Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Icarus42

  1. Is these things in seeds common!?

    You have the King Kong seed!!!!
  2. How to be a forum mod

    " really now?
  3. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    One of my biggest complaints and its almost game breaking But I have to leave my game paused for 20 minutes to get this picture. It's so hard to get a good view of the world from the highest of mountains. By the way I do like the current world gen. Its pretty nice
  4. Is glass too tedious?

    Is it just me or is anyone else unable to make glass anymore? The sand just doesn't heat up in either the forge or the fire pit.
  5. Prospectors' pick madness

    Me too!
  6. Soil depletion

    I couldnt figure out why a few trees kept doing that for me in my tree farm, now it makes sense. I was on the edge of a desert biome. I think that's awesome if it was meant to be like that, I hope peat will be used to fertilize the soil.
  7. Post Mod Combonations

    Opti-fine, Smart movement. With TFC, smart movement is super super useful. The way TFC terrain generates it causes a lot of 1x1 holes into new caves and very steep mountains. With smart movement you can spelunk like a champ and make it to the higher elevations without landscaping the side of a mountain. Also with the side jumping it makes it really fun to dodge cave-ins and mob attacks.
  8. Thanks for this wonderful Mod.

    It brought minecraft back to life for me, so here is a big THANK YOU!
  9. smelting problem

    Im having other smelting problems, some ores just wont melt in either the bloomery or the fireplace. I may just need to go higher in the hills but Im on the 2nd highest mountain I could find. I also noticed that at the same elevation my fire pit gets way hotter than my bloomery. Is that right? this is my fire pit with bellows in use This is my Bloomery with bellows in use I have been able to smelt the Hematite by getting it Orange**** in the fire pit, then quickly dumping the hot ore into the bloomery before it cools which it then smelts almost instant but I will lose it if I dont get it into a mold before it cools down.
  10. The player's current mood.

    At first I was thinking screw this, this is dumb. But what if you took all those stat bars and they all effected a single stat bar "Productivity bar" when your comfy, happy, full, well rested, and all that good stuff your mining speed is increased, but when you get tired, hungry, wet, your mining speed decreases slightly. Im not suggesting a huge swing in speed but maybe 3-7% difference between the slowest and the fastest.
  11. Ships!!

    a use for lead, I like.
  12. Prospectors' pick madness

    In the first one I clicked everything including the ore itself, in the second one I clicked 4 different ore blocks and got 1 return. I call those lies! lol. I personally like the way it works now, it just gives you an Idea that there is ore in the area, but not where. You can kinda get an idea sometimes of the direction if your samples change in size, but again its very vague. Maybe in the future there could be a metal detector that gives you a better idea of the direction or even have the pro pick tell you the type of block you clicked on along with the message of surrounding ore.