Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ryuugumo

  1. String

    I just have to link this: Hemp has been beaten into the ground on these forums. It has been confirmed as an upcoming feature. If you have a problem with it, then call it something else, but it's still going to be added. Video games that use hemp for rope or string aren't supporting the mis-use of the medicinal properties of one specific gender of the hemp plant. In fact, they don't even mention that hemp is a drug. They simply use it for it's more known uses as a commonly found fibrous plant.
  2. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Cinnabar (which is what most people use to find "red stone") is often ground into a power. It makes a red powder that acts as a wonderful dye or great ingredient for lacquer-ware. Alchemists also found it easy to melt the powder down into mercury which is a liquid metal unless it is colder than -38.83 C. Mercury also is a fairly good conductor of electricity. Is cinnabar (red stone) believable, no, is it real despite how much of an odd-ball it is, yes. Take that believability, reality just kicked your arse.P.S. As a blacksmith I find it easier to melt powders than bars. Powders seems to absorb more heat or at least absorb the same heat faster.
  3. Why, so we can have warehouses full of useless items like gems? By the way, I'm not just going to throw those items out, that'd be wasteful.
  4. There wouldn't happen to be a type of tree that we can get blue colored wood from would there? Cause that would just be awesome if there was!
  5. The problem I have with creepers is I see them standing where I need to go. There's no way around them and if you come within like ten blocks they blow up the thing you're trying to get to. I never build just one huge giant building and stick all my industries in it. No, I build compounds and cities with each industry having it's own building. Before you try to tell me to just light in up, I do and they still manage to wander like 30 blocks into my cities unless I wall them up. I do wall them up; however, my arguement is that creepers are only good at being annoying and not my idea of fun with their current attack being "explode if player is within eight blocks." I'm not for the removal of creepers just a rewrite of their attack to something non-explosive.
  6. Wait, so creepers are animated sulfur based herbascious lifeforms? That's awesome! Maybe they could spawn randomly when you cut down a tree. (with a very low chance)
  7. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    Earlier today I was filling in some holes with dirt. When I mis-click, I would have to switch to my shovel and remove it; but, since the change filling in holes is alot easier now. Also, I find that, if I'm careful and use the same wood that will later be used for the roof to brace the dirt walls with, I can still make a dirt house. It's more of a challenge to do so now and every-so-often requires repairs but it's still do-able.
  8. Mining Technique

    That is a method, the only other method is to study which ores spawn in what rock type (much like modern prospectors) and do the earlier method in the target rock type. Surface ore is nice but limited on size and type.
  9. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Triple post? ...?You get -10 for not seeing the edit button. P.S. Bioxx already has a currency system he's working on. It just isn't complete yet. (terrasprites2.png)
  10. Creepers aside, we could have a spawn buffer. For every four mobs that didn't spawn due to protections one would spawn instantly once protection is removed. This would cause sieges and heavy mob density for ruins. Only problem I can think of is how to prevent them (the special summoned mobs not standard summon) from despawning.
  11. That's not what People Against Creepers (PAC) has a problem with. PAC's issue is that for absolutely no reason creepers will blow up when your five to ten blocks away. It's my understanding that it's supposed to be one to three blocks. PAC's arguement is either fix creepers so that they don't blowup when you are soo far away from them or remove them. My personal arguement is remove the blowing-up part and replace it with a different siege ability. In my oppinion their are more fun siege mechanics then sapping (which is just annoying.)
  12. Ok I'm gonna play middle-man (cause I'm just dumb enough to try.) Creepers mean alot of things to alot of people, weither that's just seeing their image as an icon or loving their creations being blown to tiny pieces or modding them to make them no-go-boom. We cann't just remove them flat out and moving them to a place we will never deal with them isn't any better. Creepers have been loved, hated, and they love to be hated too. Instead of trying to push the problem away (by removal or by moving them), let's change their little natures so they do something other than going boom. Instead of having an arguement about who is dumber than whom, let's make some ideas on things that the Devs can change their natures to. Signed Your Neighborhood Idiot,
  13. or camouflaged bombers but not subterranean anything
  14. Well I'd rather not get into the design of the creeper model. Anyhow my point is Notch wanted to keep creepers because he thought it was cool to have a type of mob that made it easier for other mobs to get at you. I think the challenge is good but the repair is only ever annoying. If we could make creepers build things like wooden bridges, ladders, dig tunnels through dirt, or maybe change how they do their damage I.E. sending a volley of arrows that come down on the player's location, or lighting random blocks on fire when they are close enough to the player.Wooden Bridges: 1 block wide path used for bridging straight unpassable terrain Ladders: used for climbing up unledged terrain Tunneling: used for gaining access to inproperly walled areas or unfloored buildings Volley: magically spawns an arrow 20 blocks above the player, used for reaching players that stand on roofs laughing at poor mr. creeper Pyro: used when 3 blocks away from the player to attempt to destroy unprotected wooden buildings by lighting a random block on fire
  15. Right, so just redesign their siege mechanics from explosion to something else like building bridges for other mobs or digging a tunnel under your walls through dirt (not stone)
  16. In that case could we have them act like zombies that don't die in sunlight? They are supposed to be a siege mob so maybe trading their explosions for a different siege mechanic.
  17. Down with the creeper empire! They are nothing more than an annoyance reguardless of weither you're playing vanilla or TFC. They do no damage unless you try to hug them and their habbit of destroying blocks gets old fast. I understand that creepers are important to minecraft's history but if they did damage and didn't explode or if the explosion didn't destroy blocks they'd be more popular. P.S. After more thought, if explosion resistance was increased for all TFC blocks then creepers could explode freely without the annoyance of destroying blocks.
  18. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I myself don't see a problem with a steam-powered "power hammer" if you still have to "program" what steps you would do for the task you are asking it to perform for you. I.E. you want to make a ... so you put the plans in the power hammer and tell it to Upset, Bend, Bend, Bend, Draw, Punch, Light Hit (not a real sequence only used for this example) then you get your ... bar and put it in the steam-powered machine and out comes your tool head or if you weren't very good at programming it your worked bar that has had the above programmed steps taken on it.
  19. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    No need cause the dragon already crushed the blender when I tried to put him in it.
  20. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    tin and 5 microwatts
  21. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    enchanted loot ... also maybe we could have a red dragon that loves to hoard red steel and a blue dragon that likes to hoard blue steel
  22. New Wood Type: Blue Mahoe

    In many of my buildings I find myself wanting something blue, ..., something blue. Do you give up? No it's not a blueberry. I want either a blue wood I.E. (cann't find a linkable picture but here's a website with pictures of it http://www.exoticwoo...z/bluemahoe.htm) or maybe making blue stones I.E. more available. It would make a wonderful addition to mage towers, school rooms, churchs, and monastaries.
  23. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Dragons should have three movement speeds and be able to break blocks. First speed is walking, second is flying, third is when they break blocks. They should walk as fast or maybe a little slower than Steve. They should be able to fly as fast as the Enderdragon. They should be penalized when they break blocks so that they move at half-speed. Wait, are you saying that I'm not the center of the world and neither is any one else? But I'm not writing the mod, my opinion should matter more then the authors. (Please note the sarcasm)
  24. