Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kittychanley

  1. If you want to edit the wiki.

    Yes it does, I will make a note to add this information to all of the alloys individual pages as well as the general alloy and metallurgy table page.
  2. Server Crash

    It isn't absolutely necessary, but it does often help prevent random crashes like the ones you are experiencing. I suggest running the vanilla server, then shutting down and adding forge, run and shut down and then finally add everything else.
  3. Server Crash

    Install order is important. You need to install Forge first, and then PlayerAPI, as PlayerAPI and Forge share some class files.
  4. Tin & Zinc Bar Textures.

    Bihlbo and I were talking about Jee-Host{gm}'s reply to your lovely suggestion thread. Your suggestion and all replies were great contributions to our forums. Since it is such a small request, I will tell Bioxx/Dunk of it the next time I chat with them. Until then, you are more than welcome to switch the textures in your own instance, or chat with the artist of any texturepack you may use about the change. Most graphical changes are done by Capt_Slowpoke, along with any new textures. Whereas Bioxx and Dunk focus more on coding gameplay mechanics and the like.
  5. Regional Chat

    First let me stop you and say that TFC doesn't aim to be "realistic." It aims for being believable. Using the words "realism" and "realistic" are very dangerous on this forum. Secondly this has been suggested many times before and has been declined due to the fact that there are already many other 3rd party mods and plugins that do this exact feature.
  6. Problems with both multimc, and the launcher [solved]

    Mojang LWJGL is actually super outdated as far as I know. But yes, that is your problem. You have a 64bit OS, but you only have 32bit java installed if it's located in the x86 folder. Either redirect MultiMC, or download the 64bit version of java.
  7. Problems with both multimc, and the launcher [solved]

    The launcher is currently disabled due to the website migration. It's still trying to access files from the old site. As for your launcher issue, it can't seem to find your java directory. I suggest uninstalling java and reinstalling the latest version. If you still get the same error after doing that, change the version of LWJGL the instance uses to one close to it.
  8. Magnesium Firestarter

    You can already make a flint and steal using a wrought iron ingot and a piece of flint. And it is exactly what you are describing, a firestarter with much more durability. To be honest though, I almost find it a waste of perfectly good iron, since sticks are so ridiculously easy to come by.
  9. Tin & Zinc Bar Textures.

    TFC doesn't aim for realism, it aims for believability. Using the word "realism" and "realistic" in this forum is very dangerous. And either way, that is no reason to insult the Devs who work very hard on this mod by saying that they don't care. If it really bothers you that much, you just need to put in a simple, polite, request to have the textures swapped like Rev did. It's literally a matter of renaming two files. Or you could do it yourself and fix other textures that may bother you.
  10. Not Enought Items Compatibility

    An OP can always change themselves to creative mode and spawn items in that way. All of the TFC items are in available with a quick search.
  11. Lags out then shuts off

    If you are using the TFC launcher and you put Optifine in the jarmods folder along with forge and playerAPI, you need to edit the file called loadorder.txt and put the exact filename of optifine at the bottom of the list.
  12. Lags out then shuts off

    Optifine does not go into the mods folder. It goes into the Minecraft.jar It also must be put into the jar after Forge and PlayerAPI. Forge 1st, then PlayerAPI, with optifine last.
  13. ( Request ) Texture pack that makes TFC less laggy?

    TFC is very processor heavy because it uses the full Minecraft world height of 256 during world generation. Compared to vanilla Minecraft and most other mods that have a sea-level around y level 64 and the tops of mountains around 128. In TFC, sea-level is all the way up around 142. No texture pack will fix the reason that you are lagging.
  14. Lags out then shuts off

    What do you mean when you say it doesn't work? Was the website down at the time? This is the version that you need if you want to install Optifine with TFC. Another suggestion to decrease lag is to increase your minimum memory allocation to 1024.
  15. Enter the Void
  16. [Work-Around] TerraFirmaCraft launcher

    This thread has been locked and edited for distributing the Minecraft jar file along with other mods without valid permission from the owners. Please visit for a complete guide on how to install TFC.
  17. Hafts and Bones

    *topics merged* Anyways, bones used to be able to be used as handles for stone tools, however that feature was removed and Bioxx deemed it an unnecessary use of item IDs.
  18. How many ages are their currently?

    Red steel buckets are how you get infinite water, and blue steel buckets are the only way to move lava. As with any modded Minecraft, end game is simply a way to make life easier when it comes to building things. The higher tier metal tools break blocks faster, and have much more durability, so you can focus more on building, and less on gathering materials to make tools.
  19. How many ages are their currently?

    I believe that Arcane Ages were planned for TFC2, which has been cancelled.
  20. TerraFirmaCraft lagging ?

    Lagspikes that are a few seconds long at even intervals are commonly caused by Optifine Ultra and it's autosaving. Try using the standard version instead.
  21. Terrafirmacraft Multiplayer Server - Need Help

    Can you pastebin a crash report? Are you sure you are using 1.5.1 versions of all of the mods, and not 1.5.2?
  22. Saplings spawn periodically in an area that has the trees there on world gen. That way you can chop down a whole forest, and the saplings will still continue to spawn and grow and eventually the forest will restore itself. Player planted forests however will not generate saplings.
  23. The crash is caused because TFC is running out of memory. Since you only have a 32bit OS, the best thing you can do is set both your min and max memory allocation to 1024. Since TFC uses the full 256 height for world gen, with sea-level around 142 instead of the vanilla 61, it requires a lot more memory and much more processor heavy when it runs. Also, those trees look correct to me, the colors mostly change depending on the time of year (Check your calendar by pressing N). In autumn you will get all the fancy different colors.
  24. Flooded with Saplings

    Line of sight to the sky.
  25. Server crashs: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

    What you have pastebin'd isnt a full crash report, so I can't be certain as to what is actually causing these crashes. However, what was going on in the server at the time that the crash happened? Was anyone exploring new land and generating chunks? Or perhaps someone attempted to chop down a large sequoia tree? The latter is a known crash and has been fixed for build 77.