Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Biodigious

  1. Star navigations

  2. ridiculous damage on chisels

    That's not what he said he was doing.
  3. [b73] Repeated crashes

    Whatever you do, do not read through this thread.
  4. Cannot chiseling blocks on ceiling

    It's a feature. Stop trying to cheat.
  5. blueprints are way too op

    I'd forgotten until now to mention my 'Rename the blueprint to 3D printer.' idea.
  6. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Yeah sure if you want to go through the process of "Tites sounds like tikes, which is a variant spelling of tykes, which means toddler, and toddlers have trouble standing upright... stalactites are the ones on the ground!" Hee hee hee. I am a genius.
  7. Ceramic working, The Second Technological Tier.

    Off the top of my head, probably all items that can be crafted in the 2×2 (sure it can be done in the inventory but it wouldn't be believable saying they can't be crafted on the crafting table), including putting the toolheads on their handles, the firestarter, goldpan, etc.; glass panes (I'm sure they'd love having the saw and hammer used on them); ladders and fences ( you need a saw to tie things together?); arrows and others.
  8. blueprints are way too op

    Who said anything about making tons of expensive tools and then giving them out? What about the "That's a nice [yet-to-be-added tool] you've got there. I'll eventually make one because the recipe is available to everyone." people? 'Available to everyone' and 'everyone will get' mean two different things, you are thinking the latter when I am saying the former.
  9. Ceramic working, The Second Technological Tier.

    It is a point of this thread since the OP states it as a new feature in how he wants the crafting/scribing tables to work.
  10. blueprints are way too op

    If it's available to one person, it's available to everyone else.
  11. Ceramic working, The Second Technological Tier.

    Not all items need a saw or hammer to be made. The saw is being used as a requirement to initially open the crafting table gui.
  12. Farming Nutrients bugged? (B72)

    But you can still attempt to check it and it will show them all "1 notch above minimum". As the bug reporter, it's your job to provide as much accurate relevant information as possible, saying "Using a metal hoe..." would prevent the basic question: "What type of hoe?"
  13. Ceramic working, The Second Technological Tier.

    If you wanted to assemble something right now, you would use a saw to prepare the work surface? No, you would find a reasonably flat, level area and get to building. The saw is an unnecessary requirement.
  14. Animals!

    Cats could catch most of the mice/rats within a certain area. You would still get one in a chest randomly but it would be uncommon and wouldn't go higher than one in the chest. If the kittehs get a wander A.I. added onto their wait command, then they would catch the rats in a smaller radius but the radius would obviously be moving with them.
  15. [Solved] Crash at Mojang

    The downloads page has constantly said "Place TFCraft_Universal into your Minecraft mods folder after installing the prerequisites." since it became a mods folder mod. And, "This will give you the base mod and resources. This should now be installed in your minecraft mods folder." since it became universal (server and client).
  16. Peat

    Pictures. Try to have one that shows what the area looked like before you dug the white dirt.
  17. Farming Nutrients bugged? (B72)

    Which hoe are you using? A rock hoe, a metal hoe or a punk hoe?
  18. Star navigations

    It is possible. You've pretty much described Better Skies in MCPatcher.
  19. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    All I was talking about is that dunk is talking of things that didn't happen until Earth's early 1600s-early 1700s.
  20. Ceramic working, The Second Technological Tier.

    In that case, sda is the village idiot (no offense); do ignore him should he start dumbing the place up (which is constantly). No, offense meant.
  21. Animals!

    Several cultures consisting of several million people speaking several different languages over several hundred years decided to give the animal multiple names.
  22. blueprints are way too op

    If you don't like the over powered feature, don't use the over powered feature. Just don't ask to have it taken away from the moaners that threw tantrums to get it put in.
  23. Star navigations

    The only place this might be useful would be on the ocean, where there are no other landmarks. And then it would only be useful if you were unable to keep a constant heading due to currents, waves or wind. But this is Minecraft, where none of those exist, hold forward and you've got a straight line. But sure your mouse might get budged and you start heading off-course but the world is made up of a gigantic grid. If you can't follow a grid, then stars aren't going to help you.
  24. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    StalaGmite - Ground StalaCtite - Ceiling Also, you're on the internet.