Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Dano6655

  1. In regards to the tedious task reason, Bioxx has actually added two hotkeys in 79. Simply open your inventory with all the rotted food and a knife in in your inventory (not in a vessel) and press 'D'. The game will instantly simulate the process of crafting all of that food with a knife, and all of the decay will be gone. Then simply press 'S' and the game will instantly simulate crafting all of the similar food pieces together, combining them into as many 160 oz pieces as possible, leaving a single non-160oz piece left over.



    holy crap. good change


  2. As long as there's a config to make torches last forever I have no complaints about this change. The type of server I'm playing on right now kinda wants a permanent light source. I dislike the change overall but I'll save my final judgement until I actually play with it


  3. I'm of the opposite opinion. I've found spawn protection to be extremely useless and mobs still tend to bother me a lot regardless of how often i'm at base. TFC also requires to moves around a lot which makes it even less helpful. I found torch gridding the only way to eliminate mob annoyance once you've setup a base. Personally i'd rather mob protection be removed since I dislike it anyway


  4. Welp, I've found why you guys are having such a hard time finding cranberries or cloudberries. They only spawn on peat/peat grass, so you can only find them in swamp biomes.


    were you able to find them? i've been playing tfc for a long time and i've seen everthing else in the game but i have NEVER seen either of those berries and I explore a lot


  5. explain



    Lighting is a pretty huge part of creative minecraft builds. Maybe on a small scale relighting a few torches won't matter too much but as more and more light is involved whether it be more buildings or just larger buildings it becomes not worth the time. I know of a lot of really good builders who just won't build a structure if they can't come up with a good way to light it properly and if it becomes not worth their time to keep it lit, they just won't build it.


    I'm not saying this permanent light source has to be cheap enough to be placed everywhere like caves, but i want at least something for the creative builds


  6. I don't like the idea of having no permanent light sources. I feel this will limit player creativity significantly. I don't feel this change will make the game better, it will just make things more annoying. Then again if bioxx fixes the nether from crashing my game upon entering I will have no complaints.


  7. The best way to solve this problem is to use mytown instead of towny because it's essentially the same thing but mytown is designed for modded minecraft and is therefore a more effective choice for tfc


  8. For teleportation, travel is certainly one of the challenge aspects of the game that can make TFC such fun. I've personally covered tens of thousands of blocks on this server with my wandering explorations to find animals and crops. My latest exploit (last night) was getting a white mare home that I found over 9,000 blocks from town. And I found more horses on the trip back that I want to get...Teleporting would have missed all that, and also made the unique benefit of having that white mare less relevant. I'd very much like it if towns could work toward having an intra-town travel plan. For instance, I think it would be really cool to build a "0 line" tunnel on both axes, then run track down it and make a train system. Towns could then connect to the 0 line to reach other towns. We could also build roads, bridges, ports, etc.



    all the more reason to add railcraft =p


  9. Yea each block will always give you the same reading regardless of how many times you prop pick it. I noticed this pretty early in my time using it. It basically forces you to use it on different rocks and can sometimes mess with your pinpointing if the false negatives fall at annoying times


  10. there is a lot problems caused by baby zombies that should be addressed but they started they didn't want to mess with vanilla code too much. Since we all find them problematic the simplest solution is to remove them. I still think skeletons are worse though
