Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by blue_photon

  1. IGN; blue_photon


    Age; 17*


    Why Here? Happydiggers is terribad, and other servers are hosted on garbage machines.


    Two sentences 'bout moi?

    Some silly furry that everyone thinks is thirty for some strange reason. Along with blacksmith since build 0.0.12.



    *As per what the government says. Nobody can ever tell, though. Silly America.


  2. Something horrible happened to kervos, so he wont be joining us... I brought some backup.

    22, California, darkhaven3

    21, South Carolina, Kuhl3r

    darkhaven is my backup, kuhl3r is darkhaven's partner and I would feel horrible if they wanted to both play and were seperated.

    Neither have played TFC and would love to experiencd it with some experienced players.

    Darkhaven is an all around cool person aswell as his partner being the same. They're both super friendly and like to be around people so they would help with the community a lot.


  3. Why not a clay ball for explosives, plugged with tree resin after being filled with the explosive or flammable liquid of choice (turpentine mabye, its boiled pine resin. Or mabye pitch, possibly even fish oil or animal fats?),mabye even a mix of explosives and liquid in a larger hull.

    like the usual vessel recipe with the dead center removed, holds 16 units of gunpowder or flammable liquid, shatters upon impact when filled with the liquid and ignited(heat weakens the shell). Detonates on a timer with a fuse, variable based upon fuse (quickmatch is paper, soaked in gunpowder/resin mix, burns fast... while greenmatch is a wool or cotton string that burns longer when soaked in the same liquid) mabye even a larger clay ball with the center 5 removed, holds 32 for a bigger boom or holds a small shell with gunpowder surrounded with a flammable liquid to make a sort of incindeary explosive device, same fusing methods, but an additional fuse is needed as the fuse needs to go through two shells to get to the explosive inside.

    Yay or nay?


  4. Quintuple application here.

    Main info

    blue_photon, 17, Florida

    TheFreezebug, 17, Georgia

    Xanuch, 19, California

    chrisgbk, 29, Canada

    J0hnsmine (Kervos), 20, Colorado

    TFC Background;

    Blue and Xanuch play tfc because the challenge is fun, chris joined in after some time while seeing xanny and blue play. Kervos and Freezebug were brought by blue to experience this glorious mod. All five are part of the furry fandom and plan to erect a town for furries.

    Server reasoning;

    Blue doesnt play well alone, so he brings his friends to servers to keep him company. Usually xanuch hosts for them, but the host laptop died. Xanuch, Chris, Freezebug, and Kervos are part of blue's master plan to become the most powerful empire on the server.

    Our positive things for the server;

    We'll bring a nice quintet of fluffy furries who tend to keep to themselves in their own area, Xanuch is a propick god, Blue is a blacksmith from back before beta days, Chris is a canadian and great builder, Freezebug can fix anything, and J0hn is kervos, hes new to the mod but really friendly. We plan to start a town or fortress to haven traders and furries, aswell as wanderers who wish to join up with us. Most of us are known to be friendly towards friends, unsure of unknowns, and vicious as a demon towards enemies. We`ll also supply multiple experienced players to the server, and some fairly competitive builders.

    We plan to all go in together, likely in two weeks.

    All in one post because nobody except blue has a forum account, just saving time, and posts.


  5. Except that this is a game, and calculations like that are completely moot when considering the balance of enjoyable gameplay. As a counter argument: Steve can carry the empire state building's worth of dirt blocks in his inventory with no problem, half a ton of metal is nothing compared to that.


    Well... maybe I shouldn't try to use real-world physics in a game where physics are almost null... compared to real world standard at least.


    Three?? 1*1*1 is one. Don't you learn kindergarten math?


    Also, a better measurement is the ingot stacks, since you can physically see the ingot's size comparing to the world's building blocks. You got 64 ingots per one cubic meter. Google gives us 122.65625 kg. An ingot is ALWAYS less than that because there are empty spaces around the ingots, so let's assume the weight to be 120 kg. Make it a double sheet and you got 480 kg. So, that is pretty much what Kitty said.


