Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kittychanley

  1. Flower use and NEI

    Flowers have no use other than looking pretty. All of the normal crafting grid recipes do show up in NEI. If you want special recipes like for the anvil or barrels, you need to install the TFC NEI Plugin that can be found in the Addons forum.
  2. Some question from new user

    Evapotranspiration, basically the opposite of rain.
  3. More like Someone I can play with on a server.

    Automated Message:This topic has been moved from TerraFirmaCraft > Discussion to Servers > TerraFirmaCraft > Server Request
  4. blocks

    TerraFirmaCraft is a single mod, not a mod pack.
  5. Implications of removing the crafting bench

    The problem with removing all use of the crafting grid completely in TFC means that when players do install other mods, there's going to be a very obvious difference in how you play depending on which mod you are currently focusing on. The mods won't integrate together for a good continuous experience if the way you create things are completely different. If anything, it's just going to result in players whining and begging for some way to make it so that all other mods can use TFC's system too, which is not an easy thing to make possible. It would also mean that there would be a lot more effort involved in installing other mods alongside TFC because there would be all the extra configuration files involved to get the "complete" experience. If instead we just dosomein-world crafting and leave the crafting grid as a generally large component in the entire system, there won't be as big of a disconnect in experience with other mods.
  6. My Server is only running on a vanilla file (Mac)

    If I had to guess, you aren't using the correct .jar file to start the server. Make sure you are using the forge one, and not the vanilla one. Is your server on a local machine, or are you using some sort of hosting service? If you are using some sort of hosting service, make sure that they support running modded servers. If they do, they'll likely have some sort of guide of how to start a modded server versus starting a vanilla one.
  7. Implications of removing the crafting bench

    No. We expect players to install other mods alongside TFC, and other mods require the crafting grid/bench.
  8. Less F3(another suggestion based on assumptions)

    Reed spawning has literally nothing to do with climate. It's just the vanilla spawning mechanic.
  9. [Solved - Rule #1 & 6] World Generation Bug/Glitch

    It's the very first bug on the list actually, under the User Error section.
  10. [Solved - Rule #1 & 6] World Generation Bug/Glitch

    You should follow the rules for posting on the support forum. The first rule has an official bug list that likely has the solution to your problem. The 6th rule also tells you to uninstall optifine, which would also fix your problem.
  11. Less F3(another suggestion based on assumptions)

    We've stated many times on this forum that we won't implement something that another mod has already implemented well. If you want that functionality, install that mod. We never expected anyone to play with only TFC installed, that's not a common expectation when making a Minecraft mod. Also, you've confused reeds and sugarcane. Sugarcane needs the high rainfall, reeds are just the vanilla blocks that spawn next to random water source blocks.
  12. Less F3(another suggestion based on assumptions)

    I'd like to point out that the first 4 examples can be fixed by installing a minimap mod, which is probably the #1 thing people install to any modded minecraft client other than NEI.
  13. Shield progression

    Have you actually used the shields in 1.9 at all? I've definitely only ever seen other players do attack - block - attack, without any backing up.
  14. Forge Multipart support

    I'm fairly certain that Forge Multipart never updated beyond Minecraft 1.7.10. Since TFC2 will be for 1.8 if not 1.9, there's no way to bring in support for an older mod.
  15. Display animal traits

    There's no guarantee that the animal traits will even be present in TFC2, so there might not be much worth in suggesting this.
  16. Full forum requires user account?

    Actually, it was an issue with the permissions not being properly transferred when we updated the forum software. It should be fixed now. In the future, please report these issues on the homepage announcement that was created explicitly for them:
  17. That is not a configuration option, so it's not possible. The only way to do it would be to write a mod that replaces all of the TFC cobblestone blocks with new ones.
  18. Flowers

    They just use the vanilla spawning. It's pretty much 100% random what flowers spawn where.
  19. [Solved] cart with chest?

    So if you scroll down to the bottom of that page, you'll notice the following sentence: That page is about a year old, the majority of the info on it is probably really outdated. Unfortunately I've been super busy with school this past semester that I haven't really done any wiki updating, and there really isn't anybody else who's even trying to update wiki pages.
  20. [Can't Reproduce] Master Prospector and Coal Bug

    Could you be more specific? Does the message not appear at all, is there some sort of unlocalized text in the message? IIRC, at master level all it does is simulate breaking the block with a pickaxe and returns the name of the item it would drop. There's no special quality checking being done.
  21. Future of Building in tfc2

    Keep in mind that even though you've just recently discovered TFC, the mod has been around forover four years. When you work on something for that long you do reach a point where starting over on something new is infinitely more appealing than trying to hack into the current convoluted system to get something partially working the way you invisioned it.
  22. Future of Building in tfc2

    The reason that TFC1 has been abandoned is because there is no feasible way to port it beyond Minecraft 1.7.10, and like every other mod out there when the main game updates to new versions but the mods don't the mods are eventually a thing of the past used by very few players.
  23. Future of Building in tfc2

    Just a reminder of rule #1 of this discussion forum: Please remember that TFC2 is a 100% rewrite and re-conception of TerraFirmaCraft. It is a new mod entirely, and will be very different from what you are currently used to. Very little of the original TerraFirmaCraft code will be ported and included in TFC2.
  24. Future of Building in tfc2

    The way portals are currently planned is that there is a single one in the middle of the island. Going through that takes you to another dimension that is nothing more a + shape path in each of the cardinal directions, with a portal at the end of each of the paths that takes you to the island in that direction. Edit: Scratch that, it was the old plan for portals or at least how I understood it when Bioxx and I were first discussing it. The actual portal system is like you described, it's on the edge of the island and will take you to the edge of the adjacent island. Basically replacing the about 500 block ocean travel that will not be possible to do by default. How the portals get unlocked so you can use them is a whole other thing entirely that hasn't been completely decided on yet.