Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Mileaos2

  1. i LOVE this idea, especially the holding part for plans!

    ink manufacturing idea: soot (byprodukt of the firepit) + buket of water (or lampoil, when it get addet) just cook it for some time and viola^^

    and paper SHOULD be produced out of wooden dust (and papyrus could be addet to ofc)


  2. so, this idea goes side by side with the tree grow idea here:

    my suggestion is: make it possible, to repot alive plants. just dig them out with an shovel, then you get the collectable item (lets say a dirtblock with a young tree on it)

    just place this one in a 1x1x1 hole, water it with one bucket of water and done.

    so you can grow a lot of trees in a small area to a certain size and replant them further away, where they have more space. (so you could sell allready growed trees on multiplayer servers)

    the same thing with certain crops like tomatoes and pepper. crops, which are complex to grow and yield more than one time "fruits".

    and some big pots from a pottery system would be cool too, so you could plant trees/ certain crops in those pots and carry them around. (trees, which grows to big destroy there own pots and grow together with the ground.)

    you have to water your crops/trees inside a pot yourself, when they are inside a house.

    the good thing with a house is, you can temperate it, so you could grow your crops early in the year and repot them in spring.

    but when you place a crop/tree in a pot in your crafting table, you get the crop/tree on a dirtblock and the empty pot, so you can replant your plants.

    and ofc you can use those pots for dekoration. maybe "big" pots, which can carry more than just 1 flower, or a bush. (maybe berr bushes later?)

    and would it be possible, to keep trees small, so you can keep them forever inside a pot? for dekoration?

    small/ young trees should have leves ofc.


  3. where is the point of citys with npc then anyway?

    they dont help you with building stuff, they dont help you with resources... when you have to farm all resources yourself (at the beginning its okay, until they can start to produce there own ressources)

    then there is no point in citys (at least in single player) mp... jeah, but you can achieve the same thing with protections and done =O


  4. the thing with foundation stones is, how you tell your npc what to build and exactly where?

    the foundation stone is just: "Okay ppl, start building that thing there!" and the stone is the starting point, around that, the npc will build the building, so you know, exactly where the building will stand soon.

    the special stones from scools/universitys are more like blueprints, thats why extra requirements, thats all...

    and by the way, the cathedral was just a example, it could give your city happyness and btw its fucking huge, so the other player see, how big you epeen is... (joke)


  5. well, then you make everything more complicatet...

    in that way you CANT be 100% safe, you have to lock your valuable stuff avay or hide it (behind walls, the ground ect)

    buildings shouldnt be easy destroyable, when they are build, you need some heavy force to destroy them. (siege weapons?)

    to prevent a fire:

    the village/city ect get "fireprotection points" for diffirent buildings. like wells, water pipes, firestation...

    when those points are high enough, the possibility is very low, someone is able to start a fire at your house. (cityguards, who catch someone, who tries to set a fire insite a town, gets arrestet/attacked)

    the same goes for picking the logs of doors, where the difficulty of lockpicking increases with more guards and the illumination of the village. (not to mention the difficulty of the lock itself)

    but when you WANT the game mechanik of griefing, you should stop arguing about the existence of it ^^


  6. you have that problem on all servers...

    okay, solution:

    pve server: griefing offline, you can protect everything vio commands

    pvp server: griefing online, you can protect your stuff with npc´s


  7. when you buy a foundation stone of a cathedral in the next city and buy the whole materials you need too and transport them to your village, you can start your building, no problem =)

    well, you need a bit system in it.

    i suggested a palace, to become a king, because you have to build up your city quite a while until you can start a monarchy, unless you want a monarch in every small village on mp server...

