Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by EternalUndeath

  1. Okay but... making things easier is not something TFC is about...


    ...y'know, in case you've never actually played TFC and didn't know. The switching is an emergent mechanic that handily prevents you from just spamming 'bellows' until the forge just stays white hot 100% of the time.


  2. Honestly, this was brought up once before in a forging thread, and I still think it's pretty brilliant.It would have to be near natural lava though - separate natural and placed lava the way you separate natural and placed logs, and have this bonus only apply to the natural stuff, or make placed lava cool into stone after x amount of time.

    With that change, I would FULLY support the idea of having lava touching any of a forge's base blocks boost it's heat by a base additive number. That just sounds plain badass to me, as well as totally believable - geothermal energy is still energy.


  3. Why has this thread not seen light of day since January?I know glass has been posted before, but this is already an established thread by this point, and it's a GOOD one!

    I love the idea for the stained glass murals, but I agree with Allen about making lead crystal glass for most wares - it's just easier to shape


    For the actual blowing... I was really thinking of having a sort of 'minigame' much like a more complicated knapping process - I'm not quite sure of the details though. Perhaps you have 4 different 'sides' you have to get into the proper shape, clicking tabs on the sides of the gui to 'turn' the molten glass, which will slowly deform on the 'bottom' side until the blob hardens and cools - glass that hardens in the right shape on all 4 sides will become the item, and any mistakes give you a re-meltable 'glass lump', I suppose.


    Anyone care to help me out on this?


  4. ...Otherwise, the fourth wall is broken, and you're no longer playing a character in TFC...


    That's... actually the exact thing that Dunk has repeatedly said that this mod is going for. See my post in the 'moods and cleanliness' thread.


  5. You know it's funny, I actually had this very same idea after watching Pakratt's TFC Tuesday stream a few weeks ago. I told Dunk and he seemed really on board with it, but then Bioxx gave it the big stamp of disapproval. :/


    Still though, perhaps he'd find favor with a different implementation we could come up with here...


  6. That might be a little difficult though to present in a 16x16 texture.


    Which makes me think, didn't there used to be plans to potentially convert all of TFC to 32x textures? What happened to that?


    I may be wrong, but wasn't that one of RogueHydra's things? I do believe he is no longer the texture artist for TFC


  7. And calling people stupid must be why people like you, and why these forums are so lively.


    As much as you say that sarcastically, you're actually fairly spot-on.

    This title wasn't added by me, I was happy to be a platinum miner, or whatever the 1500 post benchmark title is. That was something an admin stuck above my picture before you could edit these little tags, because I'm well known for nailing stupid posts as bloodily as possible to the thread, so that everyone can see 'abandon hope, all ye who enter without decent brain functionality' carved into its flesh.


  8. ...........(Lol)Also the spring thing was a joke.I should stop posting things for a while now...(Lol aigain)


    Not at all, I would never encourage someone to cease posting altogether.But for the sake of what brain cells the rest of us have left, post things that aren't crap. PLEASE.


  9. Okay first yes im sorry 4 my terrible spelling.Second, the reason why death appears is that the fountain only makes death visible. Also while i was posting i was assuming that people would think it would be implimented in a tfc-like way.Also, note that:The reason why those specific woods and the Apple represent old minecraft itemsRepresentation of iems(i will be citing christian religion):The Apple eaten by eve that god kiked us out of and by concequent mortal(i think please correct me)Gems represent beuaty, hardiness, and longevetyMystic things(r n b steel, majic): the power to grow above, to surpass anything(including death apparently)Nostaljic items(woods): reminecent of the past, what came bafore, what lies aheadMeat: the matter of life itselfMilk: the entry liquid to lifeWine:(running out of ideas!)also, take a spring. Heat it up. Now its a hot spring(not to be confused whit hot springs)




    Edit: Gods I wish I'd known about this clip sooner than this. It's so fitting for so many things...


  10. We've been over this before I'm afraid - mood is a no-go, because the point of TFC is that you aren't supposed to be perceiving yourself as a character in a videogame... you should be perceiving yourself as  being IN the video game. These things aren't happening to Steve, they're happening to you.


