Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by EternalUndeath

  1. I think he means that when your head is in smoke, you'll get those air bubble things that you get underwater, and take damage when they run out.

    This exactly.


    Also, the block would only generate above the forge block every x seconds, or would have a chance-per-tick of generating a few blocks in a rowThat way you'd have little smoky trails rising into the sky like a real camp fire, that would despawn upon reaching the build limit


  2. I'd actually made a sort of mockup stone henge when I was designing some of the ruins... but honestly it's kinda useless unless the sun changes rising point with the season, which I feel is a bit much to ask of D&B. Then they'd also have to remove the calendar.


    I have to say though, I VERY much like the idea of building a structure that uses monolithic stone structures to indicate the season, by finding out what the highest and lowest setting points of the sun were, marking them, and then using the midpoint to plan your crop planting and harvesting... fuckin TFC astronomy... yeah...


  3. I mean, for forges and fire pits and bloomeries and anvils and whatnot.

    Right now, you need a forge to have a 'chimney' to make one, right?

    But what If I can make a forge without the 'ventilation', but just have it backfire on me somehow?(say, it make a bunch of smoke that puts out the forge and/or suffocates me/whatever bad things can happen from having a forge with no ventilation).

    What if anvils have a chance to fall through blocks like thatch or planks(item) when updated/used/placed?

    What if the firepit can light flammable blocks near it on fire, or/and create smoke?



    ooh, that.. actually gives me an idea...Instead of having the chimney requirements, you could make an upward-flowing 'liquid' block called smoke, that would behave in a manner similar to flux gas from Thaumcraft 4, only it would stack on top of itself and therefore accumulate. It's only texture would be a 'smoke' particle effect, and having it in the same block as your head would start suffocating you exactly the same as water.


  4. Sounds like a rewrite of the original code :/ it wouldn't be quick, and it would be ugly.


    And it would also be HORRIBLY forced. Not organic at all.


  5. I'm not sure how this is even relative. These things would need to be RARE. Take how rare you think I mean, then even more than that. I've said this many times now and I'm hoping I can stop soon. I see no reason why anyone in their right mind would want to aimlessly wander the world for months/years in search for a run-down shack vulnerable to mobs before they build their own place to get geared up and settled in. Also, where are the forceful limitations? ... I don't see them.


    So... When I was talking with dunk (I know I keep bringing up this 10 minute conversation like it was a 3 day philosophical debate, but it's just always relevant), I mentioned 1 structure spawn in every 100x100 chunk square. Do you guys think that's pretty reasonable? Remember, you can walk across 1 chunk in roughly 2-ish seconds at a sprint. A little 16x16 chunk isn't all that much.


  6. Feasible, but the internal pathfinding necessary for that amount of detection would lag HORRIBLY, and make multiplayer near impossible.Do remember, this mod is played predominantly on servers where people form towns ANYWAY, and so development follows this. Not to say that developing for SSP is unimportant, and there are plenty of SSP changes I would like to see, but it's simply not a priority unfortunately.


  7. I'd like the clay molds, leather, and stone knapping to have a bit more freedom.

    Not just being able to flip the shape, but I think you should be able to make some mistakes(say, 'cut out' a bit too much, or forget to remove a block or something), and you'll still get results, but with decreased durability or something



    That's a loooot of code for something that makes a relatively low impact. If it was added, it'll be a finishing touch tacked on way the hell at the end.


  8. I also suggest having the material type of the buildings depend on the wood and stone around it, so if your in a area with granite and birch, the structure will be made mainly of granite and birch, if the area is claystone and chestnut, it'll be made of clatystone and chestnut, etc


    I'd actually mentioned this to Dunk when we were talking about it. I kinda forget if he said it was feasible or not though. I suppose you could always pull from the generation code for the top stone layer, but that might make for some.. interesting structures on stone borders lol.


  9. @eternal

    nice tower, pretty much exactly what I was thinking about... though taking into account the potential of the chisel would hope to eventually see buildings with much higher levels of detail... Maybe I'll give it a shot and see what I can come up with. I just doubt I have the patience to build the things I'm envisioning here.