    (well, you could chrush them with force ^^)

    and why citys have more buildings available than towns and towns more than villages?

    i throw some numbers in here, i know you cant have citys with 10000npc in it and keep the server stable

    well, you need ALOT ppl for building more complex and big buildings, when you have a village with 50npc, you cannot build a cathedral, i would consume more material, than the whole village needet twice...

    and you need someone who calculate the whole thing, you cant just start to build something big like a cathedral, it would collapse...

    i thougt about something like that: higher upgrades for buildings need more complex materials and tools to build.

    big citys with around 20000ppl attrackt more npc, because they ged work there, they can trade materials and tools from the whole country and ingeneurs want to work for the lord in charge (or the king).

    lets say, a town can build a scool, where you get new founding stones for alot money. (bigger towns produce more money, so you can build more stuff and keep a bigger milizia)

    with a scool, you can build special things like sewerage (bigger population), ship builder (river trade or at a sea) ect.

    why only a town get a scool? because you dont get someone to teach there, when you have a small, dirty village (its expensive)

    a city could affort a univerity, there you can buy foundation stones for a cathedral and your workshops can create hoist, to increase the building speed and they would make bigger buildings possible


  8. villages, towns and citys could produce special goods/ items/ tools, a player cant craft

    for example:

    villages could produce cloth and clothing from it (trading good, npc need clothing)

    villages could produce leather out of furs in tanning huts (for clothing, leather armor)

    villages could produce fish traps, for easier fishing

    villages could build smoking huts (more durable food)

    towns could produce composid bows and wooden crossbows (and bolts for them)

    towns produce special founding stones, you cant craft on your own (like fortress stones and for projekts like ships) for the fortress idea look at my suggestion 2 posts before

    citys could produce iron/steel crossbows with bolts

    citys could produce super projekt founding stones like for cathedrals. you need a capital city to build a palace to found a monarchy (your own^^)

    villages/towns/citys near rivers/oceans/seas can build fishing huts to produce a good amount of food


  9. for the griefer problem: add milizia, when griefers start destroying blocks, stealing stuff, the milizia attacks them. when the village/town has walls (walls shouldnt be destroyable, at least not very easy) the greifers are dead. milizia could have special spawn points in special buildings like miliziahut for meeles and watchtower for archers...

    anyway, to the rest of my idea:

    the player, who found a village, is the mayor of an city, but not everything belongs to him.

    taxes from villagers get into the village cash register, where this money is used to build village owned buildings. (the mayor decides, where to build them with foundation stones)

    there are 3 types of buildings:

    required (from npc, they take over the building and pay everything, but the village get only taxes)

    village property (those buildings produce direktly for the village storage, but the workers get paid from the village too)

    player property (the player have to pay anything, but the produced goods are his own)

    towns should start as villages, they grow and grow until they become towns, citys and with each new step, they get more space and more available buildings.

    the village start as a main building, where npc are moving in, than you can start placing foundation stones for buildings, this stones are the middle point of the building and the same time below the floor, so be carefully, where you place them. villagers will come with recources out of the main building (later the storehouse) to build the building.

    those buildings are upgradeable, to become more efficient and to produce other/ more stuff.

    for example: grinding hut is the first building to produce flour. you can upgrade this building up to an watermill (near rivers) or windmills

    ofc npc´s need food/water to survive, the villages can produce them on there own and can sell the overflow to towns.

    when a village become a town, you have a new problem. the town is very big and no good place for animals/ farms, so sorround the town, a few hamlets starting to spawn. those hamlets will take over the food production. (meat, wheat, fruit) and some of the building material (like wood, stone)

    mines will still exist and producing buildings like windmill, sawmill ect

    with towns you get new special foundation stones like the fortress foundation stone.

    the fortress is a player owned building, which get build far away from the towns, to control a area. (pvp take place there mostly)

    a forstress acts like a town, it has special buildings (military and civil) and hamlets starts to appear too. you can buy food, building materials and weapon materials from those hamlets or from towns.

    a fortress has a huge influential area, where no player can attack any towns with an npc army. (they can pillage hamlets ofc)


  10. hm nice idea, it could damage crops (you shouldnt plant crops in winter or too early) and it could increase the food point loss of player (to keep himself alive)

    but with an firepit near to you or some warm cloth, you dont have that issue...

    (maybe greenhauses to early preplant your crops and replanting them later, so you can harvest earlyer?)


