Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by letalhell

  1. Okay, this doesn't sound as good as it did in my head yesterday...

    Would it work if you created a (functionally) liquid/water sand/dirt that turned into a solid block when it settled (Immediately after reaching it's max travel distance)? Digging up terrain sand/dirt would yield the liquid sand/dirt even though in reality they would be different blocks.

    That's a really good idea. But something should prevent it of falling to lowest level like water does in TFC.


  2. Edit: Although, I do wonder about that... If all of the people decided to migrate to one server, how would/could it be handled?

    I can only think in cloud computing.

    If the multi-server stuffs is made only to be able to hold more people without depending on a single super-uber server but instead in some 10 or so small servers, the computing required would be shared evenly between all the servers, so even if a server is with all players in it's "domains" the computing would be done by all servers.

    Also, I don't know why people are still with the island idea, for me a multi-server solen purpose is be able to hold more people. Perhaps the scheme would be one main server and some dependent servers that would only be used to computing. You could implement the multi way-point if you want to make some kind of "community", but that could work with a single waypoint.


  3. We are going to need someway to stop from an advanced server completely destroying a newly developed server and what if islands were like plots and if you claimed them then you could expand however the additional landmass would be stored on your computer. No one could build there until someone claimed it.

    Rules are there for this. The intersection server sets the rules and the servers have to follow...

    Now you gave me ideas for somekind of landlord stuff, the server owner are like "kings" and the players can ask for the king for a piece of land, it concedes and you can build there with no problems, else he could simply delete your creations and in counterparty he would answer for you in case some other server came destroying stuffs... Wars and stuffs could be implemented with this! Man, my head is aching with ideas!

    First of all, let me get something strait:

    would each new server generate new land? I would like exploration to be a thing, and that would completely destroy it...

    What I envision is each multiserver planet being generated when it is created. Server regions are sectioned off on lines of low passibility or bodies of water. New servers can join on unexplored sections of land, and if they leave then it is either allowed to be claimed by another server or if it was unexplored by any other server, claimed.

    Advanced servers destroying new ones would be part of the process, and I do not see it as a problem. It happend in real life, and the players would simply become part of the conquering empire.

    So you like the second idea, the one with finite size servers.


  4. Wow. I had never though about it in that much detail. Sure, I guess some could be connected by land, but I'm not sure about infinite or near infinite land. I can see continents, which would be several servers pushed up together or even merged, but I'd like to stick to a limited server size and each server being a single landmass or a collection of smaller ones. The normal terrain generation just wouldn't fit very well.

    Edit: Islands starting as overpowered would be natural, and even if it started as uneven, it would straiten out eventually. In fact, I think the experience of being in the middle between empires of different technological advancement would be fascinating.

    The first the servers are infinite in size but the interserver is finite in number of server, the second the servers are finite in size but the interserver is a infinite grid(the one you show preference).

    Also, each new server would load the the servers it shares borders and try to make a terrain generation smooth in that area, so we could avoid a sea bein cut by a 200 blocks tall mountain.


  5. I think that's the same issue as in vanilla when you see an oasis in the desert and floating sand. Nothing happens till you cause a block update and then they fall. Unless of course the block is actually a non-gravity affected block in which case no, it isn't supposed to fall, and is a side effect of the mechanics.

    Yes I know this happens in vanilla, but since TFC is trying to make more sense of things like this. I guess this could be fixed... The question is, is it possible to fix this or is some kind of problem inherent to minecraft?

  6. well, he mentioned trade so the guys with tier 0 and 1 could trade part of their metal for Iron used to make steel and yes, there should be multi-server landforms... But what happens when a new server starts?

    I can't think in two-options:

    1) The servers in the inter-server network are set a priori of the actual launching, so they don't collapse. And they grow like a "flower", the middle point is the intersection of all servers, and trades would take heavly here. The petals are the servers itself, where two "petals" would touch there's a server interconnection and trades can take place there too... In this scheme all server are infinite in land. but they grow outward, so players settling in very far places would be further from the all-servers interconection.

    2) The server can join and leave on the go. All server are in infinite-map, similar to regular minecraft, when a new server joins the inter-server it emergers in the edge of the other server, but all server are limited in size, let's say 10000x10000. When a server disconects from the inter-server it's land isn't lost, but it is a place where all server share and when a new server joins and there's a place like this, the new server will take this land before creating another.


