Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by blue_photon

  1. Enchantments; The Photon Strikes Back

    O.o they are? It was just a suggestion that I whipped up in a few hours... .-.
  2. Big List of Mobs

    ...Someone please just... post a list of natural mobs you want done, i'll make the actual Mob and Skin for it, all Dunkelosteus would have to do would be the code... seems easy? Dunkelosteus, please +1 this if you'd like me to carry this out Have fun --blue
  3. winches, pules and cams, water wheels and pumps (move your ores)

    This is hard to follow; you have been warned (i'm just putting ideas out there) Machinery? How about Steve can use a saw to cut chunks of a log into a crude wooden "wheel" That "wheel" could then be cut into a gear or something, and that gear could be used to make something like... a gearbox. A gearbox could change the direction of power on an axle made of logs that were cut down in fourths or something, those axles would need support gained by shoving them through a block of wool on another log (wool supports but has less friction) to let the axles be above the ground. The axles could be powered by something like a windmill or a Waterwheel... Or Steve with a wheel attached to an axle. Now, thats just simple power and transfer of power, actual machines would need metal chains and metal gears, those simple wooden gears would be good to make something like a cart or simple barricade that moves with the gears (reduction reducing the amount of power needed), but the wooden gears would never be able to move a heavy metal chain. Metal gears are tougher and can be placed on a wall if you have a stick and hammer on your hotbar (hammer stick into wall, put gear on stick). Then you can make complex machines like what Think Tank said... The rods could be made of stone or logs (chisel and hammer for stone, saw and axe for wood) mabye we could get some primitive sandpaper (tree sap on paper then sand on the paper) and have to sand down wooden axles before you can use them. Pulleys would be fun, a "wheel" on a moving rod with some rope on it (make trapdoor out of string), a gearbox could be disabled to determine when power "flows" through the axles. Winches are diffrent, a player would have to sand down a log, then put two "wheels" on the sides, then it would have to be strung with rope and attached to whatever you want to move, which would require something on it to allow the winch to pull it. Have fun --blue
  4. Enchantments; The Photon Strikes Back

    *photonderp - post not useful - deleting*
  5. Its a disconnect handler error, something thats a MCforge update problem.
  6. [Offline] TFCraft Server - Prospector's Haven

    Jivix is having financial problems, so the server will be down for an undisclosed amount of time. Maybe if he set up a donation system to help keep the server running it would be up more. @Synziac Don't be stupid, he won't reject you, he just needs to know how much restriction should be put on swearing (i'm guessing around 8-10)
  7. New Health and Medicine System

    Finally back, got side tracked. I'm gonna sorta implimentificate Devlin's wool idea into sprites and get up some medicinal herbs and other stuff ...I wonder if lumireaver's GUI is transparent or just yellow.
  8. Texture Artist Submissions

    Should be in a decent size... I think, Top to bottom is corn, carrot, pumpkin, tomatoe, orange, melon, and my 'reworked sprite' are the fruit tree saplings, sorry if its a BIT overboard, but I'm getting tired of seeing the jungle tree saplings.
  9. Enchantments; The Photon Strikes Back

    Well, gems have a split point, lower quality gems are harder to find said split point on, higher quality gems are easier to find the split point on and contain more magical essence.
  10. Enchantments; The Photon Strikes Back

    *photonderp* Revised thingies. Essence in contained inside the gems is being smashed into the tool's working edge... lower grade gems are harder to find a perfect split point in. and thus are harder to enchant with.
  11. Enchantments; The Photon Strikes Back

    Its not that it saves the metal, it saves the weapon, but damages it so much that it is almost useless from not cooling it enough, and more water would allow it to be cooled off quicker or better or something.
  12. Enchantments; The Photon Strikes Back

    The Hammer is so you can work the gems with latent magical properties into your tools/weapons/armor. The difficulty increases for balance. (cmon, we don't want everyone to have an insanely easy time making shiz do we, and its so that grades of gems count.)
  13. New Health and Medicine System

    Wait, WHAT ._. I dun wanna die from a door
  14. New Health and Medicine System

    There, i think this is late, but heres the GUI I Made. Theres a broken bone and arrow in the arm that are hard to see because of contrast, also something to go into the thing that looks like the brewing in normal Minecraft. It shows the area of the damage done, the type of damage, your current HP, a slot to brew Poultices and medicines, slots to place in remedies for your ailments, and the effects on your character. Sprites for the remedies should be up by tomorrow (lol, edited this 4+ times)
  15. Enchantments; The Photon Strikes Back

    Ehem, excuse my misleading pre-previous post on how they were made, but notice, there's something strange about who is complaining about this, and i just can't put my finger on it.(the -ish only counts on Mondays for me)
  16. Enchantments; The Photon Strikes Back

    *post deleted by blue_photon (not being friendly and nice)
  17. Enchantments; The Photon Strikes Back

    In my vision, the gems that exist in TFC are ancient amounts of essence that have formed into dormant crystals through infusion of normal crystals, hence quality affecting the enchantment. When used in this fashion, the essence contained in the gems is infused into the tools, thus making them enchanted.
  18. New Health and Medicine System

    1; I'll have it up around tomorrow 2; i make the GUI image, although my friend is learning java and will try to code them for me.
  19. New Health and Medicine System

    *ehem* Would you like an actual GUI made for your suggestion, i could make one for ya ^.^
  20. Enchantments; The Photon Strikes Back

    I was just thinking of an elemental type for each gem then making an effect to match, if the 'heat' enchantment were to be used on an axe it would probably make it convert a percentage of the wood into charcoal. and how would an axe get fire resistance, that's an armor enchantment. the way I see which tools and weapons and armours can use the enchants is how powerful the gem is. Rubies are unformed fire, making the power not available on blades, it would fall off, but on a tool it is always being smashed back on. Agates are formed fire, hence allowing it to be used on a weapon but not a tool, it would be too powerful for the tool.
  21. new passive mob AI

    And sharks that Om nom nom your boats would be fun too, the fish would make aquariums interesting if you could catch them in a net or bucket.
  22. Enchants!

    1; No 2; Confused Mr.Bond? 3; Will do ^.^
  23. Enchants!

    Hey guys, Blue here. I know how to make GUI things and I whipped this up for Bioxx to use IT eats gems, that you then have to work into the tool/weapon, be careful not to let your weapon overheat or it will melt and be DESTROYED. Though there is a water reservoir your weapon is still not safe, as this is only a backup if you let it melt, the amount of water in it determines how much damage the tool/weapon takes, it is filled with the wood buckets and needs 4 buckets per bar Get Bioxx to PM me if you'd like him to have it.
  24. [Offline] TFCraft Server - Prospector's Haven

    1 MC IGN; blue_photon 2 Age; 13 (most people/players think i'm 20-25, dunno why) 3 Favorite TFC Thing; How long it takes to get one metal item and how hard it is to even get a decent amount of wood. Small Disclaimer; May be irritatingly witty or hard to find at times.
  25. ~Newside~ (DISCONTINUED | For map and whitelist, see topic!)

    IGN; blue_photon Age; 13 years. Why do I want to join; SSP gets lonely and boring, also, i seem to lose my nerve when the chatbox is empty or quiet. Have i read and understood the rules; Yes, i've never been punished for not knowing rules. Have I been banned; Once, i lost my way in a cave system and mined out the ores thinking i could find my way out with a nice haul of stuff. Unknowingly, someone else had built an underwater coliseum and wanted the cave unexplored and still have its ores. He called an admin and i got name-banned for a month, i proceeded to find other servers and never go back to their trashy server again. (don't ask about mutes, i've lost count, sometimes i lose my temper easily)