Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ChunkHunter

  1. Clay working

    Yes and no -I'm trying to point out that putting hand-eye co-ordination in as a game skill is not really something we should be doing, and that it doesn't correllate well with the actual skill of throwing a pot. The suggestion with the graphic to which I was replying was talking about the pot getting thinner and also about making a jug (or perhaps drinking vessel in a particular way - also suggested you could make oval pots on a rotating wheel which is impossible.
  2. Clay working

    Not sure if you've ever tried throwing a pot, but I doin't think that kind of skill really lends itself to simply clicking in the right place at the right time. Also, when you get higher the walls don't necessarily get thinner - unless you make them thinner - and when you make a jug you normally start by making it pretty much like a cylinder, then make the "waist". Finally you'd add the handle and form the spout manually. Sorry...
  3. I don't believe that processing animal fat into tallow should be too laborious in game. After all, making olive oil from olives probably requires a bit more processing than simply squeezing out olives - doesn't it. For information - I used to live in a town where there was a working tallow works. Sheep carcasses would be delivered, then they would be skinned, and rendered down into fat and other stuff - The process absolutely stinks! (Not that I'm advocating an antisocial stink when processing animal fat into tallow!)
  4. Tallow candles are already a thing in the TFCMisc addon - animals drop suet (fat), which is then put in a ceramic bowl and melted. When you add a piece of wool yarn, you get tallow candles...
  5. Clay working

    Making a coil pot (one from "ropes of clay") doesn't have to be a heavier item - in the hands of a good potter, it can be thinner than a pot thrown on a wheel by a novice. A master potter throwing a pot can make a thin pot,but the nature of clay means that there *is* a limit - but that, of course, depends on the properties of thespecific type of clay you're using.
  6. Mules (and other pack animals) carry barrels

    Check out the proposed camel model for possibilities...
  7. Meteoric iron & materials

    there are some addon mods that give shooting stars now. I think one of the shaders packs does, for example
  8. Meteoric iron & materials

    "star metal" - oooohhhh, shiny!! But seriously, I'm with you on the fantasy thing - go sl out - no need to make it "realistic" as long as it's "believable", right?
  9. [Solved] Brine bucket

    the only way I can think of is to use a large (ceramic) vessel as an intermediate - these hold exactly half the amount a barrel does
  10. Spearfishing

    And perhaps when they're dead they might float, rather than sinking like a stone like everything else in minecraft...
  11. Boats and Ships

    Nice extension to the idea - well thought-out. I think, however, that the 'space' at the dock shouldn't really be an issue - we can say tat there is *always* one (or more, but one is enough) ship at a dock and you're effectively teleported to a ship at another dock that looks identical - visually, it's the same ship. This ties in with your suggestion that the boat doesn't move...
  12. Are rutabagas no longer an existing crop?

    Sorry - I wasn't trying to be derogatory... There are so few achievements in TFC - the rutabega achievement isn't in the 'tree' so it can only be described as an 'additional extra', rather than a part of the main mod. I guess I probably pay little attention to achievements because they were added quite a long time after I started playing the mod. Your point about using the achievementsto 'learn' the mod is valid
  13. Are rutabagas no longer an existing crop?

    Achievements aren't like boy scout badges - you can get on in life without them
  14. Granaries

    The barrels were an idea to form some kind of lining for the granary. perhaps a lined granary would work better than when not lined?
  15. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    Ah - you've onlu upddated the mods *inside* the pack, not the pack itself - I understand - thanks for the clarficaiton.
  16. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    Can't find the update on the launcher...
  17. Granaries

    My implication was to have each block have the capacityof a barrel... Thinking again on this - perhaps, instead of having an empty core, we should have a core of barrels? Edit: With hardwood barrels being better at preserving than softwood ones?
  18. Server Mods/Ideas

    Not 'my thread' about moving animals , but I do believe that the log spamming is caused by the fact that by default the logging is on maximum - simple config change to fixit.
  19. Granaries

    Granaries have been around since farming became a reality - I do not believe that this should requireany "advanced technology".
  20. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    Thanks, Bunsan!
  21. The Salt Marsh

    "...plagued by sink holes and deadfalls everywhere"? Surely that's nust 'norms' TFC terrain gen
  22. Server Mods/Ideas

    I enjoy smart moving. That and the Streams mod for nice flowing rivers small boats look really cool - perhaps without the biggest boat - and using burlap cloth as an option for sails - This mod *will* require some tweaking of recipes to be able to make it work,and has been reported to cause problems with log files. This last issueI believe can be addressed by modifying the config file. Similarly, it has been suggested that the boats are slow - there'also a speed setting in the config.
  23. Tips on moving cows

    oh yes - those animal crates and tucker bags have a big drawback - you have to carry them on your back - so only 1 animal at a time. On a long journey to find sheep or chickens that's a LOT of extra time. If only leads weren't so buggy...
  24. Tips on moving cows

    Re the smallboats speed and logging: There's a config file where you can tweak the speed, and the logging level. Not exactly rocket science...