Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ChunkHunter

  1. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    oops - sorry guys
  2. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    I think there's an issue with cutting down sequoia trees - this is the second time the server has cashed after I was trying to cut one down - It doesn't always crash I might add
  3. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    The in-game day is still the same length, right?
  4. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    no opinion on the length of year change... Have set up camp on the other side of the lake from you
  5. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Perhaps try installing ONLY TFC & SmartMoving.btw - I had no problems at all - you did make sure that the SmartMoving version was for 1.6.2 I assume?
  6. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Thinks I broke it already - was chopping down a sequoia and it crashed
  7. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    If we're talking about co-operating in this kind of venture it can only be run on the communist ideal - there is no "my" only "our"... Everybody shares what they make or do with everyone else...
  8. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Is the server down - I'm getrting "bad login"
  9. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    If I read this right you're going to reset the world so we will all start from scratch, yes?How about we all try to make a big town/city together? Maybe use this forum (or someone sets something else up) to discuss/propose ideas/suggestions?
  10. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Apparently it was down - the scheduled restart at 19:00 GMT apparently cured the problem and I was able to log on after that time. My client version was already changed a couple of days ago.
  11. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Is the MC server down? I can ping the IP address, bit can't connect to the MC server....
  12. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    bug fixes:"Fixed deer so they are no longer shearable animals that mate with chickens to produce cows."ROFL!
  13. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    I'm still on the server - where in the world are you? what time zone?
  14. 77.9 Animal Spawns

    If the sheep and chickens are spawning based on geographical location, then why not let us make feather beds, for example?Maybe introduce cotton plants in geographical areas where chickens spawn and sheep don't then we can make cotton cloth and fill them with feathers to make a feather bed?Maybe 3 cotton cloth above 3 feathers above 3 cotton cloth.Making cotton cloth could be like wool, using a spindle.
  15. Armor bug

    On the armour issue, PLEASE make metal armour a bit more worthwhile than it was previously.You have to spend hours, and use a shed load of metal to get the armour and then it disintegrates after a couple of arrow hits??? Even Dunk is recorded saying it wasn't worth it.(Yeah - I'm exaggerating a little here but you get my point.)
  16. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    Bug report Suggested name:Breaking food prep area eats food Suggested category:Annoying Description:I had a food preparation area made from a plank block, on which there were a number of bowls and various food items. I wanted to move the area, so I simply got out my saw and "broke" the block. All of the food and bowls were lost - I had expected them to "pop out", rather like items in chests when the chest is destroyed. Have you deleted your config file and then still been able to reproduce this bug?: Not tried. Pastebin of the error report if this bug produces None available.
  17. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Thanks - as you probably already realised I have logged in successfully - though it did take a few attempts this morning
  18. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    does that mean we need to change something in out client config for the profile we use to log in?
  19. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    I'm getting a failure to login "Bad login" The screen suggests that the server is online. Maybe it's got something to do with the fact that I just "upgraded" my Minecraft login to a MoJang login?[Edit]I logged out of MC then back in again - everything's OK now Sorry for the inconvenience
  20. Newbie help!

    I understand in the later builds, the spawning has been tweaked to make it a bit better. e.g. in my 77.11 world, I just ran into a herd of pigs (maybe 10?) in a small area (still looking for copper though *lol*)
  21. Build 77

    I also had a glitch(?) when I put 4 unfired jugs into the kiln, and then (without clicking incorrectly) when the firing was complete, there were only 3 jugs.Does that mean that there is a chance of breakage during firing also? (not unreasonable!)
  22. Build 77

    When lighting a pit kiln - if you click too many times with your fire starter (i.e. click again *after* it's lit) then you can pick up (unfired) objects from inside. Of course, there is no way of putting them back in... Also, the build 77.11 mod shows up in the mod list as build 77.10 still
  23. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Would like to join your server. I've played the mod a lot since I first heard about it and think it's great. Never been on a server before so want to see what it's like - have seen plenty of YouTube videos of multi-player and want t o try it out Not tried TeamSpeak, so no idea how that works, unfortunately. I am pretty well up on the mod - well I was until B77 came out! *lol* IGN: ChunkHunter.
  24. Build 77

    Early game now with the (seemingly) much more aggressive 1.6.2 mobs is an absolute nightmare. Once the first mobs have spawned, then there are always "bad guys" around - skellies that are wearing armour, for instance, don't burn - and zombies even if they're burning come at you with a vengeance and set you on fire. If you jump into water to put out the fire they come in after you and hit you - I'm guessing that if you hit them they'll call their buddies over to join the party... Also, it seems that spiders don't get pacified any more when day hits, although when I lured one into water it did calm down... (this is at about hour 6/7) Am I correct in thinking that only the spiders head now counts as far as the game is concerned - It certainly seemed that when I was hitting its body there was no effect - I had to hit its head. Also they move so darn fast these days (or maybe that's my computer being slow)...
  25. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Here's something (a swimming pool?) I stumbled across during a (so far fruitless) search for sand today... (oh and yes, this *is* survival mode - when I later used the same seed to generate a creative world the pool wasn't there!)