  7. dont mean to sound rude here (its hard to transfer emotions through the internet) thats fine and dandy for you id just like to see something a little more advanced, all the things we need are here. things that you see in IC2, no thanks but early power like the suggestion said would be nice plus oil lamps would require you hunt fatty animals or a new or which would make it harder and harder to get were as power from a windmill or watermill wouldn't be that bad.

    continuing from watermills it would be nice to include that into the mod for founders and more advanced metal making

    I totally agree with you.

    I would like to make some mechanism automated but with some level of restriction.

    A windmill or watermill would be very welcome, perhaps some of the functions already in TFC like making flux could depend on this. Also wind/water powered bellows... The possibilities are limitless...


  8. I know this may sound a over-done question, but I've never seen this answer...

    Is minecraft able to deal with floating blocks?

    I know that you can take a single block with gravity(by disconecting it from other blocks), but when two blocks are floating one is holding each other so both don't fall... What i'm trying to ask... Is minecraft able to deal with this problem? Cuz for me this is a big issue, sometimes my world generates mountains that are floating with nothing holding it. Perhaps with some adjustments in the cave-ins...


  9. My thoughts were that by having different materials on different island would encourage trade. The reason you'd incorporate that into a multi-server format is because each server would have a sense of unity, as well as increasing the amount of players that would be playing together in a connected environment.

    Now I see your point. I like this, but some islands would be overpower in early games(the ones with the initial ores for tier0 and 1 metals) while the islands with ores for steel would take disvantage in the begining... What size are you talking about? 1~2 biomes seem very small...

    Could some servers be connected by land? Not only sea...


  10. I guess something is wrong with the cooling mechanic.

    I just smelted some natural copper in the bloomery and when I harvested it with a ceramic mold it took 19 seconds to go from Brilliant White to complety cooled. Is that a bug or now we are working with extreme temperatures?


  11. Have a maximum tree population then. To prevent a static world, have the tree 'seeding' algorithm continue to run once the population limit is reached, but if the seeding check returns positive, have another tree of the same species 'die'. (I'd probably just have the tree outright disappear without dropping anything, as dropping material would have the name entity-spam problem of before)

    Have the population limit different per biome. That way plains won't be overrun by trees, but other more naturally forested areas can become very dense over time.

    Of course, trees planted by the player will still grow, regardless of the cap, but the player's trees will still count toward the cap when calculating the seeding and tree death numbers.


    Also, trees planted by the player would have to have a "special" tag to prevent them from "dying" and also be able to go over the cap. I'm saying that cuz plains are the best place to make treefarms, as they are flat and ... without trees!, so placing 200 sapplings in a plain would make the cap go way over the normal and would automatically start the Tree-Dying process, making tree-farms inefficient.

    But that's a great ideia, I can imagine the world changing from season to season... Perhaps if Bioxx make 4 types of the same tree, like Hickory-Autumm, Hickory-Summer, Hickory-Winter and Hickory-Spring. With this the dying process could occur in the mid-late-winter, making things more visible.


  12. Read it a bit more carefully. When he says it cannot lie, he means more like the Pro-Pick won't tell you there are traces of a certain ore when there are none in the area.

    But saying that there isn't any trace while actually there is, it's a lie. If the ProPick had 100% chance but smaller range I wouldn't mind. I prefere strip-mining to pro-pick mining, I find this 40% too much to work with.

    I guess if Pro-Pick chance was greater the closer you were to the ore would be cool. Like in 24 blocks 99% of false-negatives, 12 blocks 50%, 1 block 100%...

    For those of you who want 'are more accurate version':

    Quoted from :http://en.wikipedia....ral_exploration

    So even in today's high tech world, prospectors/miners are worse off than we in TerraFirmaCraft are..

    Would you like to trade the ProPick for some tech that will require you to dig fifty boreholes for an even chance of a strike?

    This game isn't about realism. So yeah... If digging metals was about 100 times harder this mod would be so boring/frustrating that nobody would play.

  13. I would like belts as climbing with spiked-boots looks like something out a comics. But yeah, that would be nice.

    I'm looking at you White Cedar trees!

