Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bihlbo

  1. Arctic Expedition

    Where'd you get that?
  2. You nocked those dowels. The part at the end that nestles the string is the nock. A footed shaft is a construction made of bonded woods of different properties, like his recipe accurately models.
  3. I love bows and I'm happy to see the approach you're taking to making this mod. Good job so far! I haven't tried it yet, and I gather from previous posts that the quantities for results on your web site might be off, so please keep in mind I'm basing this on what I can see there since that's a lot faster than a thorough playtest of your mod. Your Bows You can convert vanilla bows and arrows from skeletons into your versions? Perfect!! I really like the way you've made glue available. It's simple, available in the stone age, and believable. Really fits the mod. When it runs out of uses I hope you get an empty bottle instead of nothin. The longbow and composite bow recipes seem to be off. It takes 2 logs to make a longbow. It takes 3/64ths of one log to make a composite bow. When it comes to wood it takes 42 composite bows to equal one longbow. Suggestions: hand plane + 1 log = 1 bow stave. Use that in place of the longbow body for the longbow recipe. Add the hand plane to the composite bow recipe and replace the finished shafts with bow staves. Yeah I know, there's more wood in a longbow, but the selection process of getting the right wood in the right place for the composite involves a lot more loss so if you look at it that way it's not crazy. Keep in mind that if horn ever becomes a drop from things like deer and bulls, that should be an optional component for the composite bow backing, as horn-backed bows have probably been at least as common as the rawhide back. Your Arrows This sincerely boggles my mind. I like that you included a way to make footed shafts, but that's a fairly advanced method of making arrows and it's quite difficult. The self shaft made from a young, straight branch has been used since forever, is still used today, and produces a plenty deadly arrow. They are easy to make. But, they'd have to be since an arrow is something you throw away. I get you'd want a footed shaft if you're devoting some resource like steel to making arrowheads, but even if your arrowhead is copper it's kind of overkill. The self shaft is made by being careful about what stick you select, then either drying it in a form or with heat, and a stone to bend it against as you straighten it. There are other options, but it really is a simple process that doesn't need to involve anything more than a few stones you find in the woods. It is about as simple as making a firepit, if you want to use that as a reasonable comparison. Then there's the feather. Since you have to either farm grain for breeding or travel long distances and hunt to get feathers, a feather is a luxury item. One feather should go a long way when making arrows. Realistically, one bird is going to get a fletcher a whole quiver of arrows, so while I realize one feather making more than one arrow is unrealistic, so is one feather being collected from a dead chicken. Clearly that minecraft feather represents more than one feather. Suggestion for Feathers: Currently the only reason I ever make arrows is because after you make a scribing table you can't use them for anything else. But it takes forever and a day to collect enough arrows to justify carrying a bow, and then they're gone on one hunting trip. There just aren't enough feathers to make archery viable. What if you could right-click a chicken with an empty hand to "pluck" it for feathers? Does as much damage as a punch would, so because they can heal back you can do this every day, but not many times per chicken every day. That kind of simulates feathers growing back. Like bird wool. Suggestions for Arrows: A knife + 2 sticks or 2 sugar cane vertical in the 4x4 grid = an arrow shaft (you aren't putting them together; you use 2 to represent the selective cutting process of finding a good one). The rest of the process of refining self shafts is pretty ignorable, honestly. There are 3 arrows and the recipe is the same for each: arrowhead, shaft, feather, glue. Primitive arrow = arrowhead of bone, stone, or flint (on par with vanilla arrows, which suck). With a longbow it flies straighter, but you can't shoot it with a composite bow. Basic arrow = arrowhead of any metal less than steel (probably quite a bit better than the primitive arrow and should one-hit kill any animal). Shoots in any bow, but with a primitive bow it's not much better than primitive arrows. Fine arrow = arrowhead of steel or better and a footed shaft (one-hit kills unarmored zombies, etc). Can't shoot it with a primitive bow, but it's the best option for the other two bows. A fine arrow and a composite bow should probably be close to the best enchanted bow in vanilla MC. I don't see any information on how the bows compare in what you have now, though. I'm suggesting rounding all the metal arrowheads into one arrow for simplicity. If you feel like there's enough room for variation in arrow types that players would notice a difference between zinc and bronze, for instance, then go for it. But I don't want a separate stack of arrows for each metal, that's just nutty. Then again, I don't see a hint of that on your website so maybe you only have stone and metal arrows and round it off more than I would.
  4. Arctic Expedition

