Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by PaoloEmilio

  1. [Offline] Survival TFC: AssHat Server

    Please update to hotfix 19, hotfix 18 crashy
  2. Game Crash in .18

    Glad to hear that
  3. Game Crash in .18

    I also have this problem I had found silver yesterday, now I can't enjoy it
  4. Ships

    I make a change in the suggestion. There are not specific types of ships, you can actually customize them. The more sails the more speed. Sailboats and canoes remain, cog and galley removed so that ships can be customizable.
  5. Fleeing Animals and Territory

    I disagree, take on count the animal husbandry
  6. Ships

    Yes they are, and I also like your ideas
  7. Ships

    First, vanilla boats are annoying, the purpose of boats are to cross the sea faster, and my boats offer you the possibility to carry passengers, better than that vanilla boat.
  8. Ships

    And I also gave ideas on how ships could work and how would they be built. And if the devs see I also made a post, they will surely know that more than one person is interested on ships. Then all the coding that may involve it would be worth it.
  9. [Offline] Survival TFC: AssHat Server

    That was a non precise test, I do not believe in self sacrifice, Im just the combination of strength, arrogance and honour.
  10. Armor bug

    It just seems like armor isn't working. I have steel helmet and chestplate but still take lots of damage? Could you fix this in the future? By the way, add a texture to cheese please
  11. [Offline] Survival TFC: AssHat Server

    Crap server population took all the space and I have not got a single chance to join
  12. Armor bug

    Ah thanks, just I don't understand why if I put cheese to capital letter will work but ok. And will armor be fixed for next hotfix?
  13. [Offline] BallerStatus: Small - Open Server - Join up!

    Good server, for the new people, come join the server. My town offers home, food and work!
  14. Mountable animals & more realistic mobs

    Maybe if you put that a village can be generated if the generated structures say ys and if not they are not generated?
  15. I hope my third suggestion is finally accepted. Well then, my idea is to have 4 different mountable animals. The first one is the horse, who can be found on plains. Then the camel, found in the desert. The elephant found in both the desert, the plains, and the forest. And finally, the Llama, found in the mountains. We have specific saddle for each animal. The horses are fed by apple and grains. The camels can be fed with cacti. The elephants with straw and saplings (IRL they eat grass, branches and leaves). And the llama with apples. Once fed, they will become your pets. When the are pets, you can breed them the same way (if there is at least a male and a female, of course). And pleace, replace hostile mobs like this: Delete zombies, skeletons, endermans and creepers and replace them with wild animals like the lion, tiger, crocodile and scorpion. Make these spawn at the surface, and in caves the rat, replacement for silverfish, also spawns in the surface.. Make spider spawn in caves and the surface. The drops like this: Lion, spawned in plains and deserts, a bit south of the equator, drop hide, mutton (maybe other meat) and claws. Tiger, spawned more to the east in forests and jungles, drop hide, meat, claws. Crocodile spawn in swamps all around the world. They drop crocodile pelt, that could be directly used to make clothing without treatment. The scorpion roams in the desert in the equator. They drop stings, usable as poisoning weapons. Spiders spawn everywhere except the desert. They drop their spider eye and strings, naturally. The rat spawns everywhere. They drop rat meat, that can poison you if you eat it, even cooked. All these are neutral if directly hit by sunlight. Well, mainly this is based in mo creatures mod, I did not suggest bear/deers because I think they were already added. Also, make hostile mobs spawn rates slower. It is true night can be dangerous, but normally you can go camping without trouble, or sitting in front of your house without having trouble. By the way, if some sort of admin or mod comes, I have a question. Why Bioxx and Dunk said NO to NPC's? Everyone or almost everyone wants them.
  16. Yeah, Mojang is vey far away from crativity.
  17. By the way, I got a new monetary economy idea. To use it, we need galena. Once we smelt galena, we get lead. So then as we get the lead, we could reduce it to metal sheets and use them as money. Could also work with silver or platinum. However, I still won't suggest to use gold.
  18. If you had red steel then why the **** you wanted map reset?
  19. Erian, Riga, Gono, and I have done too much to let our precious work be wasted like this! Renadi, please don't do it!
  20. Just when the TFC_United empire reached iron age and began to build their palace, just don't erase the map!!
  21. Sorry if you can't find caves, but we have put a lot of effort in our town. I do not want a map restart or rollback, leave it like that. If you want caves explore new chunks.
  22. stoneage, copperage, bronze age way to fast (modified)

    I want my copper pickaxe. And bronze is good being smelted in pit kilns. And the rest.
  23. stoneage, copperage, bronze age way to fast (modified)

    I completely disagree!
  24. Musket

    I got another idea that I hope is better accepted than the coin one. It is like this: To craft musket you need a wrought iron or steel tuyere, a knife (For carving the musket barrel, will just lose durability, like when using it with grains), a wooden log for the barrel, and an iron ingot to make the trigger, and the metal part of the barrel. It is crafted like this: W = Wooden log T = Tuyere K = Knife I = Iron ingot T W K I To fire the musket you put a musket round, made by working an iron ingot with the rules Shink, Shrink, Draw. You also need gunpowder. One of each is spent per shot.