    Got me there, cubing must have skewed my measurement and made me think one block is three meters cubed. lets div the 7,850kg/m3 to 70% that lands us at 5495kg for an anvil. which, comprised of seven double ingots, or fourteen ingots, makes each ingot 392.5kg per ingot. If one ingot is 1/64 of 95% of a cubic meter... that still lands at 116.52kg/ingot , meaning that our methods of finding ingot weight align. fairly close. so lets base a single ingot of steel on 120kg. we need four sheets to make a chestplate, and each sheet is two ingots... meaning that a chestplate needs eight ingots. Equaling 960kg of armor, almost a ton of solid plate armor. and that is just the chestplate. But, as kitty said, Steve can carry a lot of dirt at a time without any consequences so. eh. 

    But maybe Steve stores his actual inventory in some localized gravity well that dissipates as he dies, but he wears his actual armor or tools when they're needed. I dunno, just trying to bring some science to steve's massive inveotory capacity.


    TLDR: One ingot of steel Ingame if weight is implemented in a more precise weight should be about 120kg. Steve's inventory is BS. and armor would still be heavy even if made out of 120kg ingots.


  6. Because coding something like that is many times harder than making new blocks or even devices. And it doesn't improve the gameplay so much to be developer's priority.


    Not true at all, basic armor, food, and even non-splash potions have the handles required for this style of armoring.


    Well, you have a made a common mistake. Armour is not actually cumbersome if made properly or even with moderate skill, and it is very easy to maneuver in full plate. There are videos of people doing acrobatics in the bloody stuff. It wouldn't be very useful in battle if it made you a walking piece of sheet metal, would it? The modern conception has the bad habit of comparing people in armour to tanks, slow and powerful, whereas in reality the most it might do to you is leave you a little more tired at the end of the day if you were unfit.


    Partially true, Fitted armor custom made for the wearer is not cumbersome, but if it is bulk made armor or non-fitted armor, it will slow down or debilitate the user to a degree. plate armor is also really hard to see out of.  ALSO, with the average weight of steel being around 7,850kilograms per cubic meter... lets say that is the worth of an anvil, as each block in minecraft is three cubic meters in volume. 7,850 / 7 (double ingots) = 1121.42 kilograms per double ingot, halve that = 551.05 kilograms, which gives us the weight of a single ingot of steel. Armor in TFC is made from multiple plates and doubleplates of metal. Tell me, even if a single piece of armor only used one ingot, how would wearing half a ton of metal not slow you down? I win, now sit down.


  7. So I'm sitting here, playing a little bit of Dwarf Fortress...

    Then this wild idea popped into my head "Why can't we have 'soft' and 'hard' armor types.


    So, why not? Give an improved GUI for armor, halve most armor values or give them resistances to different types of damage.


    Let players who want to be a slow, lumbering, tank, be a slow, lumbering, tank. With chainmail as a "soft" type, but heavy weight, and plate armor over the chainmail as a "hard" type but still with heavy weight, a player could have drastically improved defense at the cost of most of their maneuverability. 


    Why not let us have clothing type "armor" in the form of cloth shirts, pants, hoods, shoes, gloves, and cloaks. Possibly even add a padded version for improved defense with little downsides. This could force players to change how they armor themselves. Let cloth armor be non-restricting but weak against slashing and piercing type attacks, but more effective than heavy plate armor against blunt attacks, as cloth absorbs some force rather than transmitting all of it. Maybe start players with "thin cloth" armor, which has no defense rating but gives a nice way to define new players and travelers, possibly even a temperature resistance modifier based on the starting biome. Cold biomes would start the player with thicker clothing, which would slow down the player in any warmer biomes, but help with the low temperatures of cold biomes. Temperate biomes would get some medium thickness which would be ideal for most biomes, but loses function when entering more extreme biomes. Hot biomes should get really thin starting clothing, to allow dissipation of heat faster, yet in colder biomes, the player would become slowed down dramatically due to energy loss without protection from the cold.