  11. okay, first i guess it would be only used on mp pvp server or to defend against mobs, but hey, i dont care^^

    fortification blocks are simple, craftable blocks, you can place them and take them again with the right tool without any problems, but when you secure the blocks with a special tool, you cant remove them without destroying them. (explosives or weapons [maybe siege weapons?])

    supportbeams behing the walls reinforce the walls and you can use the horizontal beams to walk on them and defend the walls.

    fixed fortification walls are 1,3 blocks high.

    there should be some tiers in fortification.

    you have 3 types: walls and entrances.

    tier one: dirtwalls

    craftable in a crafting table with some cobblestone and dirt around it. place a 2 blocks high wall around your home. you can remove the wall with a shovel quite fast (just dig it out), but when you rightclick with a shovel on it, it will get fixed.

    tier two: palisade

    craftable with wooden logs. removable with a shovel and fixed with an hammer.

    tier three: cobblestone walls

    craftable with cobblestone and clay. removable with a pickaxe. fixed over time (drying)

    tier four: brickwalls

    craftable with stone bricks and concrete (new material?) removable with a pickaxe, fixed over time (drying)


    tier one: wooden gate

    craftable with logs. removable with shovel, fixable with hammer.

    tier two: palisade gate

    craftable with logs. removable with shovel, fixable with hammer.

    tier three: enhanced wooden gate

    craftable with wooden gate and some double metal ignots (more start durability with better metals) removeable with shovel, fixable with hammer

    tier four: Metal grille gate

    craftable with any metals. start durability depens on metaltype. removable with hammer, fixable with hammer


  12. well, its suppose to work like my agriculture ideas:

    simple and fast cooking nearly possible, but to get the best results, you have to take more time in it.

    you can still eat it, when its overdone, but it doest refill that much hearts.

    and when you use the right wood, you dont have to panik, just go back at the right time and you food is done.

    and the oven is more "save" in this case, food does not burn that fast inside a oven, so you have more time.

    later, you should be able to build better ovens (with iron or copper, copper pots ect) where you dont have to worry that much.

    and when your gonne cook a soup for example, it can take some more minutes, but a good stew is fast burned, if you doesnt stir up the stew...

    it all depents on, what you are cooking!


  13. uhm, well...

    first i wrote, you can plant crops like vanilla and harvest them quite fast (wheat + scythe / potatoes + shovel / salate + knife)

    but you dont get that much harvest from it.

    and dont forget, with seasons, the crops grow much longer (around spring => fall) and you have a time, where you cant grow crops (winter).

    you have to search the best and fruitful place for your crops, where you can start your farms and build your home.

    just plant a large number of crops (and diffirent, potatoes have to been consumed faster then wheat, because it spoil faster, but you get a large amount of potatoes)

    and then you have time for everything you want, later you have to harvest your crops in order to store them and survive to the next harvesting season.


  14. like i pointet out, you can plant wheat like in vanilla, but it isnt that fruitfull like the complicatet way and some crops need the complicatet way.

    when you depletet your dirt of all nutrient points just throw it away and place some new one... done


    you dont just plant your stuff somewhere, throw some bonemeal over it, harvest it and go on, or just planting, waiting, harvesting.

    we will have seasons, so we have to plant alot wheat/ potatoes (like in my examples) and hope for a good harvest, because over winter we cant plant/harvest anything, so we have to life with our harvest until we can harvest new food.

    and the animals need food over winter too.

    only hunting isnt a option, then soon or later all animals are dead


  15. "changelog" of the suggestion

    -added nutrient part

    -added composter special part

    -added "spoilers" for better overview

    agriculture suggestions

    i left the seasons out, but there are evry important for the crops of corse.

    planting them at the right time and the right place and you get the best harvest.

    temperature is very importent too

    early food source could be roots, collectable with hoes (via rightclicking dirt [quite rare]) or with shovels (via digging dirt [not rare])

    spots are below trees (in forests) or below tall grass or special plants

    okay, lets start with agriculture

    lets say we have more plantable/eatable stuff than wheat.

    for example: potatoes/tomatos/salat

    my examples here will be wheat and potatos because they have much diffirent planting/harvesting types.


    we need fertilizer, because when you plant your food again and again at the same spots, you get lesser and lesser harvest.

    each dirt block should have diffirent amount of nutrient points, normal dirt has the lowest amount around 5 and peat/compost has the most (around 50?) when you planting your crops they use this nutrient points, when there arent any left, the crops dont grow.