    I specifically avoided the chisel here, with a few exceptions - the arrow loops higher on the wall were done with the chisel, and serve the same purpose as they did in meatspace - easy to fire out of at (due to the tower's position on a hill) long range with a wide view, but next to impossible to shoot into. I spent a good 15 minutes trying the design out with a bow and infinite creative arrows, seeing how far and wide I could spread my shots from the inside of the area, vs. how many shots I could land in the building from the ground below. Once I found a good high ratio, I duplicated that design on every wall. This tower only has 4 arrow blind-spots, and they're fairly narrow.


    But that said, I used the chisel detail mode as little as humanly possible, because those puppies will LAG YOU SILLY, especially on a server.

    Here's another view of the same tower:

    Posted Image


    On the inside of the upper floor, there's several (I think 3?) tool racks along the walls, and 2 bows total hanging on them. There's also 2 chests in opposite corners, one of which is empty and the other contains a small smattering of arrows. Less than a stack I believe.


  10. I can tell you that I've personally talked at length with Dunk about generated structures - he's a fan of the idea, and there was even a sorta-not-really contest a while ago to see who could come up with generated structures that might possibly be implemented.

    (Here's one of mine:

    Posted Image




    This all said though, I have NO idea what Bioxx's thoughts are on the matter, and he has a tendency to just put a 'no' stamp on a bunch of Dunk's non-animal-related ideas - many of which are community-derived.


  11. Animals will require food to live. The reason for this is to limit how many animals you can support. Different animals will require different types of feed. You will be able to stockpile feed for the animals to eat as they please. When a chunk reloads after being unloaded for a long time, animals will not die immediately, but will have to consume a quantity of food relative to span of time they were unloaded with in a certain amount of time of reloading.


    I enjoy this.


  12. Are you sure you read the OP and not just here to troll?

    The Wailing - An alien new dimension


    I want to say thanks to Lumireaver (for helping to inspire this with his vision of the nether), EternalUndeath (for pushing me to do something far more creative than the original idea) and Justanotherguy (Because you're just so damn supportive !) :)


    The Wailing:

    The Concept: Black fear (as EternalUndeath put it).


    Recent Edits: Changed inhabitants section to reflect the new mobs envisioned by Eternal and myself

    Did YOU read the OP? I helped fucking make it.


  13. You regard the point of having animal value depend on raising here, a different idea which I don't have as much issue with, though I have to stress how important it is to make it balanced enough to be a feature not a dull chore making game repetitive.


    1) That's not a different idea, that's one of the main salient points of my thread - 'make animal quality semi-dependent on player attention'2) Obviously this needs to be tinkered with and balanced (and then REbalanced a few times, because unintended consequences). This is a forum for suggestions, not developer detailing. This suggestion (and really, all of them) assume that D&B will do testing and rebalancing without having to be told to.


  14. Since you aim to split hairs: That bug's already been fixed for B79.


    Has it really? FANTASTIC.

    Though I'd be a bit sad if you can just drink it straight from the bucket, since that's a fucking LOT of a hard-to-digest liquid to down at once. I hope they added a milk jug that milk barrels spit out after placing an empty jug in. That would make me happy.


  15. Ah, I see, apologies. The chat messages weren't clear on that one (it just said "player died" instead of "player was killed by baby zombie").


    Still, it managed to do so only because it picked up a tier 2 mace that selivaria had carried. It could have picked up any of the tools dropped from that death (which was still 100% selivaria's fault), you just got the worst possible random result by pure misfortune. And two hits for full health means you had a fairly low max health number due to lack of a balanced diet. Tier 2 weapon is what, some 225 damage? Unsure if that is modified by difficulty setting. The server seemed to have a very low one, considering it took the baby zombie two hits to remove 10% health from selivaria without a weapon.


    The problem with nerfing baby zombies is that what killed you here is the tier 2 weapon it carried, not the monster itself. Unless you want to remove the ability to pick up stuff from zombies altogether. At which point they become about as threatening as a wet noodle to anyone with any form of armor (even just leather). Also note: the baby zombie is fully intended to be incredibly dangerous. It spawns very rarely, and should be seen as a literal "mini-boss" mob.


    There is possibly an issue with mob-wielded weapon damage not scaling with difficulty level if the thing really two-shot you. That in turn would be a good thing to fix/address, because sometimes zombies do spawn with weapons pre-equipped. And if they don't scale with difficulty, that's a bug. 

    They honestly don't even need that much of a nerf. They just need to burn in the day, which they're supposed to do ANYWAY. Mojang straight-up said it's a bug, they just haven't fixed it yet
