Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Biodigious

  1. Unable to Work Ingots into Tools.

    Or zinc.
  2. Unable to Work Ingots into Tools.

    Or tin.
  3. Make beds buildable rather than craftable?

    Currently winning.
  4. blueprints are way too op

    Through careful observation, I've come to the conclusion that he only does it when the person needs it.
  5. If Bioxx add's towns or even NPC's I want prostitutes.

    Prostitutes are dirty whores. I want escorts. As if you could.
  6. Villagers

    Why would anyone still be playing TFC?
  7. Quick! Everybody change you avatars to an eye-like image.
  8. If Bioxx add's towns or even NPC's I want prostitutes.

    WTF?!!? No prostitutes in my game! I'll allow escorts.
  9. blueprints are way too op

    Yes to all of this. Didn't you guys know? The main goal of this mod is to become a real life simulator, not just make survival how it should have been.
  10. Villagers

    Yeah, saw that coming.
  11. Ores blending in?

    Ok There you go.
  12. Windmills

    Yeah, kirsk was the first to think up windmills. Don't be taking his original idea. If anything is going to be stolen, it should be BTW's mechanical power model. But really, *reply similar to second half of this*. No, that's just you. Everyone else thinks of the earlier recorded windmills from the 1200's. A windmill the size of a block and made with the technology of the intended time would hardly provide enough power to overcome the friction in the first set of gears, let alone grind grains into flour.
  13. New way of powering

    *Reply similar to first half of this*.
  14. Villagers

    Unfortunately, whether they are 13 or 50000, the majority of users of the internet, these forums or just of life aren't going to be able to read and then comprehend even that.
  15. You can't eat vanila minecraft food

    Shows how much you play this mod.
  16. More advanced chemistry

  17. You can't eat vanila minecraft food

    Probably from off the ground.
  18. Farming Nutrients bugged? (B72)

    So that's what the exploit was? When I saw the fix in the changelog, I couldn't think of what it possibly was.
  19. You can't eat vanila minecraft food

    Probably the stew.
  20. [b73] Repeated crashes

    Create a singleplayer world, then walk.
  21. [b73] Repeated crashes

    Is it a new world?
  22. smart moving and slab ladders

    Have you tried the newest version of Smart Moving with 'Added unknown ladder block detection'?
  23. Ceramic working, The Second Technological Tier.

    Luckily, I used punctuation in my post. So sda, I think this was meant for you. Seems you were just compared with Hitler. Also, about time this thread got to the Hitler/Nazi stage. Oh noes! I'm eight infraction points away from zero.
  24. blueprints are way too op

    I could have sworn there was supposed to be pseudo-specialization of jobs. Blueprints get rid of that for sculptors.