    manure of diffirent animals have diffirent amount of nutrient points to offer. dig a hole, fill it with water, throw manure and calcium in it and you get sulpur over time (fertilizer or to create gunpowder)

    in order to fertilize the ground just throw manure (or something else) at the loosen dirt and the points start to raise. DONT use to much fertilizer, because the crops will die in to much nutrient environment.

    to loose up the dirt just collect it and place it again. it is still possible to just rightclock with a hoe and plant your crops, but with loosen dirt the crops will grow faster and your harvest will be better. (better acess to nutrient)

    it is possible to loose the dirt faster, when you have a wooden/stone or metal plow, you can harness a horse to loose the dirt fast or harvest potatoes fast.

    crops need water! when it isnt raining much, you have to soak your crops in order to prevent the wither of your crops!

    (easyest way is to have waterblocks next to your field, but the crops should use the water up.

    some crops can survive better with less water suplly then other. some crops die with to much water.

    in order to get the best dirt, you have to compost your unused plants. you get "plant parts" (an item with no use exept compost) while harvesting any crops/plants and leaves.

    the composter should be quite easy to build with some sticks/planks at a crafting table.

    compostable items:

    all fruits/crops/wheat/manure/sticks/sarplings/liane/grass/plant parts/leaves/roots

    while no crops are growing on your land weed will start to grow. just rightclick with an hoe to get rid of them. (you get plant parts for that)

    weed use up your nutrient points.

    it is possible to just place crops at the ground and let them grow until you can harvest them, but they arent fruitful that way.

    example wheat:

    loose up the dirt and fertilize it

    they need 25 nutrient point to grow

    use a hoe to make farmland and plant your wheat.

    when your wheat is big and golden harvest it with your scythe. you get plant parts and wheat.

    you have to seperate the grain and straw after harvesting the wheat.

    grain can be grindet to flour. (flour + water + eggs = bread dough can be baken or used with a stick over a fire)

    straw can be used for a earth oven (right click on water with it in order to get wet straw [read my post ideas regarding cooking])

    second use for straw is building material. (very light material for ceiling and can be craftet to strwabricks with mud)

    strawfiber can be weaved to strings (strings weaved to cloth)

    or straw can be used to build a first bed. (wool from sheeps should be used to weave strings too)

    grain can be stored over years at dark, cold, dry places. (dig a hole, build a storehouse out of stone and done)

    example potatoes:

    potatoes can survive light frost, when the plants arent grown much, but hard frost or big plants while frost can kill them

    loose up the dirt and fertilize it

    they need around 50 nutrient points to grow up

    plant single potatoes direkt into the dirt and rightclick with your shovel in order to create potatoe piles.

    at the first time weed will grow on your piles, just collect them with an hoe.

    after the first potatoe plants are growing, weed has no chance. (potatoe plants grow rampant)

    when your potatoe plants are dead you have to collect the plant parts first via rightclick with your hand sometimes you get 1 potatoe while collecting the plant parts. (you just tear them out)

    then leftklicking with your hoe on the piles until the pile dissapear (you get 1-2 potatoes for that).

    now you have to dig out the whole dirt block in order to get all potatoes. (again around 1-2).

    when you have an plow, just go over your dead potatoe plants with it and you get all potatoes and plant parts without digging.

    potatoes can be stored around a half year at dark, dry and cold places (like the wheat)

    mrs. €dit says: i have changed the nutrient points, so it isnt that complicatet anymore

    dont forget: you plant/harvest only one time per year each crop!

    and wheat should be plant/harvestable like normal, but it isnt that fruitfull and you have to replace the dirtblocks after some seasons...

    and dont forget, with seasons, the crops grow much longer (around spring => fall) and you have a time, where you cant grow crops (winter).

    you have to search the best and fruitful place for your crops, where you can start your farms and build your home.

    just plant a large number of crops (and diffirent, potatoes [example] have to been consumed faster then wheat, because it spoil faster, but you get a large amount of potatoes)

    and then you have time for everything you want, later you have to harvest your crops in order to store them and survive to the next harvesting season.


    each dirt type has its own "standart" nutrient points, when you start growing crops on it or the "top" dirt blocks with grass on it loose those points.

