Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Flatbed Boat?

19 posts in this topic

I am not sure if anybody has suggested this but sometimes I find myself in a position where I have to travel. There are not enough resources or the one item/mineral/material I need just is not available in the region, Now in normal Minecraft travelling for long distances can be dangerous. In TFC mod, it can be VERY dangerous. And if one wants to move one's home, almost impossible. I was wondering if there was any chance of a large boat in the future? Nothing too complex, just make a 3 block by 3 block flatbed boat? One where you could place a chest or two, maybe a bed, to allow you to travel rivers or oceans? Maybe put down sand and use it as a base for firepit? Not talking about a huge house boat of anything, just a very costly wooden flatbed boat, maybe held together with string/rope/leather? Would be useless in a mountainous region, of course, but for those in biomes with lots of connected water ways, it could prove to be useful in the long run.

Of course, it would not be able to carry everything and people would still have to make decisions about what to take and what to leave behind, and cost a LOT of wood. I mean, large charcoal pit amount of wood. But see it as a choice that they would have to make.

Maybe 9 normal boats put into a crafting table...(how many logs would that be?)


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23 logs with a saw, 60 logs with an axe.


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Seems a bit OP, but it could actually be a cool addition


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I'm not sure if the dev are planning bring horses over from vanilla in the next update, but if they are it would make the boat unnecessary. All you need to do is pack up your donkey.


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Well even with pack mules if you want to move across one of those giant oceans would still be a pain


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Well even with pack mules if you want to move across one of those giant oceans would still be a pain

You make a good point. I'd like to see a system like the Ships and Boats mod integrated, with the ability to have them float or sink based upon weight, and have powerplants that are more expensive to run as you increase weight. For instance, you could move a very small boat with man power, but you'd need more force every time you add more weight to the boat, up to the point of needing an engine of some sort, or to rely on wind power from a sail.


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Ya I think it would be best to just stick with sails and oars to move them :)


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You can try the small boats mod when it will be updated. It give you a boat with a chest on it. But of course, there is some lack of transport method if TFC right now.


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Ya I think it would be best to just stick with sails and oars to move them :)

Well, I'm just considering alternative solutions that could come with steam power if it's introduced. It'd be highly expensive, and quite heavy, but the power it provides would be a bit higher than typical, and the operator of the boat wouldn't exert energy in terms of hunger, and might possibly be able to move about the ship while it moves, as opposed to an oar based system where both navigation and freedom of movement would be difficult, if without a team.


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how bout making lily pads not break the boats we have i mean come on, Boat Vs. Lily Pad... Real Life: BOAT ALWAYS WINS, MC/TFC Lily Pad wins like 2/3 times (maybe not the real number of times but lemme be a lil dramatic)


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how bout making lily pads not break the boats we have i mean come on, Boat Vs. Lily Pad... Real Life: BOAT ALWAYS WINS, MC/TFC Lily Pad wins like 2/3 times (maybe not the real number of times but lemme be a lil dramatic)

Evidently you don't know much about minecraft, boats breaking on lilypads was fixed a looooong time ago.

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Evidently you don't know much about minecraft, boats breaking on lilypads was fixed a looooong time ago.

Evidently you haven't been in a boat in a swamp recently

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i can confirm bullshit on lillypads still exists, and i'd like to see a change in boating as much as you guys, if only because boats atm are just a floating brick magically propelled by stares....Y WE NO GET ROWING CANOES, DUGOUTS, EVERYTHING? (btw, they had dugouts in roughly 25k years BC cuz they're simple to make, yet take long:

grab a large tree, dig out the centre, bend it out with hot stones, place strakes (planks of a certain shape) for the second layer (to catch air within them, which makes boats float much better) create paddles, let the entire thing stretch and dry while you keep working it (if it dries too much the shape can be off) and find a way to place it in the water.) voilah, now you have a incredibly durable floating superboat that could be of any size, 1-4 persons could fit in it, and a LOT of goods can be carried with you.

in TFC terms, this would be a incredible amount of work, but you get a beast of a boat in return, so i'd say, worth it for groups of 2, maybe not for single players (but why would you play this alone anyway?)


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I'm not so sure. Sure, dugouts take a lot of time, and are simple enough without tools. However, we can craft planks to make a regular boat quite easily, and it seems that there are no fasteners in minecraft ever, so the current system works I think. I think we could add oars and a better boat model, but other than that, I don't think we need to add too much. Maybe sailboats, of a sort, if they could be implemented. And I'd really love larger ships too, even if they would be relatively expensive to make, because I like to be able to cart around a basic base and a large supply of goods when making outposts. And it'd help facilitate trade as well on large servers, so that's a plus.

EDIT: just to clarify my bit on fasteners they are the only barrier to normally styled boats, that made for dugouts being used. And aside from that, dugouts were actually quicker to build than the normal style of boat.


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What about the con-tiki expedition? They used balsa wood to maintain even ballast and they travelled from South America to the indeopacific islands! (I recommend reading the book )


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ill admit its frustrating not being able to carry everything back to base when i got exploring.

there is a mod for vanilla that allowed you to craft boats, this could probably be adapted into TFC's code, my boats are just steamrolling the lilly pads, so thats not a problem, but im having issues with the boats physical graphic going out of sync with its actual location.


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