Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Reepime

  1. It would be nice if the Wiki could be updated by members, or a place to be able to put in update requests on the page that you wish to update. Maybe find someone who is willing/able to be a Wiki Mod read the update requests, verify the information, then update it. *Edit: Sorry everyone, I posted this, refreshed my Discussions screen then saw the sticky post about requesting access to edit the wiki. Shame on me!
  2. Missing Ore? Pre31

    With my experience on my SMP, I am having no problem finding copper (Native Copper and Malachite). I have not found Cassiteritte yet though (which is a pain). In total, I have found Native Copper, Native Gold, Hematite, Galena, Bismunthinite, Malachite, Magnetite, Liminite, Sphalerite, Tetrahedrite, Bituminous Coal, Lignite, Kaolinite, Gypsum, Kimberlite, Petrified Wood, Jet, Pitchblende, Cinnabar, Saltpeter, Sylvite, and Olivine. Out of all of that though, about 65% has been Native Copper. I have found enough copper to build 3 full suits of armor and 3 full sets of tools/weapons, as well as, an anvil, about 10 hammers, like 30 pickaxes, 15 shovels, 10 axes, 5 saws, 2 chisels, and 10 prospector picks. I've spent about 4 hours IRL just melting down ore into "unshaped copper".
  3. Anyone else having issues with world gen?

    Thanks for the verification on that. I wasn't sure if it would process it or not, but now that I think about it, it makes sense that it doesn't. The conversion is a Mojang tool, not a TFCraft tool.
  4. I do like this idea, but possibly make a different item that does this, might be an item that can't normally be obtained until later in the "ages", but kind of like a (go ahead and laugh at me) Pokedex. You have it in your hand and click on a block and it will tell you the name and what materials are commonly found in it. I realize this is a little more extravagant than what was originally thought of, but sometime's it would be easier than having to alt tab out to look up a material on the wiki (mainly to see if it's used for anything at the moment).
  5. Anyone else having issues with world gen?

    I realize this is a late post, but I'm rather new to TFCraft (Absolutely loving it though). When talking about swamps and mountains spawning together or a swamp area that doesn't have any visible water, you are thinking of the "common" thought of a swamp and maybe swamp isn't the proper word to describe these areas ("bog" may be more appropriate). I live in the forested hills of Northern Pennsylvania. We have a few swamps here that actually exist on the top and below cliffs. In one actual location, the swamp seems to fall off a cliff to the land below (about a 30 ft drop) that hasn't been caused by man. Regarding not finding any plains or flat land, this isn't limited to just TFCraft (Even though Bioxx admits to changes that unintentionally caused problems). I've been playing Minecraft since "Classic" and have noticed that the terrain generation has become more and more hilly/mountainous. Another major difference with Vanilla Minecraft that has occurred are the sizes and frequency of the biomes. In my experience, it is more common for me to find swamp, forest/jungle, ocean, and mountain than it is anything else. I've searched on creative for 3 hours looking for a flat area to build at (I go a bit crazy with it sometimes (105 x 105 x 80 castle)). I've come across and ocean biome (literally with only a few islands up to 10 blocks in size) that took me an hour to travel across on creative. In regards to your comment about terraforming a mountain, it all depends on how much you play minecraft. Admittedly, it will take longer in TFCraft, but it won't take months to do. 3 of your screenshots show land that would only take a few minecraft days to flatten out into a workable area. On my server, I've flattened out about a 70x70 area in just 3 Minecraft days. As far as hunger goes, kill some cows. Eating Chicken and Pork raw will make you sick, but eating beef raw doesn't. Frankly, it doesn't recover a lot of hunger, but it's better than starving to death because you're climbing a mountain (some of which you could just run around). Also, if your hunger is completely filled, it takes longer to use up 1 "indicator" than it does if your hunger isn't full. In your comparison screenshots of the plains from v5 and v16, there are a few things to consider. The generation configuration has changed, so even the same seed would generate differently.If you look at the biome information, one of those screenshots was taken in Plains10 and the other in Plains7. These are 2 different biomes that will have different generation configurations.To make a proper comparison of the 2 versions using that method, you need to use the same seed and take screenshots from the same location facing in the same direction.Snow appearing/spawning on top of water (and even in mid air) is a problem that has been noticed with vanilla Minecraft (and even video documented by the Yogscast). I don't know if it would work, but what you might try is creating a world in a pre-beta Minecraft that has the elevation/terrain you are looking for, then load it in a current version of Minecraft. This would force the world to reconfigure and may present you with a low altitude world with flat regions.
  6. Regarding the 'The problem of Cassiterite' poll

    To add my 2 cents to this topic, I believe that option C should be used. Even if a metal is introduced that doesn't exist (as far as we know), it is plausible that it is found. If you wish, read below for my justification. *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATION MATERIAL BELOW *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* Currently, in the natural world, it is possible for 2 substance to combine to become a new substance (whether as simple as create an alloy/glass or as complicated as nuclear fission). A recent article on ( speaks about evidence of nuclear reactions happening naturally on the earth's surface (and suggests it has or is happening on other planets in our solar system). With this in mind and the fact the Minecraft isn't earth, it is very possible for the heat of the planet, surface lava flows, or volcanoes (I know, not currently implemented) to create the perfect conditions to cause 2 metals to smelt into a new alloy and not all metals/alloys are strong and they haven't been exploited in real life greatly, but they may have been used initially by ancient cultures as a beginning tool.
  7. Spawning at very high height

    Just to add a little more to this, on my SSP game, I haven't found any ore after playing for about 8 hours (but I JUST started to create a mine). On my SMP game, the server spawned me and my friends in a kinda "Fort Knox". Within the first hour of playing, we found some Sphalerite on the side of a hill (just out in the open). After we had a "base" set up, I went out looking for reeds (which unluckily took me about 3000 blocks to find). During this search, I found Native Copper (about 20 stacks), Native Gold (2.5 stacks), Malachite (about 50 stacks), Tetrahedrite (about 20 stacks). I also found about 70 stacks of Gypsum (I didn't know it was useless until I mined almost all of it, now it sits in a chest outside the base). All of this was found on the side of a mountain, without having to do any kind of digging. I set up little outposts at each location with a waypoint (Rei's Minimap) so I could mine it all.
  8. Duplication issue.

    I've discovered 2 duplication issues with the Bloomery. Through experimentation, the first duplication also works in the Anvil and Forge. I did a search for "Duplication" and only came up with this topic, so I'll post them here. These were only discovered and tested on SMP as on my SSP game (which I haven't played much) I haven't found any ore yet (unlucky spawn). 1) When melting down ore in a Bloomery (haven't tested with the fireplace) or moving Ceramic Molds, Unshaped Ore and Ingots to and from the Anvil and Forge, it is possible to create duplicates by using "Shift-Click". It is repeatable, but doesn't always work immediately and I haven't found any kind of pattern and it is more likely to happen with the Bloomery than the Anvil or Forge. When an item is duplicated in this way, the item can no longer be moved by using "Shift-Click". If you have the duplicate items in a chest and break the chest, the items will disappear and if you try to stack duplicate items, one of them will disappear. 2) This has been tested a few times as well, but no pattern can be found and again, it isn't 100% repeatable. When using the Bloomery (haven't tested with the fireplace), if you have a mold that hasn't been completely filled with an ore, when trying to move the mold to the slot in the Bloomery by using "Shift-Click", it will send a duplicate to the slot on the Bloomery, filling the mold the rest of the way, and only taking enough melted ore out of the Bloomery to finish filling the mold. You can then remove the mold out of the Bloomery and "Shift-Click" the partially filled mold to create another copy.