    When it starts to rain when you're on your way home after a long journey, and you find a zombie in your house because the spawn protection ran out... you shouldn't just have a number in your stat bar decrement, YOU - you, sitting there in your computer chair - YOU should heave a frustrated sigh and frown as you dispense the intruder.

    When a cold snap comes in late autumn and kills your crops earlier than expected, Steve shouldn't just lose progress on some bar - YOU should be panicking and scrambling to collect your precious seeds before they despawn.


    Steve shouldn't feel emotions. You should.


  11. -<insert insult here ;)>- - fake quote:Jelly's were invented in like, after tfc's timeframe because i serched it on one wikipedia page.- -so yes i think jams are staying-

      1) Wow, you managed to use a straw man AND ad hominem in the same terrible dismissal. That'd be impressive if it wasn't worryingly sad. 2) Nothing's 'staying' if the mod authors dismissed it, just because you found a single flaw in one person's argument. I don't care if it's the single greatest idea since sliced bread (which they apparently haven't had yet) - if the devs or mods say no, then no it is. Your opinion will change exactly nothing.

    - Deleted -

    Now I REALLY want to know what this said.

  12. maybe we can do gold and silver inlays too.


    You know, I actually had a post a while back about adding an optional and highly difficult 'finishing' step to smith-ed items to make them more decorative. I think this would be a nice way to do that



    No, but you're reading the wrong part. You were supposed to read the part that AllenWL was kind enough to bold and italicize for you, pointing out that it's the important part. I will copy it one more time, leaving out the irrelevant information, and then try to explain it in even simpler terms.


    -snip of easily comprehensible list-



    This is why people like you, Kitty. You're far too kind to the stupids.


    I say remove all the warning labels, and let the player gene pool sort itself out.


  14. Harvesting crops doesn't take skill, planting seeds doesn't take skill, animal husbandry doesn't take skill, digging a charcoal pit doesn't take skill, a pit kiln doesn't take skill....the list of necessary activities in TFC that require no player skill is quite a long one so I don't know that is a valid argument against


    Well while that's true... it's also a bad thing. MORE things should require player skill. At least the profession-based ones


  15. it would be nice if skills would require, well, actual skill or were not governed by in-game skills as much as player aptitude in general. This way things can be mastered, but not by grinding and racking stats, but by actally employing some wit and know-how in the work by the player.


    That was the original goal of the mod - things weren't meant to get very 'RPG-y'. I think that Bioxx may have betrayed his own mod a bit by even adding the skills we have so far.This mod isn't about Steve knowing how to survive, it's about you knowing.




    I saw this topic and then, BAM, idea! This idea is however so complex(if used fully) and needs its own thread:Aging and the fountain of youthThis would be a proces of you getting debuffs until you die of aging, whit is diffrent from regular dying and should incorporate:MilkAll da gems!!!Hot springs(not to be confuses whit hot spring)Dat red n' blue steelMagick(if it ever gets added)Offrands to the minecraft god(notch):A fresh raw meat from all beasts(pork, steak, etc)The forbiden fruit(red apple)Sacred blood(red wine(once its implemented))And the primal woods(all wood plancks of the original minecraft trees)If you become immortal(witch is my suggestion for the end goal) i think a boss is in need: Death!Once deafeted, death gives you the mortal elixir, permitting you to become mortal aigain.



    ...This is the dumbest fucking thing I've seen in weeks. Not only are your grammar and spelling god-awful (if you're foreign or 10 years old, at least note that and excuse yourself at the start of the post for fuck's sake), but it's completely incohesive. TFC is a completely separate thing from vanilla, so what in the hell makes spruce, oak, kapok, and birch so damn special? And what is the difference between 'a hot spring' and 'hot springs', that they could be confused with each other? What the crap do ANY of these things have to do with death (other than milk, which I can maybe kind of see as being a sort of 'liquid life' if you squint your brain a bit and think happy thoughts).

    And finally, in what universe is defeating the personification of death even possible, much less a good idea? (side note: anyone who answers 'Bill and Ted' will first be hugged, and then viciously beaten)


    I don't know how many times I have to say it people, stick with the TFC aesthetic. This mod is built around one core concept, not 'whatever the players think might be pretty cool right that moment' - stick to it or get out.


    That post was bad, and you should feel bad. Go to your room until you don't suck as much.