    Let maneuverability be a "stat" of a player, the higher weight on the player, the less effective their attacks will be. With metal armor as the heaviest, but most effective against slashing and piercing type blows. Leather mildly effective against all forms of attack but less effective than the more specialized metal or padded cloth at doing their respective defense. (Hardened leather is made by tanning leather a second time? Use that for heavy type leather armor.) Along with cloth as the weakest against slashing and piercing, but much stronger than metal or leather against crushing blows. Why not even cured hides as an early-game insulation method.


    I'll probably toss something together sometime... just as an example.



    (yes, I have returned, gem mayhem HO!)


  8. I finally remembered to do this :D

    Posted Image

    In order from top

    Feverfew - Pain Reliever (weaker, more broad effectiveness, can be used as-is)

    Sage - Antiseptic (germ killer; think neosporin)

    Catnip (yep, catnip) - Blood Coagulant, Swelling Reducer.

    Poppy - Pain Reliever (powerful, longer to make)


  9. dont worry i forgot mine too and im not even in the movie!!

    And I get nothing?

    I managed to break the system... my topic is still marked as "hot" after a MONTH of being dead...


    I COULD make something, but Dunk would murder my face for it...

    Ahh, screw it, I'm gonna make it, sapling redos for every tree and trunk redos...

    Seriously though, tell what you want done, and I'll make it then place it on a silver platter and drop it on Dunk's desk.



  10. Is that a problem? and i didn't expressibly say archimedian, in fact a more traditional form of it could be implemented as the technology existed around the 1700's, directly for pumping water from mines.

    Mabye different kinds of pump, ones that need more speed and ones that need more power, each one limited by the resources you have?

    A screw pump would run faster with a higher speed, while one made with a piston would run faster with more power...


  11. By which you mean a fuel/object that will keep heat made in the crazy heating stage and not give smoke?

    Well I need to look up some things like that, you can too if you want.

    A flue, yes it is spelled correctly, is a ventilation system made to keep as much heat in as possible while letting smoke and harmful gases out


  12. we prefer to be given suggestions than be handed an idea on a silver platter. There's not enough room to expand and develop an idea when you do it for us

    It can be easily modified, I just made a GUI picture and explained a system that could work pretty nicely...

    Don't hate me for this .-.



  13. well... Have you seen the deer yet? I do mobs differently, and it's much easier to code when I design them myself (i have no control on how you do the limbs and such)

    I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I prefer to work.... alone[r]

    :( my orginating mod for the skill at which I gained has almost died... for the 8th time, so I am Bored as crappe, Also, Screen-Share software could help with the limbs.

    But eh, if you like to work alone, then work alone, I won't judge ya :P.


  14. .-. how about... the player could use Stone Pieces in a 2x2 to make 16 "road pieces" which would give a slightly lower chance of having mobs near them and allow the player to use a vehicle, like a hand cart of somesorts, that follows the player but reduces the player's speed if they're not on the road (irregular ground, makes cart get caught in things) then decrease steve's inventory by... 1/2 mebe? so that a cart would add 4 more rows to give steve more space... *RANDOM* Chests need to be un-nerfed... to an extent *RANDOM*


  15. Sooooo, better than wolves.

    ...More DF-esque than Better than Wolves... More in depth... more Bioxx-y, seriously, in BTW you don't even need a friggin support for your axles, and I'm talking overly-complicated stuff, like a rotation speed and power ratio to make gears worth it for changing speed into power and vice-verse, Wooden gears are weak and can only be used for a certain amount of power or less while metal gears have a very high limit and need more power to turn due to heavier weight.

    Oh, and Wheels/Pulleys/Winches/Rope would need their own models (Devs, say If you want) to make them look like real things instead of blocks.

    Thanks for your input tho, Eternal

    Have fun



  16. ...Someone please just... post a list of natural mobs you want done, i'll make the actual Mob and Skin for it, all Dunkelosteus would have to do would be the code... seems easy?

    Dunkelosteus, please +1 this if you'd like me to carry this out :P

    Have fun

