Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Spida22

  1. Crafting table

    I look at the 3x3 grid more like a step. It just requires 4 blocks. The penalty for death is you have to do that step over. Because if you can make something in 2x2 you should be able to do 3x3. I've always thought that a tool belt or something would be awesome.
  2. Can't place unknown ingot

    The item frame makes sense, but I don't horde if I can get away with it.
  3. Let's See Some Builds

    UltimateElements that build looks amazing too. I just build squares, but once I lock down the mechanics a little better I'll work on Detail. Plus I only play SSP for the moment.
  4. Menoch Sighting…...

    Welcome back. I feel you on doing nothing but work and such. I got 2 kids, working full time, and back in school to finish my 2nd degree. Hope the studio comes around though.
  5. Just remembered I put this in my game. Really enjoy it. I had an idea of making it attach to the player like a quiver in some way. Only opens up once inventory space, but would be handy.
  6. Let's See Some Builds

    Looks good. Like the attention to detail.
  7. Introduction...

    Hello everyone. Been a long time player in Minecraft, but just discovered TFC while watching some youtube. I'm hooked now, and I can't believe I never found this before. I went from Vanilla to FTB, and now who needs all that fancy tech! I love the challenge of the game. I didn't watch any tutorials at first, just downloaded the launcher and dove straight in. I bet I've died more times now that I have my entire MC career. I haven't read through the forums yet so don't shoot me, are there any public servers out there? Probably not because of the degree of difficulty, but I would be very interested in join one. Anyways, I live in Tennessee, USA, Male, Married with 2 Kids. My name's Jeremy, but I've always been called Spider or Spida since I was about 12 and my sports number was always 22 so now you see the connection. Long time gamer too, started with Doom and Heretic moved into MMOs with Ultima Online. Haven't looked back yet, anyways looking forward to getting to know this community.
  8. Introduction...

    Lol, thanks. I can see I'm going to have some fun here.