Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by tyriael-soban

  1. We have weapon / tool racks ...

    that works too, but im storing it in my campfire anyway for now, seeing as how i dont use it really now ... not really sure what to do with it since i cant melt it down into anything (recycling armor that you dont want / need would be awesome!)
  2. We have weapon / tool racks ...

    But my question is: do we have anything to put armor on? im asking this because i clobbered a skeleton just now and he was wearing a (albeit a rather beat up one) copper chest piece, i cant put the armor piece in a chest ... and im wondering is there an armor storage rack or something similar to weapon / tool racks that i use to hold my picks, javelins etc.
  3. Oh yeah...sluices!

    This - the impression i get sometimes is that tfc is not a game intended for those who play alone, or dont play with a team. virtually nothing can be automated, and this would be a great progression idea - gradually increasing levels of automation as you progress through the various "ages" of this mod.
  4. Flatbed Boat?

    ill admit its frustrating not being able to carry everything back to base when i got exploring. there is a mod for vanilla that allowed you to craft boats, this could probably be adapted into TFC's code, my boats are just steamrolling the lilly pads, so thats not a problem, but im having issues with the boats physical graphic going out of sync with its actual location.
  5. Raw stone

    So ive gotten to the point (finally, without having all my stuff blown up while im trying to build a shed) where i need to build a metallurgy table, one catch ... i know ive done it before because my anvil was outside my smiths shed at one point and i moved it into the corner with the method, but for the life of me a can nolonger remember how to gather raw stone, i know ive seen it in a letsplay but ive since forgotten which one, how do i do it? cause all im getting are little rock chunks and the chisel is giving me smooth blocks.
  6. Apiculture ...* And more soon *...

    Forestry is included in alot of basic modpacks but it does include a higher degree of industrial automation.
  7. Oh yeah...sluices!

    it took me less time to wander around bashing rocks to grab cass, than sluicing gravel for small chunks. i set up a group of sluices on the edge of a ravine where i KNOW for a fact that there is copper (namely because i dug into it and decided to hold off because ive got a chest full of native copper ore) This leads me to agree with vegasgoat's conclusion that the sluices dont quite work as intended, because all im getting is gems.
  8. Raw stone

    i gave up with the wiki because its taking 5-6 refreshes to get into the frontpage, ofcourse about 20 mins after i asked the question i hit a letsplay where they reminded me how to do it, but meh, im not proud so i didnt really feel like deleting the topic.
  9. Raw stone

    <3Thankyou kind sir, that was frustrating the heck out of me!
  10. A flood of noobs

    He also cant spell Calgary, lads ...
  11. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    -.-' i didnt know about processing with a knife, google failed me >.<
  12. Optifine with TFC Launcher?

    This is why you need a launcher that can "add" mods, the TFC dev(s) should consider talking maybe to FTB as they allow you to customize the modpack (but its up to your dumb behind to fix block id conflicts) by adding other mods (optifine is included in that, ive done it ... no need to zip / edit minecraft.jar then.)
  13. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    Bug Report: Suggested Category: GUI - Minor / Annoying Name: Scribing table Description: Scribing table gui is skewed, makes it very difficult to see where im actually placing items as the rows do not line up with the display image, no additional mods or textures installed, have tried a force update to correct. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Report: Suggested Category: (Game Mechanic) Animal Breeding - Severe / Annoying? Name: Trouble Breeding animals Description: Cant get any animals to breed with any of the items that are listed to trigger "breeding" mode, animals will not consume wheat / rye etc. nor are they drawn to the items in question when held in my characters hand.
  14. Unshaped ingot

    Dammit, i knew it was something painfully simple .... thanks anyway >.<
  15. Unshaped ingot

    Hi, im having issues with shaping ingots and subsequently turning them into useful items. im only working with tin thus far - i fulfill every criteria on the anvil, but still nothing happens ... is there something im missing in the wiki or the letsplays from spumwack? This is what happens 90% of the time