Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by EternalUndeath

  1. There is a lot of shame in code duping, and anybody who knows anything about coding will look down on you for doing it. It's a sloppy half-ass way to force something to work, and in general is just not good practice to follow. It also makes maintenance an absolute nightmare because if you change the code in one place, now you have to go and find the dupes and change them too, and hope that you don't forget any of the dupes.


    I don't even code, and I know that

    far better to make one class to handle the main idea of it, and then have it called and slightly modified for the individual occasions


  2. Pretty sure they just did a lot of code duping that has to be maintained and updated simultaneously and then they used a bunch more block IDs.


    I... sincerely hope that isn't the case...

    that's so inelegant, and from a 'professional' code team...


  3. yeah, there is, but it's nasty. It would probably result in a lot of code duping, which would have to be updated and maintained simultaneously


    Well how did vanilla fix it?You know that wooden stairs there were originally stone-type blocks. How did notch fix them?


  4. Ideally, a road would be a concept rather than a block. Carts (if they exist) would simply run faster on stone or wood surfaces and not get stuck during the rain on them. By having explicit cart-friendly (chisel-able for ramps) dirt roads, we have to add a new block and extend the functionality of the chisel mechanic, which currently has all chisel-able blocks as stone. This is why you need a pickaxe to break chiseled planks, and would mean the same thing for dirt.



    Interesting, I'd had a feeling you guys ended up with the same problem as beta vanilla but I wasn't sure

    Is there no way to make other non-stone blocks 'chiselable' with other tools, using the same method you used for stone?


  5. I disagree on the embers not being able to cook anything.

    When I'm camping, I always wait for the fire to die down to embers before cooking, because open flames can easily burn the food on the outside and leave it raw on the inside, and apparently, cooking food over burning coal can give it a bad taste.

    I think embers should be able to cook food, and it should be the advantage of braziers over firepits. The ability to cook longer on the same amount of fuel.


    Also, I don't think a lit brazer should be replaced by a fire block. that would look really bad in my opinion. I mean, random fireblocks in the kitchen aren't really the most aesthetically pleasing thing. But other then those two, I have no real problems with this idea.



    I think slowpoke would take issue with using a vanilla fireblock anyway. I have confidence that he'll render us up something nice n' purdy


  6. I strongly disagree. Stone is one of the easiest materials to get, given the amount of mining required to find minerals and ores.


    Honestly, even if stone IS piss-easy to get... I still think that being able to chisel-down dirt with an alt shovel mode is a pretty bitchin' idea. Do you really disagree?


  7. The bloomery requirement has been pointed out as incorrect, as obove.


    Sawmills don't even exist.


    The anvil requirement makes "sense", in a way, but is rather obtuse, and I don't think it would be straightforward enough for players. I think a lot of people would get confused, especially because it's hard to communicate such requirements to the player.


    Wait what?Oh, you mean the OP. No, OP is a stack of sticks. Don't look at that.Look at smoke coming from the forge.


  8. Because dammit, I'm going to teach you how to make coloured glass! One of my pet peeves with minecraft was that things were crafted or existed based on the conceptual notion of a thing, rather than what it is itself, for example crafting tools was drawing the tool in a 3x3 grid, or with items that represent something, such as dyes just representing a colour like blue, and then anything blue that you want just needs that dye. TFC already does away with that, we make you work metal on an anvil into the shape that you want, so i see no reason to fall back on a vanilla mechanic just because it's easy.


    ...Vanilla? Dude have you SEEN this thread? lol

    It's all about new GUIs and joining shattered glass chips with molten lead. Where is the vanilla in this? This is like some fuckin... acai berry puree with cloudberry extract made into a compote to top ostrich meat stuff right here. This shit is exotic


  9. That isn't wrong, but we can go back on our word too :P


    There was discussion a while back about horses and carts. Wheels certainly do better on flat surfaces, and not so well on 1 metre cliffs. If they get added to the game, roads may have a purpose, if not as an explicit structure, but that running carts over stone or cobblestone might be faster than dragging them over grass, dirt or sand.


    If that's the case, you should add an 'incline' function to the chisel, right after 'stairs'. Wheels don't like stairs very much either.


  10. It does? I've only ever seen it go up. My bad. But even then, I still think the smoke should despawn over time as well as by hitting the build limit, because it wouldn't be able to go through spaces such as opened doors because the doors occupy a block. It would kind of simulate the smoke dissipating through various cracks and openings to the outside world.


    ...that explanation has changed my mind on the matter. Kudos, I now support this.


  11. Looked into stained glass once. The reason it wasn't implemented sooner is that I forced myself to stick to traditional / historical chemical compositions for stained glass (not dye based, but the chemical component such as gold for red glass).


    TFC just didn't have the mineral base for a wide enough variety of colours and/or the ones that could be manufactured from existing chemicals involved complicated processes.


    Hoooooowever, we have a few more minerals now, and we've already done a few less-than-100%-accurate-for-gameplay-reasons things... since it's a purely aesthetic change, I don't see why this shouldn't be in


  12. So, I have some personal experience with glassblowing, the more traditional, non-pyrex way. As a starting point I'll just describe the RL process, and then add some thoughts on how it could be translated to TFC.