    in order to save the points, you have to collect the weed (or grass) to prevent the loose of points and you can throw the gained plant parts into the composter.

    or just put a stone block ontop the dirt block to prevent weed growing.

    first some single weeds are growing, when you dont do anything, they will spread and create grass. over time the grass become tall grass.

    you can take your cattle to your farmland after harvesting (and some grow time for the weed), the cattle starts to graze there and fertilize the dirt with there manure.

    example points (no fix numbers jet)

    darker dirt => more points

    sand: 2

    dirt: 20

    dark dirt: 125

    compost: 300

    each plant growing ontop the dirt use some points, until the dirt block is depletet.

    each growphase will use up some points, until the plant is fully grown


    a composter is a simple box, where you throw your plant residues in, in order to get compost earth.

    this dirt type has the most nutrient points without fertilizing and can be optain quite easy and with not much hassle.

    just place fences in a square (any sice you want)

    then rightclick with plantparts on the ground and the plants as a layer appears (like wood logs) rightclick the layer and a GUI opens (like the wood log)

    now place any plant parts/fruits/sticks/sarplings ect inside it and one bucket of water. (the water get consumed instandly and you can remove the bucket)

    when you filled the whole space inside the fence square, just put some dirt blocks (any type work) ontop and whait.

    after some time you just have to dig out your composter, each compost block below the dirt blocks contain compost earth and remaining plant stuff. (you get 1 earth for every 300 nutrient points in items you throw in there)

    you get around 75% of the leftower material back, to compost it again.


  16. -added tier system of cooking set/ cooking tools and food

    the simplest way of cooking your food is the fire pit, but it is quite hard to keep your food from burning to coal.

    the cooking process shouldnt complete itself, like in rl, you have to whait near your food while its cooking to prevent a mistake.

    its suppose to work like my agriculture ideas: http://terrafirmacra...tilizercompost/

    simple and fast cooking nearly possible, but to get the best results, you have to take more time for it.

    you can still eat it, when its overdone, but it doest refill that much hearts/hunger points.

    and when you use the right wood, you dont have to panik, just go back at the right time and you food is done.

    and the oven is more "save" in this case, food does not burn that fast inside a oven, so you have more time.

    later, you should be able to build better ovens (with iron or copper, copper pots ect) where you dont have to worry that much.

    and when your gonne cook a soup for example, it can take some more minutes, but a good stew is fast burned, if you doesnt stir up the stew...

    it all depents on, what you are cooking!

    food should spoil after time, but it should be possible to make it more durable.

    like drying meat or fruits or pickle the meat.

    dryed and pickled food isnt that good like fresh food, but it lasts longer until its spoil.

    cooked food is more durable like uncooked one.

    in order to cook at a fire, you have some choices:

    food on stick (meat/bread)

    to cook inside a pot (pottery?)

    or a pan

    diffirent food types need a diffirent amount of heat to cook properly, it has to maintain its heat for some time, until its done.

    to do that you can use the special wood that dont burn quite hot, so you can maintain the needet heat until your food is done.

    the same goes with pottery, but pottery will get cracks, when it burnes to hot, but it needs much larger heat than the food.

    it is possible to burn small pieces of pottery in a fire pit, but for larger pottery or food you need a oven.

    the first oven was the earth oven:

    for tfc:

    dig a 2 block deep hole and start a fire at the bottom. then place a block of whet straw (like wood logs) above the fire.

    then throw your food/pottery via q on top (should work like the forge).

    at last put a block of dirt on top like a characoal pit and done. now you have to take the right time for your food, so you can eat it.

    tier systems

    each food has 5 stages:

    spoiled (nearly no foodpoints and a hard debuff)

    raw (low food points and a small debuff [but not all types of food, some of them are raw eatable])

    nearly done (good food points, no buff/debuff [includes overdone])

    perfektly done (perfekt food points, buff/debuff)

    burned ( small foodpoints, no buff/debuff)

    cooking set

    each set has 4 tiers, eacht tier enhance time to completion, better energie consumption and stables the heat.

