Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Peffern

  1. Fewer Vegetables available from hitting Grass

    What if breaking grass to get seeds only had a reasonable chance in the spring instead of year-round?
  2. Coinage and coining

  3. Big List of Mobs

    Well done, great necromancer!Good idea though;I didn't know you were still here.
  4. Coinage and coining

    Beware the trap of adding new crafting blocks with only one use. It is baaaaaad. (Cough cough IC2 cough cough) seriously. Do not add a mint for the sole purpose of making coins. No!
  5. Reduce Repetitive, Mindless Clicks

    Maybe if cutting down trees had a reduced drop chance. (Of sticks).
  6. Time Settings

    Smart phone. I've probably had it and not known it.
  7. Time Settings

    Dunk needs his playtime.
  8. A Blacksmith's rant, on metal working in TFC

    Maybe he's been lurking. Something you know nothing about.
  9. Ok. That means that it is not a hard 3, as expected. It's 3-4. I suggest we leave it at 3 for balance's sake.
  10. Food Spoilage - A Comprehensive Summary

    Have you ever kept a sandwich in a backpack for a month?
  11. Time Settings

    Glad to see dunk has his sense of humor all the way up to 11. Luve ya dunk.Spontaneously Combustible
  12. A Blacksmith's rant, on metal working in TFC

    I get it now, thanks for clarifying that. Also, adding bees in would, for the reason states above, make a certain TFC youtuber very happy.
  13. Well, are we assuming that people are melting one small ore per mold and crafting them together (and abusing the repair bonus) which averages 9, or that they're doing what they're supposed to abs melting them together, which averages 12?
  14. Time Settings

    Can I have with it with the first letter of each word capitalized?
  15. A Blacksmith's rant, on metal working in TFC

    Wouldn't it make sense to put th clay everywhere except the tool shape?
  16. Food Spoilage - A Comprehensive Summary

    It's a discussion thread on a topic that has sort of faded away.
  17. Metallurgy Mechanics

    I have to attack your "hold down" the mouse button idea. My mouse HATES terra firma, and chiseling is nigh impossible when every few times I click my mouse, it clicks twice. Trying to hold something down for an extended period of time seems like a way of punishing people with defective special mice.
  18. Crude Maps and Compasses

    Tiered compasses don't really make much sense. magnetism aside, what's going to separate a steel compass from a zinc one. However, the outside of a compass doesn't have to be magnetic (like the vanilla recipe) just the needle. The very first compasses were simple a bowl of water with a needle floating on a leaf inside it.
  19. Time Settings

    Yea I did more research. The question comes inside the quotes If and Only If the question is part of the quote. Which in this case it was not. I understand.
  20. A Blacksmith's rant, on metal working in TFC

    Hi.Are you new?
  21. A Blacksmith's rant, on metal working in TFC

    WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE ON THESE FORUMS?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU. because a) you don't get offended with my grammar and bad humor and you seem to be obsessed with multiblocks/placeable interactables (like me) I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS THREAD.
  22. Sleep

    When you sleep in a bed, it sets your spawn point, even if it doesn't skip to morning. Let the curing of sleep-dep act like that (if only sleeping for one minute cured all my sleep-dep, I'd be typing at 800 WsPM)
  23. Colonial Technology

    What about replacing TFC files with other files (that is, If i wanted grass to spontaneously catch fire, I would right a grass block class that spontaneous catches fire and replace the old grass block, and yes, i know, blocks aren't classes)Or do I have to wait for a hook into the terrain gen?
  24. Time Settings

    Rule 1 Periods and commas always go inside quotation marks, even inside single quotes. taken from your site. Again, just making sure elementary school teachers weren't trolls.