  16. I like this idea. This would allow people to build whatever style of granary or food deposit they want, whether it be an elevated granary, or an insulated cellar.


    Idk, I think that granaries and cellars should be very different objects... wait...


    Posted Image


    Cellars I think, should just be something you naturally and intuitively do, just digging into the earth and storing things there in the darkness and cold.


    A granary should ideally be a multiblock structure based on a 'granary hatch' block placed on the underside of a variable size and shape container. I feel that if you make a closed container of any size between 3x5x3 and 7x7x7 out of (a single type of) wood plank blocks, keep it at least 2 blocks away from any dirt, grass, sand, or clay blocks, place at least one trapdoor in the top face, and place a specially crafted 'granary hatch' block in the bottom, it should form a multiblock structure similar to a bloomery. You'd toss grains into the top as item entities and the first one thrown in would determine which grain the granary can accept (it will likely only be able to handle one type, for coding purposes. Also for coding purposes, the grain must have all decay removed first). It would create a 'grain block' slab similar to the ore/charcoal buildup in a bloomery, preventing you from overfilling. It would hold up to 2560 oz of grain per internal air block, I'd say, as that's the amount you could store in 4 vessels filled to capacity and placed on 1 block on the ground (so a full 7x7x7 granary could hold 320,000 oz of one type of grain, the same as 125 blocks worth of full vessels).


    As far as getting it back, right-clicking the granary hatch on the bottom would open up a GUI with the name of the grain, the amount stored, and an output slot with '0.0 oz' underneath it. Placing a vessel in the output slot will cause the number under the slot to steadily increase, and if the vessel is pulled out then there will be grain items inside it totalling up to the number stated in the GUI, which will be deducted from the granary total.


    Keeping your grain in a real granary will reduce the decay to 1/16th of it's rate otherwise, but at the catch that the decay is evenly spread through the entire granary, and can't be removed without removing every ounce from it and cutting the decay away manually, then re-adding all the grain back in.


  17. But would I want to build a thriving, beautiful town only to have it decimated in a volcanic eruption or be stuck in my house for hours on end as the zombie hoard wanders around unopposed?


    Would a month long eclipse during the winter that killed all your crops be something someone would enjoy as a challenge?


    And what if, for example, as I was in the early-copper/bronze age, a tornado ripped apart my thatch house and destroyed all my things?

    It would be even harder to get back to the point I was at because I would have taken all the small ores in the area and harvested all the crops(and possibly eaten all the animals)


    Again, in response to the zombie thing, Dunk is eventually making it so that large above-ground animals will be hostile, and your dominant early-game threat. Deep underground, however, the vanilla monsters you know and hate will be spawning in the darkness, and they will be practically unbeatable without at least (I think) Iron equipment. As for what rewards await you in the dark depths, I cannot say.


  18. I don't know about sealing grains inside a barrel for zero decay, but I wouldn't be against some kind of multi-block granary to minimize grain decay to very low levels. Grains may last a long time because they're basically dry seeds, but you've got to watch out for rodents, bugs, and other animals that will pick away at your stores.


    Most traditional granaries are elevated off the ground to make it more difficult for animals to get in. Perhaps we could require that it be elevated on fenceposts or lumber?


    Ah, yes! I'd been thinking of suggesting something like this myself, actually. This idea requires fleshing out though, please create a new topic for it and edit your post to link it


  19. I do not know how the devs tackle this topic (I think Kittychanley hates me because I've said this several times, lol), but IMHO TFC is not a "survival simulation", or in another sense, it is a "life simulation". The survival aspect of TFC ends in the moment that you can farm food all year around. The only moment you were pressed to make survival actions is at the beginning where you have to look for a shelter, food and water (the classical survival situation). After that point TFC becomes an upgrade and more realistic version of Harvest Moon, without the chicks and townies (or that the townies are mean zombies that want your flesh). In that aspect TFC it is an sand box game that, as Visitor said in the post above mine, it has reached the point where we have the tools but we don't have a reason to use them, a goal, a monster powerful enough to truly test our steel (in a sense).