    all sets need a fire pit inside to work

    cooking sets:

    tier 0 is the fire pit (simplest cooking set)

    oven (like earth oven and better materials like stone/copper and iron) just for baking like bread and other stuff

    cooker (stone up to steel) just for cooking

    smoker (wooden smokehouses up to steel smokeovens) just for smoking meat and fish and needs no tool

    cooking tools

    each cooking set has 4 tiers, eacht tier enhance the time to completation, reduces the chance of burning the meal and durability

    tier 0 is the stick (simples tool for cooking food)

    cooking tools:

    pan (copper up to steel) mostly for meat/fish dishes

    pot (pottery up to steel) for stews/ soups and boiling eggs (and other stuff)

    shell (pottery up to steel) for oven bake cakes, meat and other stuff


    each food "types" has 3 tiers, each tier raise the ganed food points and add other buffs like reduced food points loss or something else (workspeed?)

    tier 4 are combined dishes out of 2 or more food types, like spaghetti bolognese out of pasta and soup. the have the most food points and the largest buffs

    tier 0 food uses all types of tools.

    meat/fish/bread/vegetables on stick, boiling a egg (pot), pickled meat (no tool, but is a tier 0 food, but is long time durable)

    flourstew (pot),

    spoup (needs always a pot)

    stews (needs always a pot)

    meatdishes (needs mostly a pan or a shell) includes smoking recepies

    pasta (needs mostly a shell, sometimes a pot)

    cakes (needs allways a shell)


  17. mrs. edit says:

    okay, i tried to creat some sort of chart with the tool | recepie | item, but it dint work here on the forum like supposed =/

    i hope you get what i mean though...

    okay, hi there ^^

    kind greetings from germany, this mod has some awesome potential i guess and i want to drop some ideas here i had, while i was thinking about the mod @ work^^

    if yo have problems with this suggestion or something is missplaced, pls type a comment, its a very basic idea and i have no problem with modyfing it!

    btw, my english isnt the best, but i try my best =)

    this mod will not interfere much with the allready working metallurgy, it will only make it more difficult to get startet with metallurgy.


    first of all:

    this suggestion includes sime ideas allready postet like:

    corpses (for animals!), new inventory (ring/amulett ect), shields, traps, crossbow ect

    first, there is something this idea needs for starters:

    animals, like:


    those animals leave corpses after there death. the corpses can be salvaged with some special tools, i post later.

    salvaged animals drop items depending on the animal, you salvaged. better tools give more items.

    the number of items depends on dangerouslevel and how big the animal is. (a bear has more meat and fur as an rabbit ofc, but is way more dangerous)


    bones = all big animals

    tendon = all big animals

    meat = all animals

    unworked fur = rabbit/ bieber/ wolf/ bear

    unworked leather = deer/ boar/ elephant/ horses/ cow

    unworked wool = sheep

    you need those items for recepies, i will post them later.

    more items "lying arount" like flint:

    perfekt flint (rare) and single stone.

    uses will be explained later

    changes on plants:

    tall grass drops grain or flax seeds for planting.

    wheat can be used with single stones to seperate grain from straw.

    straw is ues to feed animals, to create building materials and for fibre

    grain can be grindet to flour with an single stone, to bake bread

    flax can be used, to craft fibre aswell

    and some eatable plants are needed, such as berrys, apples and more fruits

    much items are replaceable in recepies.

    leather, fur and cloth

    sticks and bones

    leather stripes, tendon and liana

    liana can be obtained in jungle biomes.

    leaves dont drop sticks anymore, they should drop branches, they can be cutted to sticks or used in crafting recepies

    only natural blocks dont get affected from gravity. nearly all player placed blocks should fall to the ground.

    but you can build ceilings with support beams. or with panels. (can be craftet from the beginning)

    later are stone and metal support beams possible

    firepits can be fueled by sticks, sarplings and branches. (cuz it will take some time, to get actual wood)

    and they should be upgradeable, for example with stonerings, to maintain heat better and allow more heat.

    is it possible, to spawn copper-bearing earth in the world? (maybe under rivers) those earth is only mineable with stoneshovels and better.

    nr* = not replaceable with other items

    farmland need 1 bucket of water from the near to get the needed water for the plants. (finite water is needet) flowing water is okay too, the farmlandblock will take the waterblock, which is flowing to the farmlandblock.

