Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by lightningtiger88

  1. More trees

    If bamboo is implemented, I really do hope they grow slowly like fruit trees and can be eaten as shoots. Bamboo shoots are awesome Not to mention that bamboo isn't really a tree and it feels like something ought to be different about how they grow and how things are made out of them. EDIT: ALSO I think eucalyptus trees and other australasian trees could stand to be added. There's a huge amount of potential with them. Not to mention if you want rare woods, rainbow eucalyptus is pretty damn cool.
  2. More nuances for the stone-age

    But how would you prevent it? The major block that prevented humanity from discovering fire was not a lack of tools but a lack of knowledge. Now that we live in the present, people know how to create fire and so there is no lack of knowledge. Creating an artificial block to prevent fire from being achieved early on just feels annoying.
  3. Unusual Tree Spawning

    These are newly implemented Acacia trees. I don't know why they'd suddenly spawn where no trees had been before though.
  4. Whispers #1

    thirty million rhinos cheerfully shot purple mutants from imaginary delicious moldy hamburgers.
  5. Integrated Crafting Guides

    Bump. I think we could do with some extra ideas on how to implement this in a way that isn't too much of a hassle for the devs and still works.
  6. Why are TFC Weights so Weird

    This ties in to my earlier suggestion though, on the metric system suggestion. If weights are tied to stack size, why use real world weights that will just confuse people? I still think that it should use stacks as the unit of measurement, and then things wouldn't be so weird.
  7. Bronze bloomeries? Iron furnaces? That ain't be believable

    Actually, a lot of forges IRL *are* made with metal. The hottest parts are in the center of the forge and the outside has the great advantage of being exposed to air, so it doesnt melt down. The only parts hot enough to actually heat/melt the metal for further working are in the center of the forge covered by coals. It's like a cooking pot; tin IRL can definitely be melted in the hottest parts of a good bonfire style campfire, but people still use pewter pots above the fire. It's totally believable.
  8. Traps

    Yes, well the animals should all behave like deer and run away from you, I think. Then hunting would be more a matter of driving them towards some sort of corral and trapping them, or using hunting snares like the OP says.
  9. Why are TFC Weights so Weird

    There does need to be a revision of the weights but I do think that it's not really a critical point. I'd rather have the devs keep working on new features and fixing bugs and streamlining the mod.
  10. creation of mud brick as an early building material

    Even though Extrafirma has it, I do think it should be an option for standard TFC. Right now pretty much only straw is a viable house material early game, I think it'd be nice to add this for some variety. As a plus, since it requires straw already, it won't make it easier to get shelter, just allow players who like building to put some more effort in to get some more varied materials early on.
  11. [Added] Colored pots

    I think it's probably intended to open up decorating and building possibilities later in the game. On that note, hmmm, cave paintings...
  12. The new rocks

    Hey I have a computer from 2004 here.
  13. How the game looks to a new player.

    I think his point is that he tried to forget all his knowledge in order to try and simulate an entirely new player's experience, and he found that TFC was not noob friendly. He has a point that the player shouldn't have to adapt to the game, the game should be inutitive enough that the player doesn't have to, as least not that early.
  14. Use for high carbon steel

    Oh god, more katana fanatics. I mean, it's a nice weapon, sure, but the European longsword etc are far more versatile in my opinion. Katana are way too specialised.
  15. [Added] Colored pots

    Maybe one more dye should be available early on. Maybe make brown dye from dirt? Not really a colour a lot of people use and one of the worst colours in general, but useful for colour coding and such.
  16. more uses for leather

    Interesting, but it sounds like a lot of work.
  17. Ask the person below you

    Please don't pretend that you don't know what the question was asking about. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
  18. Fire pit to keep monsters away

    Zombies and Skeletons will move underground eventually, Bears and Wolves will be the new night-time terrors. Naturally, they should be afraid of fire, but in my experience they'd only be scared of it if you waved it in their faces or something. They aren't so scared of fire that they'd run from a campfire, they will approach, however cautiously. But I don't know how you would approach implementing that in the game.
  19. Integrated Crafting Guides

    At this point even though it's just an in-game wiki it seems like the best option. Maybe "The Complete Guide to Survival in the Wilderness; A Book by Bear Grylls" xD
  20. The new rocks

    My computer can hardly handle TFC with all my chiseling and planking... I can't imagine sacrificing it for fancy graphics! Alas! the rocks are too ugly! I must begin building with full blocks to save frames.
  21. [Added] Colored pots

    Hmmm, but even one or two dyes is enough to start a very basic colour coding system.
  22. Animal carcasses

    I took this straight out of a survival guide. This is how it's done IRL in a survival situation, might help with some understanding about survival preservation of meat.
  23. Integrated Crafting Guides

    But that would require the bloomery block to be craftable and then to build the chimney around it, or something similar with the forge.
  24. [Added] Colored pots

    Definitely, I love this idea! But maybe it should be done in the actual firing stage by 'glazing' the pot by putting dye in during the pit kiln part? I'm not exactly a pottery expert.
  25. Animal Husbandry: Grazing

    Hmm, i like this idea, but I'mn pretty sure Minecraft isn't exactly suited to large pastures for animals, as only certain chunks are loaded most of the time. Anything in here might have to be trimmed down to allow for smaller spaces, or it might just not work with Minecraft mechanics. Although i'm not a coder, but my gut instinct tells me that this might be bothersome to figure out if you need 50 blocks of space for one cow.