Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Peffern

  1. This semester was extremely rough. I've tried to stay up-to-date on TFC but I haven't had time. Anyone want to fill me on what happened? I'll probably run through my addons in the next few weeks, but anything new on TFC2 or anything?


  2. Alright I think I got it working. As they're now TFC plants, they always drop one seed (more with agriculture skill) but since RotaryCraft is balanced around you getting more of them, I made the principal drop of the crop (I.E. the item you get when it's fully harvested) a stack of 7 additional seeds, so you get 8 per plant. If you put the seeds into the RotaryCraft Grinder you get out lubricant and Canola Seed Husks. I believe that's everything. If this is weird for balance, I can add an item that you get from the canola plants instead of the seeds, and then grind that, it's up to you. The mod will be up on my GitHub in a sec.

    Also, RotaryCraft is amazingly impossible to set up. Just, ugh. I had to do some terrible hacks.


  3. On 4/10/2017 at 1:27 AM, itsthatbobguy said:

    Will this crop index mod allow someone to add RotaryCraft's canola to TFC?

    Yes. I haven't looked at RotaryCraft, but it should definitely be possible to write a mod similar to IEPlants that incorporates the canola plant. I will take a look shortly.

    EDIT: Ugh incorporating RotaryCraft into my dev env is going to be a pain. Will let you know once I've done that.


  4. So apparently the problem that I thought was the problem with Deployer Fix was actually a problem with all of the projects - thank you OneSharpAce for catching that - all the mods were pretending to be TerraFirmaPumpkins and that was messing with the class loading. This should solve the issues Baleyg, OneSharpAce, and Bassifer were having.

    EDIT: Fix is up.

    34 minutes ago, UltimateCatTree said:

    So about wells. I've noticed in TFC, that sometimes deep, somewhat straight springs will spawn. Is there a way for wells to pull water out of these springs one block at a time until eventually the whole thing is drained? I've not used the mod yet so I thought I'd ask about that first, as I'm looking to use those springs somehow. (swimming down them is kinda fun w/ smartmoving)

    As of right now the wells simply produce water - they don't interact with the TFC world. 


  5. 2 minutes ago, Baleyg said:

    Technodefirmacraft updated to 3.4 and so I updated as well, including your mods, and I note 2 things:

    1. deployerfix and wells are duplicate mods (downloaded from github)

    2. pumpkins arent spawning as crops but as blocks. attached are the mods i added to TNFC 3.4

    added mods.JPG

    Oh I'm dumb I forgot to rebuild the build directory when I copied the build environment for the Deployer Fix. 


  6. 3 hours ago, OneSharpAce said:

    Yes I am having an issues running the latest version of your pumpkins mod, crops core, and iecrops mod together. The issues appears to be that when iecrops is installed it causes the pumpkins to not properly load the classes they need therefore the default pumpkins spawn. I have tried it both in the TNFC pack and as just individual mods with tfc default. 

    I was hoping you could look into this.

    Damn I was hoping I fixed that. Okay, will look into it.


  7. On 3/13/2017 at 6:38 PM, ShannaraSK said:

    [23:24:09] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML/]: The mod tfccrops (TFC Crop Index) requires mods [Waila] to be available

    Hmm, long time I use Smart Cursor mod, because is better like waila, and now have question- stay on this that I like, or try something new and goes step back?


    my mistake - i'll fix this in the next release.
    EDIT: will now work without WAILA. No idea if it Smart Cursor will do what you want, but at least it will let you play the game. Note that it will still work with WAILA, it's just optional now. This applies to crops and metals.

    On 3/11/2017 at 9:24 AM, ciekma said:

    Seems, that pewter metal mod is responsible for mess with forge pit:


    This is now fixed. I missed a reobfuscation in the ASM.


    On 3/14/2017 at 3:41 AM, Baleyg said:

    As a update/clarification to my issue of pumpkins/crops not generating. After further testing (on singleplayer) pumpkins (and presumably melons) don't spawn, however vanilla TFC crops do. I will do some more testing as I updated the pack from 3.1 to 3.3 at the same time as updating from tfcpumpkins 1.3 to 2.1.

    Edit. Can confirm that 1.3 generates as normal (singleplayer) on the latest technodefirmacraft pack

    EDIT: I still can't reproduce this. I loaded my newest TerraFirmaPumpkins and tfccrops build into a fresh TechNodeFirmaCraft 3.3 build and melons generated totally fine. You can check - the seed is -7727959077861285794 and the coordinates are (8196,-10076). Screenshot is here:


  8. 16 hours ago, Bassifer said:

     The TerraFirmaPumpkins not working properly. When I launch minecraf show me this message and the game I can not have mushrooms, pumpkins and melons edible

    Coremod PumpkinsLoadingPlugin: Unable to class load the plugin com.peffern.pumpkins.asm.PumpkinsLoadingPlugin

    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.peffern.pumpkins.asm.PumpkinsLoadingPlugin

    at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_121]


    What could be the problem? Java?

    PMd you with questions


  9. First of all, you probably shouldn't post code in the forums. Use pastebin or something for the formatting.

    Secondly, I apologize for being unclear. You don't need to download or edit my code (unless you want to) – instead you should just be able to use my .jar file (the mod itself).

    Here's how I would do it:

    1. Download the compiled jar (tfccrops.jar).
    2. Import it into your mod project (into the libs folder). 
    3. Make sure you configure gradle to know about the tfccrops.jar or your code won't compile when you go to export your mod.
    4. Add the jar to your project as a dependency jar. 
    5. In your item setup area, execute the following code:


    String[] icons = new String[]{tfcs:plants/crops/Nrustica (1),//and all other growth};
    ICrop crop = new BaseCrop("ItemNRusticaPlant",2,36,icons,8,0.9F,2,new ItemStack(ItemNRleaf,5),"NRseeds","tfcs:plants/seeds/NRSeeds","Mapacho");
    Item seeds = CropsRegistry.add

    Then make sure the seeds item gets saved to somewhere. If you look at my code in TerraFirmaPumpkins and TFC with IE Hemp, you can see how I did this.

    The point of this system that I made is that you don't need to worry about the IDs or rendering at all – the subsystem handles it for you. You don't need to look at the internals of BaseCrop or CropsRegistry at all. If you *do* want to change how BaseCrop works, you should subclass it instead of editing the original.

    Also, I forgot to provide the link to the compiled jar: here it is:

    EDIT: Im finding some bugs – remember this is still experimental.


  10. So, as part of TerraFirmaPumpkins, I had to use ASM to alter some parts of the TFC crop code which were hardcoded to only work with the 18 built-in TFC crops. I realized the other day that an extensible system for adding crops might be a good thing to have so that a) multiple people can add crops without worrying about ASM conflicts, and b ) people don't have to worry about crop IDs.

    I figure this will mostly be useful for other addon developers who want to add crops without worrying about compatibility – I'm adding another layer of abstraction over the TFC crop system so people can just call into the registry to add crops without bothering with ASM at all.

    Does anybody have any other ideas I should include / criticism / questions?

    I'm currently testing it and it will probably be available some time in the next week or so.