    you can use waterbuckets and such, to irrigate the plants

    in hot biomes, it will need quite fast a new bucket of water.

    first tier:

    Hunter and Collector tier

    main recource is flint ofc

    all recepies are shapeless, no crafting bench here.

    perfekt flint will create your first tools.

    perfekt flint only loose durability, when used.

    when those tools are used in recepies, they only loose durability.

    only the stone Lumberjackaxe and above can chop trees!

    only the stone pickaxe and above can harvest stone!

    createt tools:

    perfekt flint + 1x flint = flinttoolhead = need a stick for work. flinttools can be used to turn many player placed blocks into items with right clicking. panels for example and framework.

    perfekt flint + 2x flint = flintknife = can be used to cut leatherstripes and sticks out of branches

    perfekt flint + 3x flint = flint salvage tool = first corpse salvage tool


    perfekt flint + 1 flintknife = flinthead = head for spears and arrows


    panels are placeable, small blocks (like slaps, but can be placed horizontal and vertical.

    but panels break, when monsters, animals and players walk on them. (for traps)

    but you can enhance them with support beams, so they dont break

    recepies with needle as tool use automatic 1 tendon nr* (or thread later) from your inventory to create the item.

    used tool | recepie | created items


    flintknife | 1x branch | stick


    flintknife | 1x bone nr* | Needle


    flintknife | 2x sticks | branchpanel

    | 2x branches |


    flintknife | 2x sticks nr* | wooden spear (in firepit used = hardened wooden spear)

    | | first meeleweapon. can be placed on the ground as trap. (dig a hole first ofc)

    | | cover the hole with coverplates, attack a rihorn, run and surround the trap. rihorn breaks the covers and fall on the spears => profit!


    flinttool | 1x hardened wooden spear |

    | 1x flinthead |

    | 1x leatherstripes | flintspear, more dmg and throwable


    flinttool | 2x sticks | framework part

    | 2x tendon |


    flinttool | 4x framework parts | framework is placeable, rightclicking with a unworked leather/fur, strungs it in the framework

    | | rightclicking with flintknife on the unworked leather/fur until it drops leather/ fur


    flintknife | 1x leather nr* | 3 leatherstripes


    these recepies are the same with fur, primitive furcloth has more durability and a bit more protection

    needle | 2x leather nr* | primitive leathercloth

    | 1x tendon |


    needle |2xpleathercloth | primitive leathertunic (small protection)

    | 1x tendon |


    needle |1xpleathercloth | primitive leatherpants (small protection)

    | 2x tendon |


    needle |1xpleathercloth | primitive leatherboots (small protection)

    | 1x tendon |

    | 1x stick |


    needle | 1x framework | primitive leathershield (small protection)

    |2xpleathercloth |


    needle | 1x framework | leatherpanel

    | 2x leather |


    flinttool | 1x stick | meat on stick (for firepit, something to eat)

    | 1x meat |


    the next clay recepies need to dry first, then burning in the firepit (later in oven)


    --- | 3x clay | wet primitive pitcher (can hold 1/3 waterbucked)


    --- | 1x clay | wet primitive pearls


    --- | 2x clay | wet primitive ring (can be worn)


    --- | 4x clay | wet primitive symbol


    --- | 1xleatherstripe | primitive waist

    | 3xprimitive pearls|

    | 1xfurcloth nr |


    --- | 1xprimitive symbol | primitive amulet

    |1xleatherstripe |

    | 2xprimitive pearl |


    --- | 4x furpanel | sacrificial pit


    sacrificial pit:

    throw 5 leather/ 5 fur/ 5 bones/ 10 primitive pearls/ 2 primitive amulet/ 2 primitive waist/ 2 flintspear and 3 of each flinttool inside the sacrificial pit

    then it turns into the first craftingtable

    welcome in the Agriculture tier!