    So, first, you take a whole bunch of starting material (for TFC, sand is fine), and heat it up in a crucible.  You dip your blowpipe into the molten glass, and, using a wet cloth, you shape it with your hands.  When it cools down too much, you stick it back in the furnace to reheat it.  If it is to be a vessel, you blow through the tube to create the hollow.  If you want colors, you dab it in colored powders and then reheat it to integrate the colors.  If working on a larger piece, you need to gather the glass on the blowpipe in stages, allowing each stage to cool slightly before adding more.  After you've achieved the shape and color that you want, you allow it to cool just enough to be solid, then score the glass near the blowpipe with a file and sort of knock it off.  It then needs to go into a kiln for a few hours to slowly bring the temperature down, because if allowed to cool too quickly, it will shatter.


    There are other tools and tricks to get shapes or effects that you want, but that is more or less it.


    So, how to implement something like this in TFC?


    I'd suggest, heat up the sand in a crucible, ready when white hot.  Place your blowpipe (tuyere maybe?) in the output slot to affix the glass to the end.  Removing the tuyere opens up the glassblowing interface, where you have anvil-like recipes for various products, with slots for dyes (like the flux slot).  Work should need to be fairly fast, because the working temperature range is pretty narrow.  


    If it cools down a bit too much, place it in a lit forge to bring the temperature back up and reset the work you've done (not realistic, but easier to code I think).  If allowed to cool a lot, the work is lost.  It could either disappear, or leave something that could be put back in the crucible. (no need to worry about dyes, IRL these get burned off in the crucibles).  


    The finished work would need to be run through a kiln.  Preferably, we'd have the more permanent advanced kiln to do this in, but if not, for the purpose of the game, the pit kiln would be fine.  Just place them in like pottery and go.  If you wait too long to light it, it disappears.


    For stained glass, I'd suggest we break colored glass panes and create our masterpieces with lead in a 16x16 grid (different colors would have lead between, while the same colors would not).




    This is the exact post I was hoping to see in here. Dunk, what word from the riddermark?


  13. I'm kinda divided here... on the one hand, this kinda falls within my 'more stable straw' thread... but on the other, this would have been one long-ass post for a reply


    Also, no way in hell is poop ever happening. I suggested 'dirty straw' and people are having trouble with the idea.


  14. To be honest I read the entire post.

    I intended to show my support for the general idea.

    I would love to have a transport system that really work with the actual game-play on single-player an servers.

    Right now I cannot see roads on servers for as long as Teleporting is available.

    Dont get me wrong I always make some short roads around my settlement to quickly reach forests and other resources.

    But is just a aesthetically thing. So I would Like to have more reasons and  benefits from it.

     So if this was a pool I voted Yes.


    You won't see this. Ever. Roads will always and only be 100% aesthetic. You will never receive any bonuses from them, and that is straight from the developer's mouths.


  15. Another alternative (or additional method of despawning) to having smoke despawn only at the build limit would be to have it despawn after a certain amount of time. This way, smoke in an area like a forge chimney would despawn as well, because if it only flew straight up, it wouldn't be able to get to the outside environment through the bend in the chimney. Additionally, you wouldn't have smoke sitting up on your roof forever.


    Who said anything about straight up? Have you SEEN thaumcraft flux gas? Or liquid glowstone? They flow just like regular liquids, including around all kinds of corners.


  16. Now I've seen everything xD



    See what happens when you think your posts through, follow all the forum rules, have genuinely inventive and useful ideas, and make sure you're giving careful thought to game balance?'S like magic, innit


  17. Honestly, if we remove the hammer as a weapon (I mean yeah hammers can certainly deal damage, but the same hammer you use for metalworking is not a good weapon, it has to be an actual battle hammer like so), clubs would be an excellent stone-age source of crushing damage. Perfect for fending off those gods-awful skeletons. Spiders? Javelin 'em to the wall. Zombies? A stone knife'll cut their heads clean off. But skeletons are a DAMNABLE nuisance early game, and a club could turn 'em into bonemeal with the same efficiency as knives and zombies.Not to say it would do damage like a mace, that's insane... you still switch to a sword when you get the chance, even though knives can cut zombies apart just fine. But knife -> sword means zombies go from 10 hits to 2 hits. Getting a mace means 2-shotting skeletons after previously requiring something like 50 damn strikes! It's bloody madness is what it is. I vote for clubs.


  18. I really like to build roads. There can be no civilizations without roads.

    Please no slowing down the player off roads.

    Yes to speed up over different kinds of roads.

    Make Hand carts and wood wagons break the wheel after some use.

    This way the cart remains, but it cannot be moved until the wheel is replaced.

    It addresses several coding mechanics that would be easier than track durability.

    That said there will not be any road network on servers for as long as there is TP or warping.

    Also the whole road and vehicle thing needs to be implemented at the same time as the inventory tweak.

    Off course we should implement roads and carts before hand and only change inventory after brushing all the bugs from the roads and carts system.



    you didn't read a single word of this thread other than the OP, did you


  19. I've been looking at your posts, kid... You and I?


    We're not going to get along well.



    Follow. The forum. Rules.There are already like 5 fishing threads, and I was JUST in a thread about buckets not even 5 minutes ago. This here is spam, and you should be grateful to people like Kitty and Maga for salvaging it into meaningful discussion.


    Think before you post next time.
