Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kittychanley

  1. Is there "good dirt"?

    The color of dirt is directly based on the type of rock that is in the first layer below it. I'm not sure if different dirts have different base nutrient contents though. To find the nutrient content you need at least a metal hoe, and it must be in the nutrient mode. Modes can be changed using the hot-key chosen in the options menu.
  2. Moving water blocks

    Moving water source blocks is available, however it is an endgame thing as it requires a red steel bucket. Until you reach that point, you can have a wooden bucket filled with water that places finite water and you simply dig a 1x1x1 hole, place the water, jump in and wait until your thirst is quenched. Then you may pick the water back up and fill the hole back in, or simply place the water hole somewhere near your house and leave it there
  3. Can't remove forge block

    The forge block is actually supposed to be like the firepit, in that it is not supposed to be able to be mined and placed elsewhere. The fact that it can currently be mined and placed elsewhere is a bug. If you are just trying to remove the forge entirely, try mining the block underneath it.
  4. Can't get this working

    You are using the newest version of forge and player API, which are for Minecraft 1.5.2. TFC runs on Minecraft 1.5.1 so you need the 1.5.1 versions of those mods.
  5. MineCraft found a problem

    Is the chocolate mod even compatible with TFC? Have you tried posting on that mod's thread? This looks to me like it has nothing to do with TFC...
  6. Launcher crashing on startup.

    Have you tried force update? It looks to me like it's trying to run the latest snapshot version of minecraft instead of 1.5.1
  7. Invisible oak stairs (b66) bug

    That is because you are posting 6 months later. This is no longer a bug. In recent builds crafting stairs was replaced with chiseling a block into stairs. Because if you think about it, when making a staircase, you don't carry around a bunch of stairs with you, you build it out of the wood into a stair form.
  8. Launchers crashes on start up

    Please read the instructions for crashes post that is stickied at the top of the forum.
  9. Game crashes after a random amount of time ingame

    Yes, TFC really needs a 64bit system in order to run properly. It's too processor heavy.
  10. Crash Help and how can i allocate more ram

    It's not that simple. Not all computers can run a 64 bit operating system. If he is currently running 32 bit and his computer can handle an upgrade to 64 bit, it would require purchasing and installing a brand new 64 bit Operating System, which would cost around $70 and completely erase everything on his computer.
  11. Can't begin game

    That's exactly what it is then. You are unable to connect to the Minecraft Login Servers. This is a vanilla problem so your best bet would be to go post on the minecraft forums.
  12. Unable to make glass?

    If you are that low level in the game (Stone age I'd assume). Your buildings really shouldn't have glass in them anyways. Just proof that the current direction TFC is heading towards to fix the "Here is my stone axe! And my house that is up to 21st century building codes and standards" is the right thing to do.
  13. Animal Breeding?

    The reason that cows seem so small, and what most people don't realize, is that in vanilla minecraft the original model for cows is this dwarf version, and they made it somewhere around 1.6 times larger when rendered in-game. When TFC was made, they used to original model, and never scaled it up so that they would be the same size as the Vanilla cows we are so used to. I do believe also that cows already have a greatly decreased offspring rate compared to all of the other animals. So it's simply a matter of resizing the model so the average cow is a little bit larger. A real cow only comes up to chest/shoulder height on the average human male, so the size shouldn't be that much larger.

    What mods are you using? Are you using the TFC launcher or something else? Are you sure your minecraft is 1.5.1 and not 1.5.2? Are you getting any sort of crash/error report/log? We need more information than "HALP! IT BROKEN!" in order to find a solution.
  15. Game crashes after a random amount of time ingame

    Are you using a 32bit or 64bit version of Windows 7? If you are using 64bit, do you have 64bit java installed? Also check Uninstall Programs in your Control Panel to see if you still have older versions of java installed as well that need to be removed. Whenever java updates, it just installs the newest version without uninstalling the old ones.
  16. Black Screen...

    If your minecraft is still updated to 1.5.2 that is the problem. TFC is only updated for 1.5.1 Make sure you completely remove 1.5.2, reinstall 1.5.1 and try again.
  17. Can't begin game

    The minecraft login servers were probably down at that time. Were you given the option to play offline? Try again and let me know if you get the same message.
  18. Nerfed Bows?

    Bioxx has confirmed that in his process of simplifying the new bow code, he forgot to re-implement the player's use of TFC arrow damage instead of Vanilla arrows. The reason that skeletons still do massive damage is that they aren't really "using" their bows, so they are still doing TFC arrow damage.
  19. Help With Opening the Launcher

    Please note that you are not supposed to literally type "pathtolauncher", what he means is the put the path to the launcher there, something like C:usersUsernamedownloads ... etc
  20. Sound Bug

    Exactly, however the sound file is in the paulscode library, which is vanilla Minecraft.
  21. Crash Help and how can i allocate more ram

    Unfortunately it appears that you are using a 32 bit version of Windows. I'm not sure if it is possible with the launcher to allocate more ram with anything less than 64 bit.
  22. Animal Breeding?

    You must take Wheat and process it with a knife to get wheat grain. This is used to lure animals. You can process any type of grain in a similar process to get other grains that can be used for breeding. Right clicking on an animal with an empty hand will tell you it's gender, age (0 is adult) and for females if it is pregnant. For example: If you wish to breed two cows, you must find an adult male and an adult non-pregnant female. Lure them relatively close to each other using the wheat grain, and then feed each of them grain (I suggest using something other than wheat, so you always have it for luring). You will get the vanilla heart particles, and the animals will get very close to each other. A minute or two later when you right-click on the female, it will say she is pregnant. Now you must wait a fair amount of time and eventually the female cow will give birth. Note that different animals will have a different average of offspring, pigs having the most.
  23. Sound Bug

    Was actually paying attention this time to when I lost sound, so I check my log and found the following: 2013-05-15 18:39:27 [INFO] [STDERR] Exception in thread "Thread-10" java.lang.NullPointerException2013-05-15 18:39:27 [INFO] [STDERR] at paulscode.sound.codecs.CodecJOrbis.initialize(Unknown Source)2013-05-15 18:39:27 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source)2013-05-15 18:39:27 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source)2013-05-15 18:39:27 [INFO] [STDERR] at paulscode.sound.libraries.LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.quickPlay(Unknown Source)2013-05-15 18:39:27 [INFO] [STDERR] at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandQuickPlay(Unknown Source)2013-05-15 18:39:27 [INFO] [STDERR] at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandQueue(Unknown Source)2013-05-15 18:39:27 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) So it looks like the problem has to do with Vanilla Minecraft and maybe the version of LWJGL that I'm using.
  24. The only problem I see with rock regeneration, is that it's already a big enough pain to keep my front lawn free of unwanted saplings, grass and flowers. I really don't want to have to keep tabs on rocks too.
  25. Simply Horses

    Config files are never in the download of the mod itself. Once you install the mod and run Minecraft once it will generate a file in the config folder that is in your minecraft directory (in AppData). Close Minecraft, edit the config file, and the next time you launch the change will be made.