Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by PieisJesus

  1. Yes, that is true, which is why I said also that the tool could degrade into just the tool head, wood doesn't usuallystand well against water. But it was just a suggestion, so it doesn't really matter.

    And yes, there are lots of rivers, you're absolutely correct with that. So I guess it isn't really fair to make players pay during the game for crossing a river.

    That was a quickly shot-down suggestion, haha!


  2. Swimming in water and walking in the rain makes you wet in real life, so why not in TFC? Swimming and being rained on could make your tools / weapons take more durability when in use and/or degrade into a tool head after a period of time. How cool would that be?

    There's probably a lot more that can be added, but I'll leave it at that



  3. Suggested Name: Armour shows up wrong on playerSuggested Category: Annoying (severe if armour acts differently)Description: I made a bronze chest plate, when I put it on it showed my player wearing a bronze helmet.I made leather armour to test it further, when wearing a full set, the player has everything on except boots










  4. 2nd bug

    Suggested Name: Random Crash due to exception in world tick

    Suggested category: Annoying

    Description: random crashes


  5. It was chert, and the block of dirt came from around three blocks under grass, I was digging a hidey hole, but I managed to manoeuvre it out by clicking another item, then switching items with the dirt, then throwing it out of my inventory. So it's fine until other players, or maybe me again finds it


  6. Oops, sorry about that, here you go. I left all the information.

    And I also forgot the second bug because that's just how good I am


  7. Suggested Name: Grey dirt?

    Suggested Category: Annoying

    Description: I have a block of grey dirt from a small patch in the ground, when I hover my cursor over it, my game crashes


  8. Okay, so I've just restarted TFC and it's been around a minute, but here's what you want: 1,700,000 K (approx.) and it isn't getting lower, it's getting higher, fast, so it must be the same as your problem


  9. Hey guys, I'm not sure what the format for posting non-bug related issues are, so if I'm doing wrong, someone tell me so I can do better next time.

    So the problem is, I'm getting so much lag that it is unbelievable, and I have no idea what is going on, I would love some help if anyone can help me with this. This is build 78.1 and it is hurting my computer, even after I close Minecraft my computer just freaks out and freezes for around ten seconds at a time.

    Thank you


  10. EXPOSURES! In real life you can't walk around in the rain, or go for a swim and not get very cold very quickly (unless you're in Australia, like me). I think it would be awesome if you got caught in the rain, had to go dry off at a campfire, or maybe at night it gets cold, so it's highly necessary to have a campfire by you. I'm sure that if the devs are considering this, they'll think of better ways to implement it, and refine it. But I think this would be a great addition to TFC

    Thanks guys!

