Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by SPITfirE328

  1. Primitive Power Sources-Animal Power

    Oh sorry i didnt notice the other post I have transfered this one to it
  2. Primitive Power Sources-Animal Power

    Sorry if this has been posted before but I have read some of the other posts on forms of power that could be implemented but none of them really seems to fit the mod design they all seem to make the mod too easy and automated or just not fit the time scale. But very basic forms of power have been around since prehistoric times, using man power to turn cranks or horses to mill flower. I think this could work as horse power is very inefficient, due to the amount of food needed, and the slow speed at which it operates. The mill could look something like this: to keep with the theme of terrafirmacraft the mill would require a lot of effort to set up and while it is running the horse would get tired requiring more food, water and breaks from work, this should help keep it away from "free power" the mill could be used for: Pumping water from wells- if thirst became more realistic and sea water could not be drunk fresh water could be obtained from wells.grinding wheat to flower in order to make breadLifting heavy blocks? - I cant think of a use for this but horse power was used for it historicallyI think this idea would add more depth to terrafirmacraft and would add mechanical power that is not overpowered.
  3. Early power systems

    I think that very primitive power such as animal and human should be implamented but should keep with the theme in terrafimacraft of making minecraft harder. things like windmills may fit the historical time frame but unless some sort of regular matinence system was added they would just produce "free power". animal power also fits the time scale but could be far harder to keep running, the animals would need food, water and breaks as well as working very slowly. Historicaly in real animal operated machines they were genrally under a lot of strain and could break easily this could mean they would need matinence in game. I believe animal power could fit very very well and could be used for: Pumping water from wells- if thirst became more realistic and sea water could not be drunk fresh water could be obtained from wells.grinding wheat to flower- in order to make breadLifting heavy blocks? - I cant think of a use for this but horse power was used for it historicallyTheir could also be different contraptions for each task keeping to the fact terrafirmacraft is not supposed to be easy.
  4. Primitive Power Sources-Animal Power

    sorry aboat the size of the picture i thought it was smaller