Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by EternalUndeath

  1. New biome

    For the love of the gods, no gravel beaches... T_T
  2. Mineshafts and mining

    ...but that's the entire point of push-trolleys. Like, literally, the entire point.
  3. Enchantment system

    Hmmm... ...See now, I'm looking at all this and I'm thinking; 'What if there was a table like the planning table, where you could use special magic markings in rune shapes to make something like 'plans' for enchantments, that used gems instead of paper'? And the plans wouldn't be something already known, or obvious... you could have little fairy circles generate in-world in random places (must have forest in the biome type), that have mushrooms growing in the shape of a random rune (though there might need to be some identifier to mark them as different from regular mushroom growths... maybe a faint particle effect? idk). There could be negative spell effects, like mentioned above, so you'd really never know what you're getting until you go to try it out! Or, bioxx could make it so that the correct patterns always have positive effects, but any pattern OTHER than a legit one generates a random negative effect. Also, perhaps only certain kinds of gems could hold certain runes, the same way only certain kinds of stone can hold certain ores? Imagine wandering a forest near your home, and then coming across a cluster of glowing mushrooms arranged in a spiral - you rush home to your arcane workbench, and quickly scribe your new-found rune onto the first gem you happen to grab. You manage to get it right, even in your haste, but the gem remains lusterless. Damn! You etch the pattern into a second, more carefully chosen stone, and suddenly it starts shimmering with power - success!! Applying it to your sword and giving it a test swing, you clumsily knock it into one of your chickens... ...Setting the poor bird on fire. Awesome!! And pre-cooked food!!
  4. ...I love your achievement for this. That should be implemented in the mod.
  5. Arrow Heads: Stone and Beyond

    I disagree with the stone arrows, simply on the grounds that flint is chips of (certain kinds of) stone already. I can see maybe adding a functionality to combine certain types of cobble with a stone hammer in the crafting area to make flint (I say the crafting area because I can make bits of flint on just my porch irl with a hammer, no anvil required). Shale cobble would be a good starting choice I think. As for the bronze, iron, and steel arrows tho, I completely agree - maybe not quite for the other metals, like tin and such... But bronze, iron, and steel are definitely a must. Maybe even a way to craft recurved bows at some point? It's hardly advanced tech, composite recurved bows made from hardwood, leather, and sinew were being used by the grecians and turks even before the rise of the holy roman empire. Obviously recurved bows would deal a tiny bit more damage and have a MUCH longer effective range. Not sure how you'd go about crafting one though, if anyone's got any ideas...
  6. Mineshafts and mining

    But here's the thing, when was the last time you saw a cart trolley that could carry even a decent amount of items AND a person? I think wooden trolleys could potentially attach chests, and then the one YOU'RE on could push the chest one. But you couldn't have a chest and a player on one at the same time
  7. New inventory

    But see you're only looking at what would be cool, and not looking at game balance. An extra GUI would: A) Make things more complicated than they strictly have to be, and clutter up the otherwise rather simplistic controls of minecraft. Even since infdev, Minecraft has been about making complex things with simple means, and TFC tends to adhere to that with admirable tenacity. I'd like to see that continue, rather than just tack on the unnecessary. B ) Make gameplay easier on Steve. TFC is about hard starts and struggling your way to the top with good solid work. Items take up more inventory space, basic resources are much harder to get, and the terrain can be absolutely unforgiving. Giving Steve more places to put what will ostensibly be some of the most powerful items in the game just seems contrary to the feel of the mod as a whole.
  8. New inventory

    Honestly I think with all the things already slated for inclusion, space on the inventory GUI may be getting a little precious. Maybe just one extra slot for generic accessories? Then you'd have to choose whether to have a ring, necklace, or what have you. Limiting different enchantments to different types of jewelery (only rings being able to let you breathe underwater, for example), would add yet another level of agonizing choice to TFCs already aggressive take on inventory and resource management. Consider it compensation for the fact that steve can technically carry over 3.1 billion pounds of sand on his person.
  9. Mineshafts and mining

    See now... I can definitely see engraved tracks working with a wooden hand-pump trolley like Lumy up there suggested (no inventory on it tho, it would just be for travel and maybe to push cart trolleys). It would be fragile though, like a boat - crashing it would break it into sticks and planks, and breaking it with your pick/sword/whathaveyou would do the same. Then also have a metal version that doesn't break at all, is much faster, and drops the normal item when hit by the player, but requires real metal tracks
  10. Clams, and shellfish.

    I... think he was being sarcastic to prove a point dude. Lol.
  11. Mineshafts and mining

    You know what handles point-focused compressive forces really well? Malleable materials like metal. You know what doesn't? Brittle materials like stone. Shear forces on a stone railway would shatter it into dust the first time a proper cart passed over it. Stone does well under compression when the compressive force is distributed over a plane, like when it's supporting the foundation of a building. But imagine putting a building on wheels? The entire weight of the structure is now being concentrated on 4 points - for a particulate substance like stone, that point pressure is going to separate the granular elements and crush the stone. Metal, being homogenous, has a far better chance against that since it has no 'weak points' at the small scale like stone does. I defy you to show me real-life examples of stone railways that have lasted more than a month without CONSTANT maintenance
  12. Enchantment system