    And i'm looking at you... Sequoia tree,


  14. 1) I'd say keep it in a 1-chunk radius. Keep in mind, that's still 9 chunks, which is a considerable area. A 4-chunk radius is 25 total chunks, at 16x16 each for a total of 6400 blocks. Which - if you're in a forest biome - is potentially a processor-melting number of chunk updates for a low end system.

    2) Magic A is Magic A.

    It doesn't have to be realistic, but it does have to be consistent. If Bioxx makes regular trees drop seeds like regular trees, then people will become upset when fruit trees do not drop their seeds like fruit trees (that is to say, inside their fruit). We've established that fruit trees and woody trees are different in-game. If we make them behave wildly differently on most accounts (like they do), but then give them both one property that's totally the same and only makes sense for one of them, it breaks immersion like a kneecap in a brooklyn slum.

    See also Like reality unless noted

    1) That's also why I said to make 1 in every 10 trees have this seed aspect... maybe even more(1:100...), depending on the biome, the type of tree. I guess this wouldn't be so hard to code just duplicate the trees and make one of this trees spawn have a random chance of been the one with seed generation. but I understand, i'm not sure about number, i shot 4 chunks radius out of nowhere.

    2) Make fruits generate seeds when eaten and animals that come close of fruit trees have a small chance of carrying a seed and droping it in a cooldown or something like that. But even with this, fruit trees have greater chances of growing closer of a the fruit tree(there's a saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"). This can be worked out to make it more accurate but not coding-intense.


  15. For rivers flow the water mechanics would have to be a lot more dynamic. They would need to evaporate and all that stuff or else every low place would be flooded... But it's possible.


  16. I guess this whole problem with "this stuff is too high-tec" is only happening because the mod is still in development and the suggestions are toward the early-game aspects, like stone age and metal age. I guess once this ground is covered, revised and working properly we could be suggesting stuffs for mid-eras and beyond... I would love to see advanced weapons such as arquebuses, old-fashion revolvers, bullet produce system with different types of metals and of course dynamite! But I guess this isn't the time...


  17. The above sounds like natural overhaul. I think the only problem with this is that with that many seeds on the ground we would have huge lag issues, we would be forced to make a seed pile block which wouldn't work terribly. another problem saplings would obviously grow faster than a seed and that would take a lot of coding. It's a lot of work for a very small outcome.

    This problem could be resolved with a limited range of trees, let's say 1 in 10 trees have this "seed droping" stuff and with a limite range from player, so the willow in the swamp over the hills and beyond would not check to see if it could drop a seed, but the hickory in your backyard would. Not sure about number but, hmm 4 chunks in radius from player?

    It's a good idea but the seeds dropping from trees is slightly mistaken (correct me if I'm wrong). These are fruit trees - the seeds are in the fruit. If you were to get the seeds you'd get them from the fruit, they wouldn't drop separately. Essentially (this isn't implemented) you would craft the fruit to get the seeds just like the watermelon in vanilla. This also means that a naturally spawning tree would have to drop its fruit (or retrieved by an animal) to the ground, which even then doesn't guarantee the seeds will be viable or take root. There are a few fruit trees in the woods here and an apple tree in the back yard - 15 years - no sprouts on its own.

    As stated the mod isn't about realism but to be believable, trees don't have to take years to grow, that would be boring and pointless. And neither it have to have all it's functions from fruit to animal to ground and so on(also, not every tree have fruits)... I guess just randomly growing trees would be very welcome and make the game look more alive.

  18. Wow... that is, really really interesting. Can you do one looking down, as if you were trying to get it from above?

    Posted Image

    This time I forgot to count how many gave false-negatives but it's roughly 40%.

    Nicely done.

    (must resist temptation to....)

    Did you get cake?


    No cake... But I got a pie! Yummm~~~

  19. For me Caving is the easiest way to find ores. In vanilla i've never strip mined, it's so much easier to find a cave and go for it.

    I like strip mining in TFC, you gotta be carefull with the suports to avoid unwanted cave-ins and all that and it also have a more "mine" "Feel and Look".

    As stated, I would like deeper rocks to be harder then surface ones but in counterpoint better tools would make faster digging, and I mean really fast. Mining the surface stone with a stone pickaxe would be the same speed as mining the almost-bedrock stone with a blue-steel pickaxe, and therefor mining a surface with a blue-steel would be A LOT faster, and mining the bed-rock stones with a stone axe A LOT slower.
