Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Slag

  1. Bauxite (Aluminum Ore)

    On top of what the others have said, if you had actually bothered to read through the rest of that article you would have found that the Bayer process is only half of what's needed to refine aluminum. The other half, the Hall-Héroult process ( takes an extremely powerful electrolytic cell.The timeframe TFC is working with didn't even have reliable electricity at all, much less the incredible amounts used to refine aluminum.
  2. Lead? :o

    Lead pipes are... reasonably safe for transporting water. The pipes tend to build up a nice layer of sediment that prevents the lead from leaching into the water too much. Lead poisoning in the old days was more often a case of either the pewter dishwear leaching lead into food or lead 'medicine' used by doctors.
  3. Lead? :o

    One thing that could be done is, after a whole bunch of development has happened and if anyone is around to work on the project past that point, make it possible to develop slowly but surely into more modern technology. Lead could be used for paint and shot and such, and uranium could be used for really really good armor that slowly killed you as you wore it (but not nearly as fast as the arrows/swords/creeper explosions would have without it).
  4. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    I always figured it would be ridiculously easy to take the code for making tannin/curing leather could be reimplemented for brewing. It would be simple, and actually a bit realistic since wine is usually fermented in barrels anyway.
  5. Uranium

    Uranium tools would actually be incredibly useful. It has a multitude of properties that would make for extremely effective tools. It's one of the strongest, hardest metals known, and when it does break, it does so in such a way to sharpen itself instead of dulling. It's also not nearly as radioactive as everyone thinks, having an extremely long half-life. The key disadvantage is that you can't smelt uranium with heat. You have to use chemical extraction, which itself makes it nearly impossible to get with pre-industrial tech. It's also pretty toxic, and while that normally wouldn't be too much of a problem since metal tends to stay together and is especially difficult to aerosolize or boil on its own, uranium is pyrophoric, reacting with the air and literally smoldering (even bursting into flame in the presence of water or aqueous materials) and releasing uranium-filled molecules into the air, not to mention it decays into radon gas. Overall, while having a flaming sword that never gets dull and is strong, hard, and sharp enough to cut through just about anything would be totally awesome, I don't think it's right for this mod.