditions and replant in a certain time and all that.) isn't productive for fun gameplay. When fleshing out caves comes to, maybe we'll get some more sea features too? They're big enough now.
  7. Rip-off?!

    Except that copyright laws don't apply to mods because they have all the legal footing of a mass-murdering drug-dealer-assassin-pirate cartel.
  8. Blacksmith Apron

    Although how would you make tongs if you needed them for metalworking? You'd never get the metal in the first place.
  9. For that matter, could you please specify more which are NEEDED for the mod to work and which are just more for player convenience? I'm trying to install it now and I'm not really sure what else I need to install to make the game run.
  10. New Health and Medicine System

    That would make start-game pretty much impossible though, no? You said it yourself, there's only so frustratingly difficult you can make a game before it stops being fun (Hint: As soon as it starts being frustrating). If it were possible, I'd say the mod should go full-out Dwarf Fortress with the health system, but I doubt that would ever be implemented within a reasonable timeframe.
  11. Why bother?!

    I was really looking more at the word "anyone", as in, you were saying it as a straight-up fact that you could pick any person under the age of 16-17 and you would find them to be immature.As well as that, I don't actually think that I would say the same were I older, if not just because I've always viewed grouping people together like that as being stupid and nonsensical. In the same way as the general public view racists as being wrong. It doesn't make sense and I don't see any reason why I would want to encourage it any more than it already is. This might be because of when I was relatively young (about five) and I had quite a few friends around two years older and they all pretty much started shunning me at once as they moved up schools. I thought it was silly and have made a concious decision to not do that. So I probably wouldn't.
  12. Why bother?!

    While I have little but opinion to contribute on the discussion regarding disablilites, I would like to say that I find Bllodraven's assumption that to be rather offensive. I am 14 years old and I mind and consider my behaviour both normally and on the internet to make sure that I don't do anything that could be seen as insulting or upsetting to others.If anything, the least sensible and most infantile people I've ever seen have been drunk; and I doubt that you've seen many drunk children under the age of 16 (especially in the USA, with the higher drinking age).