Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by abdyman

  1. Thaumafirmacraft

    the nether is needed for advanced thaumcraft materials and recipes, without it you would either need to make those items available somehow in the overworld or get stuck at an early stage of magic
  2. Glad to see this server is gaining some momentum. After the oil fix i will probably be playing this quite a bit
  3. glad to see that you are still working on this
  4. If you are going to be using a modded server you should deff point out each and every mod that the user needs to download and link to them. Especially something like buildcraft which has a whole slew of new recipes that users would have no idea how to make and not giving credit to the creators.. You are also making people download something that might be potentially harmful to them. I would assume you are using the only buildcraft tfc port in the forums available which can be found here for those interested. As for the ship building mod that is prob archemedes ships: Personally i think i would prefer small boats, as i believe small boats would be better. I think that people would just create huge wooden ships which are easy to obtain early game. With small you can use the custom recipes mod to make the earlier boats easy to obtain while making the end game ships require higher level mats. That being said i think you would be the only server to use buildcraft here on the forums so might garner a few ppl just from that.
  5. Hey insaneJ, just a couple of comments. Im not sure why, but even though your server is limited to 35 ppl if it ever gets above 25+ it starts rubberbanding reallt bad. Having to mine the same thing over and over is annoying and i think its causing some wierd buggs. I got 8 sapplings the other day from 1 fruit tree. By the looks of your hardware you should be able to accomidate a lot more ppl without any serious rubberbanding. Also because your server is actually quite popular the 35 player max is hit quite often. especially on weekends. Sometimes taking almost an hour to clear up space
  6. updating to 78.15 anytime soon? edit: nvm saw server updates area. just not posted that you did yet
  7. Tiny Feature: Chisel Sound

    Please dont use that sound effect it sounds horrid. Here ar a few nice examples: In particular: Chisel impact rock, hit with hammer Chisel impact on rock, hit with hammer If its possible hope that helps. They are royalty free and available for editing and distribution
  8. Update Frequency Poll

    every 2-3 months would be nice. could use up to 1 month fixing any new bugs that appear, and then another 1-2months making new features and the release it
  9. i would also support some mechanical power somewhat similar to old red power as long as it fits within the game
  10. [TFC 0.77.21] SteamAge v0.3.0

    If you are looking for a reason to have this, maybe you could look into traincraft. Transportation in servers is always important for town to town/spawn. A town would be known as prosperous when they can setup a railroad and maintain it with steam power or something of the sort.
  11. I take it this would be in a new world correct? Also how does mytown work, is that like a bukkit addon for forge that is received from the server and not downloaded by us. Would also like to suggest the mods leatherwatersac and terrabow as ive found in my world that add to the general feel of terrafirmacraft.
  12. i played this game like 5 years ago, before they had walking animations >.< kinda a drag if you are still limited to lev 20 on skills with free version since you can barely build a house at that level
  13. looks to me like this thread was necroed. less OP makes a statement, i dont think anymore work is actually being done. the ground textures did look awesome though
  14. the woodworking knife does not work, it just builds a regular knife with that recipe
  15. Charcoal Pit

    Yea it was figured it might, was getting on to say this. Ill look into adding it to the exception. Thanks for that info.
  16. Charcoal Pit

    Hey guys, i recently started playing this mod with some friends. gotta say i love the new survival aspect, even though i did have to lose out on some of my other favorite mods. The issue im having is with the charcoal pit. I got the actual charcoal, filled up the storage logs to the max, set them on fire and covered it all in dirt. The pit collapsed and found myself with my first creating of charcoal. According to all the guides ive seen, you are supposed to dig it out with a shovel. But not matter how long i go at it it fails to be extracted. The shovel takes damage and eventually break, but the charcoal just keeps getting to the point were its about to break then instaly replenish(can see this from the texture update) The only thing ive noticed is this while running forge: TerraFirmaCraft(TerraFirmaCraft:Build 76 Hotfix 17): () forge seems to see it as 17 and not 18, not sure if every1 else is like that. Further details: mods being used- [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file [1.5.2] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file ConfigMod for MC [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file CoroAI for MC [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file ExtendedRenderer for MC [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file InventoryTweaks-1.54b.jar [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate mod directory rei_minimap [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Weather v1.5 Mod for MC [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Zombie Awareness v1.85 Mod for MC Core Mods: GUI API MultiMine Also as a side not, any1 have a link to TFC for MC 1.4.7? the ones is tried all seemed to fail, wanted to try it out with RP2, and if so is there a specific version of forge i would need
  17. Charcoal Pit

    ive tried from ALL sides lol but yea, ill go ahead and try that and report back