    The thing is, since it is a sand box game, it needs a lot of different goals simple because people wants different things and to keep the sand box nature as true as possible. Some people like to stay in a calm and nice farm, feed the chickens, farm the land and have a simple life in a lodge cabin in the forest. Others like the exploration part of MC, discover ancient ruins, new villages, resources and live the life of those merchants that always have something exotic to sell. There are those fearless warriors that are bored of feeding the cows and want to slay a big bad Dragon to show off or to live the life of a mercenary. Those are goals, goals to pursue and goals that need to be developed since some of them are not present (or are too easy). Multiple dimensions would feed the anxious player that love to explore the world (or worlds), he might hire one or two mercenaries to be safe in an unknown world. Infinite towers would make the gladiator type happy but those towers need to be found and it is here where the explorer comes handy. The Indiana Johns' type need some temples and lost villages here and there to be happy. And those, per-se, are goals. To become a great explorer you need horses, maps, ink, preserved food and water, an armor and weapons might be optional or to be safe from bandits and/or wild animals. The mercenary type needs a lot of combat oriented tools and the best armor and weapon he/she can find, deadly poisons, trap knowledge, and fighting skills. It is not that I want infinite tower, multiple dimensions, etc because it will be the source of infinite mobs and fights, but more oriented to a mixture of game-plays and goals. 

    Me gusta.

    I will say, however, that the future updates which will include tougher mobs in the depths of the earth and POSSIBLE generated structures, coupled with a semi-large server, will absolutely lead to the exact scenario you've detailed up there.


  20. Though I'd like to be able to tame a pair of wild boars and then - as unrealistic as it may be - make them breed, creating little, pink, domesticated piglets for my farm. But that's a random, side thought.


    This is already a stated goal, and is being worked on by Dunk (at a snails pace, but it's going)


  21. I think that having maps be hand-drawn is a horrible idea.You can access any geographical information just by hitting F3. Direction facing? Done. Coordinates? Done as well. Why resort to an inaccurate system of hand-drawn topological maps, when you can accomplish the same thing (directing people to places) using coordinates?One of the reasons I loved and used vanilla maps is how it allows me to get a birds eye view on the area around me, more specifically, to find the location of oceans and rivers around me.So I propose that TFC maps are computer generated (for accuracy), showing the location of water and land (water appears grayish, while land remains white on map (the map is in black and white)).The maps are generated the same way as vanilla maps, except that instead of just walking around, you have to set up a scribbling/cartographer's table, and update the map in them.The surrounding area will be updated in the map, with the higher the update point, the longer the radius of the circular area updated (so you have to build outpost towers for more efficient updating).Waypoints can be marked on the map by use of the scribbling/cartographer's table, and will show up as a small circle, which displays the waypoint name and coordinates when hovered over with the cursor. The location of the waypoint corresponds to the location of the table used.


    Oh my GOD yes.

    I think, however, that this deserves its own thread. This is a fantastic idea... I highly suggest you resurrect that old thread with this post, maybe add a bit more detail and features


  22. Multi-harvest crops have been removed for 79. To harvest your bell peppers and tomatoes, you'll have to break the plant just like everything else.


    I admit, I'm not really a fan :/

    I love being able to pick a peck of peppers without having to worry about replanting...



    I just made the same mistake and ruined a crucible of weak steel, but I think there's a way it could be made to work (adding an alloy back into a mixture of the same alloy), without requiring alloy ingots to keep track of their composition, and without allowing exploits:
    To determine whether it has a valid mixture, the crucible would first check the mixture of all constituents as it does now. If that isn't a valid alloy, it would then iterate over each constituent that is an alloy - let's call each of these X - and try temporarily removing it from the mixture. If the remaining ingredients form a valid alloy, and if that alloy is the same as X, then the crucible should consider its contents in its entirety to be a valid mixture of X alloy.
    For example, if you have a mixture that's 45% copper, 5% tin, and 50% bronze, all of those together are not a valid alloy. However, if X = bronze and it is temporarily removed, then the remainder is a valid mixture of bronze. Since that's the same alloy as X, the crucible can consider itself to contain a valid mixture of bronze overall.
    This makes the exploit described by Kittychanley impossible because pulling bronze out and putting it back in can never change the relative percentages of the remaining copper and tin; in effect, the crucible keeps track of "things that make up bronze" and "actual bronze" separately, but it still recognizes everything put together to be bronze.




    Kitty makes a good point, but Iprefermuffins'