    Yeah, but you don't start at the south and travel all the way to the north. You start somewhere (guessing from my starting locations anyway) between -5k and -15k. So actually making the trip from where you start to either the tropics or the arctic is darn fast. I was shocked that it didn't take a couple of months. It is not more than enough.
  5. Arctic Expedition

    Speaking of which, if you ever make changes to world gen, I wouldn't mind it if the world between the polar regions were a bit broader north to south than Lake Ontario.
  6. Unsure how to fix this... (fixed)

    See how those highlighted numbers are different? I can't be sure, but you might want to see if there's a Player API 1.5.1, since that's the version of MC you have to use for TFC. This is the problem I originally ran into, anyway. Once I made sure everything installed was for 1.5.1 I was hunky-dory.
  7. I've been playing Minecraft for a good couple of years now, but I've never bothered with multiplayer. Now that I'm getting into TFC it seems like a great environment for experiencing it with friends. Do you think yours would be a good place for me to start? Anything I need to know? IGN should be my forum name. Pretty sure.
  8. Stamina and Sleep that Work

    Yes this!
  9. Arctic Expedition

    Sapling shelter of ice. Hmm... I'd have to pillar up and make a base to cast the ice, but if I can do that I don't need to use ice. I could use peat or clay blocks (which defy gravity) to pillar up and for the shelter, which only needs to be 1 block. It has to be quite high considering the height of a douglas fir. But then I have a floating block in the air and I feel like a cheater. Ambivalent about that. Your trap idea needs some work and testing, but it might be possible. I'm not very motivated to kill monsters however, since the sun gets me the bones way better than I can on my own, and I don't care if the others live or die, except spiders. As rarely as I'll need string, the sedate suntime spiders are easy enough to kill with javelins or with the old "I'm in a space you can't fit in now how do you like my fist" trick. The real hard part about the fishing pole is the pole.
  10. Stamina and Sleep that Work

    Since your bed ideas are pretty similar to the ones I've already posted you could try talking about bed options here: You know, avoiding clutter and all.
  11. Compatibility list

    The build has changed since you last got some input on them, so I'll report that Inventory Tweaks, Smart Moving, and Rei's Minimap all work just fine with the latest build. However, if you're like me and just get the most up-to-date version of a mod, it's automatically incompatible. Like a dope, it took me a good couple of days to realize TFC only works as Minecraft 1.5.1.
  12. Early Game Overhaul

    Early man used bone, antler, and horn for darn near every tool that didn't need to be as hard as stone. Boar tusk, cow horn, deer antler, ram's horn, and skeleton bones would be more useful than sticks to that guy. Rocks are for throwing at pigs and for scraping an antler into a deadly spear.Just throwing that out there. Also, I wanted to see the image again.
  13. Early Game Overhaul

    I'm not sure how this would help the game. It would change the game, but I don't see a benefit from that change.If the stamina bar is overly restrictive, I can't really make a 10km trip to the tropics in less than 3 game days because I can't sprint over all the flat ground. IRL one can run 10km between breakfast and lunch, but not in TFC? There's already more than enough in the game to slow down my progress there, but now there's stamina telling me that I just can't. If it's not overly restrictive so that long trips don't become more about resting than about progress, then how often will it really come into play? Just in combat? How many zombies am I allowed to fight at once before my stamina forces me to die? Did I have fun with that? How long is a period of rest in comparison to the length of the day? If you stretched out MC hours to equal real hours, the comparative land speed of a Steve makes a turtle seem fast. Can't rest periods lie within the folds of that time crunch along with relieving your bowels and cleaning your bruised knuckles? Why penalize players for wanting to swim an ocean? I understand the realism argument - you should only be able to swim for about half a day if we want realism - but there's a boat. It's lots faster. If someone is so hard up they can't boat, they are already paying the price with their precious gaming time. Swimming is super boring and frustrating if all you want to do is get across the ocean. If stamina loss imposes penalties to swimming long distances, then you just can't and you lose your stuff if you try. And if your boat spontaneously implodes or hits a ninja squid, as they are wont to do, you get to drown. Was that fun?
  14. Arctic Expedition

    I posted this mainly to share some things I learned. My story should help others plan their trip to the arctic. I'm actually thinking of starting over since the location I picked is clearly lacking. Given the terrain, the only thing you need at all is access to a tier 0 ore. The place where I settled doesn't have any, and therefore I have to find it somewhere else. I've killed all the critters and I can't smelt copper with what I have, so I have no reason to stay there. Might as well pick up and move on. At any rate, I'll see about doing a better job documenting the efforts. I'd want to see these things too.
  15. To heck with the current communication!

