Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kittychanley

  1. TFC: Patches or vaporware?

    The reason that TFC is so resource heavy is because it is one of the very few mods utilizes the full world height. Sea-level in vanilla Minecraft and FTB modpacks is at y-level 64, whereas in TFC it's up around 142. To put this another way, all of vanilla Minecraft and FTB worldgen stops around the old max height of 126, which is still well underground in TFC. Add on top of that thick rock layer awesome mountains and multiple types of stone, dirt, sand and trees. I have yet to come across any memory leaks in TFC myself. I'm guessing that you are assuming that the large memory requirements (Min set to 1024, max upwards of 3072) this mod requires are memory leaks, when they are not. I've checked your other post with the crash reports and see that you have a lot of things added on to the standard TFC Server setup. How are you sure that it isn't one of those mods causing the crashes and lockup states? Or an incompatibility between the mods and TFC? To answer your title question, TFC is in very active development. However build 76 has already been merged with build 77, so minor bugfix updates are no longer an option. Build 77 adds a lot of changes, so is taking a while to develop and will hopefully be out in the next few months.
  2. Forge Molds

    Casting is already confirmed for tier 1 tools in build 77
  3. Flooded with Saplings

    Sapling spawning is based off of initial world gen. So if there is a sycamore, oak forest there at world gen, sycamore and oak saplings will continue to spawn in that area. If you don't want to constantly keep an eye out for saplings, build in an area such as a plain or swamp, where there are few to no trees there when you first arrive. Sapling mechanics have been changed for Build 77. They will no longer spawn if the temperature is below 20C, and they need line of sight in order to grow, so you won't have to worry about a tree coming up out of your basement.
  4. [SOLVED] Unable to start from Launcher

    PlayerAPI and Forge should be found in the Jarmods folder which is found inside the bin folder.
  5. Diamonds can only be found in Kimberlite, which is only found in Gabbro.
  6. [Solved] Setting Up To Build TFC From Source

    If I remember correctly from IRC, you need to follow the tutorial for setting up PlayerAPI and then throw TFC into there, not sure if that's still the same since build 77 no longer relies on playerAPI
  7. squids

    Honestly you are just very unlucky. Every time I walk in the stream by my house I get ink sacs from squids that accidentally beached themselves. Try placing a couple jack-o-lanterns at the bottom of a nearby lake, and then just wait; Squids like light. If your server has changed the mob spawn limits in the config, try changing that as well.
  8. What do Bears do?

    Bears are still in beta, they don't do anything yet. They've just got it working so that they spawn and attack, that's about it.
  9. "New alloy recipe for Bismuth Bronze"

    The second alloy recipe uses zinc instead of tin. Thanks for letting me know this information was missing from the wiki! I've updated the bismuth bronze page, and will update the alloys page in a moment.
  10. Launching bug

    MC 1.5.2 - Player API universal You need the one for Minecraft 1.5.1, if you had followed the instructions to a T you would see that it states to only use version: MC 1.5.1 - Player API universal
  11. Pain

    Considering the health scale for TFC is different, with a total of 1000 health. It could make sense for punching the log to do 1 damage. Absolute minimal and quickly to recover, but you will still get the "steve got hurt" sound and whatnot.
  12. Sequoia crash

    It is confirmed to be fixed for build 77. So you just have to wait until then. The crash is mostly caused from the fact that the sequoia trunk stops right at the base of the leaves, and does not travel all the way up. This causes the majority of the leaves to need to disappear as they are out of range of a log as soon as any nearby block updates. All of these leaves are then trying to check to see if there is a log nearby so they can stay, and the game crashes. This has been fixed by extending the trunk higher up into the tree, and changing the way leaves check if they need to despawn. Until build 77 is released, I suggest only chopping down sequoias that have smaller leaf areas above the trunk. It's also best to climb a ladder up the side of the trunk and punch the layer of leaves right above the trunk. If the area of leaves is too big, the game will crash. However, since the log and ladders are still intact you won't have any randomly floating leaves all over your forest. Once the leaves are gone, you can happily chop away at your sequoia without fear of crashing.
  13. World Sometimes Fails to launch

    Are you able to get a crash report when this happens? That way it would be a lot easier for us to understand what's happening.
  14. Game randomly freezing

    Do you have any other mods like optifine installed? If so, what version? Are you running a 64bit or 32bit OS and java? Have you tried allocating more memory? There are a lot of different reasons that the game can freeze like that.
  15. Crash with report not sure what it is

    Tessellating crashes are most commonly from your system being overloaded. Be it running out of memory or just can't keep up with the processing. I see that you've got a 64bit OS and java installed, and that you've upped the memory already. My suggestion would be to set the minimum memory at 1024, and increase the maximum to a gig or 2 below your current max RAM. So my system has 4 gigs of RAM, so I set the maximum to 3072. The game rarely ever uses this much memory, but I haven't had a tessellating crash since.
  16. No Spawn Protection

    How far away are they from spawn? Vanilla spawn protection I believe is only 1 chunk. So 16x16 blocks. I'm not sure there is much that you could build in that area that you would want protected from other players breaking anyways. Is there a specific reason you want to stop players from breaking blocks in that small area? If so you might want to look into other ways of protecting land by using bukkitforge plugins or similar mods.
  17. Pain

    The fact that it takes absolutely FOREVER to punch a tree and that it drops nothing makes it clear enough that you aren't supposed to do it. Anyone who knows anything about the mod, be it from watching videos or reading the wiki knows that you NEED to make stone tools. Instead of the vanilla minecraft punch trees to get started.. TFC is punch rocks on the ground and leaves to get started.
  18. No Spawn Protection

    What exactly do you mean by spawn protection? Stopping players from breaking blocks? Or stopping mobs from spawning?
  19. TFC2

    The last post was back in april, before TFC2 was cancelled.. so yeah no that forum isn't active anymore.
  20. [Request] Blizzard's 4X4 Texturepack

    If you have a hard enough time running Minecraft with a 16x texture pack, TFC is probably far too resource heavy for you to play.
  21. my server won't install Terrafirmacraft

    I don't see PlayerAPI listed in your mods in the crash report. Are you sure that is installed too? Might I also suggest not refreshing the page when creating at topic? It appears that you managed to quadruple post.
  22. Anvils

    Stone anvils can only be created on igneous stone. Diorite, Gabbro, Granite, Andesite, Basalt, Dacite or Rhyolite Any other stone will not work.
  23. Cannot see the texture of the ore vein. [SOLVED]

    Are you using any texture packs or programs like Optifine? If you could post a screenshot it would be very helpful.
  24. Unable to host a server? Help?

    The launcher is for clients, the only "server" that can be hosted while using the launcher is a LAN one. Did you read the instructions in the wiki for client installation, or did you scroll down to the bottom for server installation? From the crash report you provided, Minecraft 1.5.2 along with the 1.5.2 versions of forge and playerAPI are installed, which are impossible to get from the TFC launcher.
  25. Unable to host a server? Help?

    You are using Minecraft 1.5.2, and the 1.5.2 versions of Forge and PlayerAPI. TFC is only for 1.5.1 If you are following the installation guide on the wiki you NEED to make sure to use the EXACT same version numbers. MC 1.5.1 - Player API universal