Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by SierraKhaar

  1. Yeah, but he wrote it very poorly, plus neither of us seem to know much about the programming, at least not me :).

    I dunno if adding durability makes more Id's...

    Or if enchantment does.

    I just thought since you can enchant a lot (4 enchants on a sword), that shouldn't make new Id's (since there would be too many variations = A LOT of id's) :)


  2. We were perfectly okay with a stick for each tree. I don't think just three sticks are going to kill us.

    Read more carefully + it was removed for a reason.

    Instead of having a stick for every tree have a stick for every type of tree Eg. Stick for hard wood, soft wood and if there is any other types for them as well. Hard wood sticks would add to the strength of the tool or item and soft wood would be the same or take depending on where there are other tree 'types'.

    Also maybe stick piles to go with the log piles???

    Lets say he meant 3 stick types that changes the tools, there is about 8 tools so 3*8.

    THEN add for every metal, 18*(3*8) = a lot.

    What I was trying to say we should limit the ID's as much as possible, so I elaborated his idea.

    So others wouldn't come and troll "too many item ID's! so I wrote how we could avoid that :P


  3. I love the idea.. BUT!!!

    Because of the imitation in item Id's, we cant have to many versions of same items.

    Then Bioxx can't add new stuff.

    Only way is (maybe, haven't programmed in minecraft) if tools gets a sort of "enchantment".

    Depending on the stick (soft / "normal" / hard), without having a new set of tools/items.


  4. This idea came to me of course from A Song of Ice and Fire.

    But I imagine Bioxx wants something like this (considering his last post in news, read it!).

    Right now a year takes about 80 hours which IMO is way too long.

    But the NUMBERS in my suggestion are NOT FINAL, these things need to be tested.

    PS! I'm trying to balance everything down below, it's not quite finished so more balancing might be needed.

    First some ground for my suggestion:

    1. No calender, if you want to know the season look at the trees and ground around you, how will you know how fast the seasons pass by? wait and see.

    (This is when the seasons are working like they should).

    All tho it would be cool to see the stars change depending on season and just before a season change, but I don't know if its do-able.

    2. Randomness on duration of seasons

    Every time you begin a new world it might take 60 hours, or at shortest it might take 30 hours for a full year.

    You will also spawn on a random season.

    If you begin at long years it might slowly start to be shorter and shorter years, and opposite if you begin on shorter years.

    3. Seasons effects (They will be tweaked so no season is too annoying, except winter, that should be annoying).

    Spring means

    - Snow starts disappearing.

    - Animals starts to spawn.

    - Birds sounds to sing (C'mon Bioxx we need them bird sfx's! ;D)

    - You can start making crops.

    Summer means

    -food rots, meaning you have to eat them soon after harvesting, so you cannot store a lot during summer.

    (meat turns into zombie meat, wheat maybe turns into seeds? or just disappears).

    - Even more animals spawn during summer.

    Autumn means

    - You can harvest them fruits!

    - Snow and ice start to appear at some biome.

    - Food stops rotting.

    Winter means

    - No harvest of any crops.

    - Saplings don't drop off trees.

    - Tree's are harder to break but also dirt/gravel is very hard (ask anyone who have tried to dig in winter).

    - You become more hungry.

    - Few animals wandering around.

    What you guys think? REMEMBER it is NOT complete.

    I know this is what Bioxx is kind of aiming for:

    "Seasons: The first thing that I’d like to discuss are the seasons in Terrafirmacraft. Seasons are very very important to the overall flow of the mod because of how they truly affect us IRL.Some of the changes that are already apparent are the shifting colors of the world as it gets colder, not to mention the potential for snow storms across the world, and the growth of trees. Seasons and more importantly temperatures will continue to be factored into different facets of the mod moving forward such as crop growth, animal hibernation, types of hostile mobs and more.

    Design: My design decisions are typically based around the premise that I want every game to be unique for the player. This goes from the randomness of the rock layers per world to the anvil recipes changing in every world. This also includes the thought that I don’t want players to have every single crop easily in every single game. Perhaps in one world you survive in a Taiga as a hunter gatherer. Fishing in a nearby river, hunting deer, and gathering berries. Then in another world, you have a massive farm with Rice, Corn and Olive trees."


    So I wanted to add my opinion on it, and see if we can together elaborate something cool for Bioxx :)

    maybe come up with stuff for seasons he has not thought of ^^.


  5. Although, how far have you gone from spawn? Only finding a single rock type...never happened to me

    From spawn I had to walk 900 blocks west and 700 blocks north to find any rocktype that can have casserite.

    And it was granite I found.

    No mountains either, otherwise I know they are awesome IF there is ore in them :)

    I know there are other starter metals, but whats the point of finding them?