    I've often thought of how handy it would be to have a mod that not only handled voice chat, but faded out the volume based on distance (maybe even simulated echoes) to make it feel more like your character is communicating with the other characters. Not really something most people building 2D 8-bit video game characters out of colored wool would ever use, but if you wanted your game to feel more immersive it would be a great boon. But I'm with Voulxe. Also, if it's a good mod and it doesn't depend on TFC, then it should be a mod that can be used by anyone regardless of what other mods they are using or not using.
  16. Another Idea... Aesthetic Cave Crystals

    The structure of the crystal seems like a sticking point to me. The thing I never liked about Thaumcraft or Xycraft crystals, for instance, is that they are polygons instead of voxel-based objects. I like polygons just fine, but they look like they don't belong. However, because of TFC's fantastic microblock stuff, crystals could be voxel-based and have a wide variety. They could be connected to the wall at a variety of locations on the block (instead of only ever at the center), with randomly-generated growth patterns. One bright blue crystal looks neat. A room full of blue crystals looks stunning. A room full of identical blue crystals looks as interesting as a room of stone walls. Without variety in their shape, crystals are never going to be anything better than a novelty people stop enjoying after they see a few of them. On another topic: Do the drip columns already in the game grow at all? I do see that the stalactites drip water from time to time (which is a beautifully nice touch, by the way). If they do grow, crystals could grow as well, in about the same way.
  17. Early Game Overhaul

    This!Also, can you make like animals drop identical items please? I love the idea of seeing a chicken in the jungle and a pheasant in the grasslands, but I hate the idea of there being two types of feathers and two types of bird meat. I don't get any benefit in eating chicken and also bird meat that tastes like chicken but doesn't stack. Item variety is pretty well saturated as it is.
  18. Kapok & Sequoia

    Thanks for answering my question, that is the other reason I hadn't thought of. But with stone axes, the 2x2 trees aren't the only ones that will use up a whole axe at once. The largish willows or monster oak/spruce/whathaveyou will do the same, or close enough to it that you'd want to make another axe anyway. And if you use a metal axe to cut that initial block faster (I assume they do that, I haven't tried), well you've used metal to save you some time and you deserve it. If you compare cutting down a very tall 2x2 to cutting a tree with 4 logs, then yeah it's much faster. But if I just want a lot of wood I'm not going for those little half-axe ones anyway, I'm going for the big ones so I can put my whole axe into them. I don't do lumber half-axe, is what I'm saying. I would argue this isn't nearly as big a deal as it seems. Regardless, is it not possible to simply prevent saplings from growing into a 2x2 trunk? Sure, the old growth is still there, but you can't reproduce it. Problem solved, and you don't have the uncomfortable situation where two tree types just don't reproduce because of immersion-breaking balance issues.
  19. Kapok & Sequoia

    I understand that back when cutting a tree used 1 use of an axe, being able to gather over 124 logs with one axe usage was so OP that it would have been just stupid to allow players to regrow kapok and sequoia trees. But now that each log takes 1 use of the axe, these 2x2 trees offer little to no benefit over other trees, especially since the taller the tree the harder it is to gather saplings. Is there another reason these things drop no saplings?
  20. If you want to edit the wiki.