    now, you can craft craftingtable out of 4 planks as usual

    recepies, which need water, can use the primitive pitcher (in this case, it needs 3 pitcher, to have enough water for one bucked)

    or the waterhose (in this case, you need 2 water hose, one of them will remain 1/2 of its water)

    craftingtable recepies

    used tool | recepie | item


    --- | 6x clay like | wet spindle (after burning, you can use it, to weave fibers into thread)

    | a door |


    flintknife | 1x straw/flax | straw = 1 fibre/ flax = 2 fibre


    spindle | 4x fibre or | thread

    |2xunworked wool|


    flinttool | 6x sticks | Warp-weighted loom (placeable tool, rightclicking opens GUI for creating cloth 10 thread = light cloth)

    | 3x singlestone |


    needle |light cloth | simple cloth armor

    |recepie like | small protection

    |vanilla amor |

    |recepies |


    flinttool | 6x panels | paneldoor


    flinttool | 6x sticks like | wooden hoe (planting)

    | wood hoe |

    | 1x tendon |


    flinttool | 6x sticks like | flintscythe (harvesting)

    | an L shape |

    | 2x flintknife |

    | 1x tendon |


    --- | 8x singlestone | firepit stonecover (firepit upgrade)

    | like a chest |


    --- | 2x straw | straw bale (used to feed animals)

    | 1x tendon |


    flinttool | 6x straw bale | 2x strawcover

    | 2x sticks |

    | 1x tendon |


    needle | 5x cloth like | 2x clothcover

    | an X shape |

    | 4x sticks |


    single stone | 2x grain | flour


    --- | 3x flour | unbacked bread (need an oven to bake it)

    | 1x buckedwater |


    needle |4x leather in + | water hose (can carry 2/3 bucket of water)

    |shape 1xbone |

    |in the middle |

    |4xleatherstripe |


    --- | 1x dirt | 1x mud

    | 1/3waterbucked |


    --- | 5x singlestone | wet primitive cobbleston block (dry near fire/ in the sun)

    | in an X shape |

    | 4x mud |


    flinttool | 8x primitive | oven (bake bread/ dry stuff, bake dry clay stuff and cook meal)

    | cobblestone |


    --- | 5x straw like | 2x wet strawbrick block

    | a X shaped |

    | 4x mud |


    flinttool |7xstrawbrick | stoneworkers table (like the crafting table, but has 2 toolslots and a 4x4 crafting area)

    |block U shaped |

    |2x clothpanel |


    flinttool | 3x furcloth | furcovered woodshield (quite okay protection though)

    | 3x planks |

    | 3x sticks |


    flinttool | 1x cobblestone | 2x single stone

    | all types |


    flinttool |1xfeather | primitive arrow

    |1xflinthead |

    |1xstick |

    |like the vanilla one


    flinttool |3x stick | primitive bow

    |3x tendon nr* |

    |like the vanilla one


    needle |3x cloth | strawbed

    |3x straw |

    |3x planks |


    lumberjackaxe | 1x branch | 2x sticks


    stoneworkers table:

    the stoneworkers table works like the scribing table, but without paper, it use single stones as material to direktly create stone heads.

    later, it needs hammer and chisel for diffirent recepies, but the agriculture recepies only need single stone and normal stone for the anvil.

    you get stone heads of diffirent tools like hammer/axe ect. nearly all need 2 sticks/bone and 1 tendon to create the finish tool.

    stonepickaxehead (can only mine stone)

    stoneshovelhead (normal shovel, can mine copper-bearing earth too, to obtain first copper, to go into the coppertier)

    stonelumberjackaxehead (finnaly you can chop trees down, it serves as an weapon too, but it ise quite slow, but deals much dmg)

    stonehandaxehead (need only 1 stick/bone and 1 tendon. small meleeweapon and can be thrown on enemies)

    stonehammerhead (like the normal hammer used)

    stoneprospectorpickhead (like the normal one)

    stonehead (useable like the flinthead in recepies)

    stonescythehead (like the flintscythe)

    stonehoehead (like the wooden hoe)

    stonehammer as tool = stoneamboss (like normal with few stones craftable)

    okay, when you found enough copper out of copper-bearing earth and have your first anvil and hammer, you can start into the copper tier!

    the next 3 tiers are only placeholders. thank you for reading, pls leave a commend and what you think of it!

    any complains? pls post them too!

    Copper tier


    Bronze tier


    Iron tier