    Best I think to wait till Bioxx reveals even just a few basic ideas about where he's taking enchanting. Then we can use them as a jumping off point to at least be SOMEWHAT in the right direction with our suggestions. I like the ideas you're throwing out, but if bioxx already has a wildly different base concept for this then we're all just blowing smoke
  13. A little suggestion to flint/wood "age"

    If Steve were just abandoned in the here and now wilderness, he'd have a lot more knowhow than just 'Unga bunga me make-um pointy stick'. He'd be able to twist ropes, and manipulate complex objects easily. Yeah he'd have some items from the lower tech tree, but he'd also have access to a few upper-eschelon things as well, just by virtue of knowing about them right off the bat. And come on, the guy can fit 1728 cubic meters of material in his back pockets, you're telling me he can't bring along a PDA or Cell phone from wherever he got lost from? The fact that we start from absolute scratch is a big tell for me about this one
  14. Magma forges

    >_> Note that I never said metal... except for the potential sluice gate, which I imagine you'd have a hard time carving from stone... I was actually thinking smooth stone or brick for the construction, lol
  15. Mineshafts and mining

    ...because when was the last time you saw stone railroad tracks. the stairs and slabs and even fences I can see happening... but just no for the rails. That's silly. It's the same 'logic' behind stone swords, which bioxx also (thankfully) removed And Lumy... not a bad idea lol. Not sure how your hunger bar would be able to tell the difference between a trolly with a chest and a trolly without one, but I like thinking about a right-clicked cart that moves via hand-power. Kinda like a mobile bellows, lol
  16. Big List of Mobs

    Sorry, but as a longtime player and DM, 4e kicks me right in my RPG balls. It says "Oh, you're a richly experienced player who writes his own source material and has run advanced character builds? Well that's nice... Now back to what I was saying, this here round-ish thing with the numbers is called a 'd-20'..." It's just insulting...
  17. A little suggestion to flint/wood "age"

    ...the point of this though is that Steve starts off pre stone-age. They did not HAVE agriculture back then. Agriculture should require some work to acquire, not be available on day 2. You're meant to go around throwing javelins into cows for the first few days
  18. Mineshafts and mining

    well I suppose... if we ever do get to the point where Steve can make steam engines... placing one in a minecart could replicate the vanilla furnace cart... But that's a thought for much later on
  19. Resins and Awesome Tree Stuff

    Given my avatar, is it weird or expected that I know that name off the top of my head... as well as the tree's preferred climate, soil type, and the fact that it only grows naturally on the island of Socatra off the southern coast of Yemen in the middle east. I swear to the gods I did not just look that up, I actually legit know that off the top of my head. Dragonsblood is my absolute favorite incense, and I make it my business to keep tabs on where the things I like come from. Honestly, this would be SOOOOOOO useful in TFC. Felling the tree would produce both logs and resin bits - resin could be right-clicked directly to heal half a heart of damage instantly, with a 5-minute cooldown (dragonsblood resin is a powerful coagulant, and compresses made from them rapidly stop bleeding and help the flesh mend)... it could be applied to a stick to make an unlit incense, which you could light in a campfire like a torch. Placing it in-world would cause players in a 3-block area to have slightly faster regeneration from having a full hunger bar. You could also craft ink sacs and rose red together to create red markings (usable in a planning bench just like regular markings), and then craft THAT with the resin to get Dragonsblood Markings, which could be used in the future enchanting system.
  20. A little suggestion to flint/wood "age" the hell are you getting wheat and apples in your first few days
  21. Enchantment system

    Here's an idea - tiered enchanting stations, just like the tiered anvils. An enchanting station/table would require any sort of gem - not just diamond - and the quality of the gems used determine how effective the table is: Chipped beryls and the like will produce a low tier table that has maybe a %50 chance of being able to complete even the most basic enchants, but crafting one with a pair of exquisite diamonds will keep even the most powerful spellcrafting at around 85% minimum success Also, some high level enchantments will require a certain minimum tier table - just like how you can't smith steel on a copper anvil, a flawed amethyst setup should not be capable of giving you silk touch
  22. Magma forges

    I'm with Lumy up there, these should definitely be a below-ground deal Or rather, have it work the opposite of a regular forge - it becomes more efficient at LOWER y values as opposed to higher ones. Me, I'm picturing a room carved into a cave of basalt smooth stone (not raw), arching high up in the ceiling in a gothic peak - a lava lake at about 2/3 the way up the ceiling dammed up, with a single block opening... maybe even a metal sluice gate of some kind blocking it off until activated by rope pull or something... pouring glowing red molten rock into a 1x3x2 channel that starts just at the player's head level and ends in the forge block at his feet. It would be dangerous to construct, since the wooden supports one would normally use would burn up in the heat of the molten lake - perhaps iron girders would be required to keep such a place free of collapse?
  23. Thermometers/Glass addition

    Quite honestly, I like this idea and I think it fits well into TFC - but again it is mid to end-game content. I think we should hold off on this sort of thing until we finish the beginning-game content at least. Once Bioxx has all the start-up mechanics finished and polished up, then let the ideas for mid-game content flow
  24. New biome

    Punctuation is a science, not an art; anyone can master it. Please try.
  25. More advanced chemistry

    No need to change it, I think we can all see the merit of eventually getting concrete. Should require at least steel tools to use though - I can't really see ancient primitives pouring concrete