    I cant use them since they will be depleted before I can find tin to make bronze...

    Maybe I should spend even more hours of just exploring the map... bah...

    But I have put up a new topic showing something else I found in that seed O.O



  6. I found a big layer of granite, after hours of trying to find casserite I ended up cheating (with no clip), found no casserite! but as I fly threw the world I stumble upon THIS!

    First I thought "Its The Wall from A Song of ice and Fire!", but then I saw it was shaped like.. well castle walls (look at the last picture) =/

    Is this normal!?

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    The overview Map

    Posted Image

    Something tells me I have to do a kingdom within those weird walls :D


  7. The thing is.. thats what I've been doing for hours, scanning entire granite surface layers (with noclip and propick) and no casserite :(

    I know they now spawn in other rocktypes too but I have only found granite (after wandering from spawn.. I dont even want to know how far).


  8. Then I am VERY unlucky, I use NIE (this is a beta guys :P ) and I use noclip and pro pick, on the last 3 surface granite layers I scanned the entire layer, spamming the pro pick and NO casserite! :(

    (Im not cheating, its only when I have searched for hours and want to see my odds for finding it which as said, are usually nil)


  9. So, Ive read somewhere you should mine on level 30-60, is that how deep I gotta go?

    Because Ive been in surface granite layers and I hardly ever find Tin!

    So do I need to dig that deep and hope I hit a granite layer or how does it work?! :)


  10. No, randomness = how things actually work

    Nearly EVERYTHING in minecraft, and even moreso in TFC, is based on chance. Javelins randomly break when thrown, ores provide a random amount of metal, ore generation is random, gem discovery is random, mob generation is pseudo-random, biome generation is pseudo-random (based on the random seed)... It's all randomized. Why shouldn't this be too?

    I just feel that it would really fit in with the random, difficult, luck-based, structure-intensive feel of the mod

    Please copy and paste that on every thread.

    Don't like randomness? Play old games.


  11. Nope Actually branches are generally used because they retain their flexability. Making them great for things that need some flex to them like fishing poles, bedding, Arrows shafts are generally made from young sapplings or branches.

    Yeah agreed! But I was thinking of tool handles? (imagines a hammer with rubber-like handle, hehehe)


  12. Heh. And Bioxx said "The propick can't lie." Obviously it can. Far more than a third of the time. I'm sure there are those that love the fact that the propick isn't 100% accurate.

    Personally, it is because it isn't 100% accurate over a very wide swath of space is why I stick to tree farms.

    I -get- not knowing which direction to dig- that is okay to me and would make it fun. This 'not knowing where to dig -and getting 40% false negatives' is why I find it too frustrating and why I stay clear of the mines.

    Guess why it's called veins of ore and not big blocks of ore.

    IRL, if you find traces at one spot, there might be none 1 meter to the left, but ofc the closer you get the more traces you find.

    ONE question to all pro pick haters, would it br less frustrating if it was more ore in the worlds?


  13. This mod is going for realistic, i don't think that its very realistic that you would only use branches instead of carving handles out of wood for tools once you have any sort of tool with a cutting edge.

    Agreed, isnt the branches the weakest wood on a tree?


  14. Why would it matter if he did?

    That's the least he can ask for of us.

    At first I didn't use the links, as soon as I heard he earned a little bit of it, I happily waited those few seconds. (does he get more if I press every ad too?)

    I love his idea how he plans every world to be unique, and that few world will have every sort of fruits etc.

    That way we can have several worlds.

    BUT (I know I may be harsh) mining is way to time consuming for that, I found now on a cool world a lot granite! After Hours of searching for ore, still no metal :( (exept for 3 zinc ingots).

    When it's easier to find a lot low tier metals I will donate more then what I paid for minecraft.

    Simply because Bioxx work is what's keeping me playing minecraft.


  15. Ground settling is a very realistic issue in construction. Once I have gotten settled in enough to not be in constant danger, I dig out the floors and add in a basement with mine supports.

    Yeah that is realistic, what the author wrote is NOT.

    Nor is it believeable that caves form up under you

    When you shovel away some dirt.

    I have some issues, on my first home (was stone under) so I had luck it wasn't too much.

    But where I had my chicken farm on a new map (pre36) the dirt fell everywhere, all I did was take away some dirt so it was 2 blocks high and four pieces of fence.

    Dirt fell, EVERYWHERE.

    Every chicken, RAN AWAY.


    Edit: that may help me and the author, is there a way to change the surroundings (obviously from my experience taking away dirt also cause this) without dirt falling everywhere?!

    I wish Bioxx would cast some light on this issue, but I'm thinking of trying this out on several maps.