    I would like to contribute to the wiki, please.
  21. Early Game Overhaul

    I didn't know the plan was to move monsters underground, but that's awesome. That makes mountain overhangs, ravines, and natural cavern entrances far more frightening. How different will the neutral wild animals be from their tame (or vanilla MC) version? AI, item yield, and skin for the model? Or are you talking about making new models as well? Do you have a plan to make other animals besides sheep useful? Adding sheep milk? As it is, if you have sheep you don't have any use for cows and pigs other than for mixing meals. Hey, maybe that's enough. I've noticed that spiders change their aggression during the day. They only attack if you attack them, and even then sometimes they'll lose interest. Thinking the wild animals will work something like that? Are you planning on the baby animals having low aggression? Wild chickens differ from tame ones in that they do attack each other and anything smaller than themselves, and they run from bigger things like they know how tastey they are. Tame chickens look pretty much the same, but fatter. If I were doing it, I'd trick out the AI and leave them looking the same. Also, can chickens maybe not reproduce like cows do? Eggs are eggs, after all. That brings up another question: Why add deer? One of the things I like about Minecraft is it doesn't add things just for the sake of variety. Pigs, chickens, cows, and sheep all have a niche to fill. Well, pigs are terrible and pointless, but the only things you can put a saddle on (until the horse came out). Zombies, spiders, creepers, and skeletons all act differently from one another, drop different items, and have virtually no overlap. Variety isn't bad, but if a mod adds 9 kinds of birds and every bird is functionally the same, after the newness wears off you look at one and think "bird", not "oh! the yellow bird!!" So if a deer is just another source of leather and meat and horn, why waste your time? Are deer going to be the only non-tameable animal that spawns with some frequency in the wild, giving you a continual reason to go a-hunting? Or is it just to add yet another item to my chests of food in order to make finding good meal combinations that much harder? If that's a goal, the options for the variety of animals is so open-ended you might want to farm that out to the guy who made mo'creatures or something because you'll never be done. On taming though, I can forsee myself working hard to find a calmer sheep, luring it into a pen, and continuing to feed and care for it for weeks. Then after I find it a mate and get some lambs growing up, I'm wanting some hide and mutton, and that's going to be an emotional moment. You might put some thought into making that more impactful than just throwing a couple javelins and collecting the items. Maybe a slaughter action where I cut the neck and have to watch my beloved tamed sheep die in my arms as its blood drains out. People won't forget that kind of feature.
  22. Knapping interface

    I didn't know that shift-double-click doesn't remove them all. Problem solved! Very helpful info, TYVM!
  23. Moving water blocks

    Recently I spawned at the top of a high mountain. It took so long to find a way down without getting killed that I died anyway... of dehydration. Granted, that was unavoidable, but when I did get down to the ocean I wanted to move water back to my mountain and live up there. But there's no way to do that? Some ideas: Rain Collection Leave barrel out in the rain = you get water. Scoop it out with a bucket for your crops or drink it to not die. Waterproof the Land Treat some planks in a barrel full of tannin to get treated planks. You can cover other blocks with treated planks or metal sheets to waterproof the surface. If you drop the contents of a bucket onto a waterproofed surface, the water flows to any non-proofed spot and drains out - but if it can't find any it persists. Fill up a trough enough (maybe from buckets of collected rainwater) and it counts as a water source block for the purpose of drinking and irrigating crops, but it cannot replicate itself and it won't flow into a sluce. Make a cistern - you know, like a human would - to collect rainwater so you can tame the harshest climate. Like the plains. Ice Farming Right now, I can drop the contents of a bucket in a cold enough area and make ice. If I break the ice I just made a water source block. So, with the right conditions you can move and replicate water, but only to places that get cold enough. It kind of feels like that hasn't been coded out yet, but bucket water shouldn't be able to freeze at all. However, ice is water. I'd like to be able to drop a bunch of ice in a barrel, seal it, and once it melts in the sun or because it's near a heat source, the barrel is full of water. Now the ice I harvested in the winter and kept underground in my mountain home will give me drinking water in the summer. Ice could be treated much like logs. Break it with a tool to get pieces of ice (not water). You can shift-place a piece of ice to make a stack of ice, like a stack of logs. It doesn't melt as long as either the temperature is low enough or it is in the dark and covered from sunlight - and then if this stack of ice does melt, it's a puddle that flows out like one placed by a bucket. So I can either break an ice block with my fist or a torch to turn it back into water (otherwise the ocean would dry up) or I can use a tool to collect ice chunks that can only be turned back into usable water through technology, and never into source blocks.
  24. I really like this house, so I just made one much like it. I added some cross-beams in the roof and made the front wall out of clay (dissappointed I couldn't bake it). I love your alternating wood flooring, I'll have to do something like that too. One of the challenges I really like about TFC is that building underground is sooo much more difficult. But starting from a bare ground and building a log house, only to cover it with dirt, is a great way to "be underground" without starting subterranean. Besides, it's a big hobbit home, isn't it? Working on round wooden halls next.