Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Murayama

  1. Single player config option

    I just wanted to say thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU for adding this to the most recent build 78! The ability to add mod ores was an unexpected surprise. This has totally resparked my interest in TFC and trying to build my perfect single player mod build with TFC as the centerpiece. Also, on a side note, I love that sticks have been added as a ground pick-up. Hitting leaves for sticks was always one of my least favorite things to do.
  2. Single player config option

    I remember reading somewhere that TFC is considered a multi-player mod. Why exclude a large contingent of players who only play Minecraft single players? In my personal situation I'm a grown adult with a wife and kids, deadlines, responsibilities and a backlog on Steam I'll never get through. Some of the things I love in games are survival, immersion, progression and believability. That's why I'm drawn to and love TFC. Seems like about every 6 months or so I try to get back into TFC but I inevitably reach a point of boredom, tedium and frustration and find myself lured away by some other shiny new game or mod. I'm pretty sure, based on many comments I've seen in this forum, I'm not alone in that. Why not add some config options tailored to make the game better for single players? I think having an option to increase ore distribution, lower block hardness, increase tool durability would help a lot with this. This would open the game up to a lot more players while keeping the progression system intact. And those who enjoy TFC exactly the way it is could just leave those options alone and it wouldn't affect them at all. It seems like this would be a relatively simple thing to implement. I've seen other mods do very similar things. It would make the mod more accessible to single players who don't have the time to devote to the mod without compromising the standard TFC experience for those who enjoy that.
  3. Single player config option

    Yes I am well aware of what TFC is and where to find and alter a config file. I probably spend more time fine tuning my mod environment and tweaking every little option to provide that perfect experience, than I do actually playing the game. This is also why I'm aware that so many mods from Thermal Expansion to Mekanism to Mariculture to Tinker's Construct to Custom Ore Gen to Gregtech (I could go on but I'll stop here) allow the user to customize ore distribution via config file. Hence my assumption that it's not that hard to implement. I know that TFC does their ore distribution differently though, so maybe it is a lot more difficult for this particular mod. I'd love to hear from someone who knows. By the same token it should be very easy to change block hardness. Is the length of time it takes to chop a log/mine stone tied to the multi-player focus? Because it's too slow for most people who play single player. Heck, it's probably too slow for most people who play multi-player. If it's not too difficult to add a config option for that, and it would possibly bring more mainstream people into TFC, why not add it? I'm not talking about changing the basic standard gameplay for anyone who likes it the way it is. Simply adding some options in the config file to allow those players currently alienated by TFC's multi-player focus, to customize their experience so they can enjoy TFC as well.
  4. Single player config option

    I guess I didn't spell out clearly enough what I meant by ore distribution. I agree vein sizes are more than enough to sustain a single player's every need for a long time. The problem for me is in the amount of time it takes to find the different essential ores. While a multiplayer server has plenty of different people searching for ore and it only takes one person finding it to give everyone access to it, it can be frustrating, boring, etc for a single player to do that work. I'm not afraid of a little hard work. That's part of what I enjoy about TFC and I think vanilla ore distributions are horribly overabundant. I just wish there was a mid ground that would make a single player world more interesting and accessible to players. I'm sorry (I guess?) if my tone of voice isn't motivating enough to you. I guess I'm mostly just frustrated that some of the TFC developers and community are so rigidly close minded in the way the mod is "supposed to" be played. While many other mods supply multiple config options so users can custom taylor their experience and strive for compatibility with other mods, TFC just doesn't. While it seems to me it would be relatively easy to implement I'm pretty sure there's no way it's ever going to happen.
  5. Single player config option

    Wow. Kind of surprised no one cares about this option. Why the lack of interest? Is it too unlikely to be implemented? Too much trouble from a user standpoint to change config settings? Have you resigned yourself to "This is just the way TFC is." I kind of wonder if it's because anyone who cares about this option has long ago abandoned TFC and the only people left viewing the forum are people who love the multiplayer focus just as it is.
  6. where did all the evil mobs go

    It makes no sense because punching a zombie shouldn't make another zombie materialize out of thin air. And because I'm aware of this game mechanic, I know I'm better off not hitting the zombies than to do what makes sense and fight them off. This immediately shifts my brain from "Oh crap I need to survive this zombie attacking me!" to "How can I game this system so more zombies don't pop up from nowhere."
  7. where did all the evil mobs go

    I absolutely hate that new mechanic Mojang implemented. It doesn't make any logical sense and encourages "gaming of the system", which kills immersion.
  8. Blast Mining

    Ugh. As a single player gamer it really sucks to hear this. As much as I love TFC I don't have the free time to do the work of multiple people. I hope someday we SSP players get some more options in the form of 1) Config settings that lessen the grind, 2) More mod compatibility so at least we can install other mods that help us out, or 3) someone makes an add-on that does something similar to these first 2 options.
  9. Challenge vs. Annoyance

  10. Thaumcraft compability/crossover

    Don't forget you can always use the search function as this has been discussed several times. I haven't tested it with the current build but yes it was possible in past builds. It can be a bit tricky though as world gen isn't possible. You have to use another mod like Custom Stuff or Custom NPCs to add recipes to convert TFC items into TC items. Balancing it is a challenge but if you're creative you can create a use for those currently useless minerals and gems. Plus TFC items and blocks don't have aspects making it even more tricky. So yes it's possible but it's a lot of work.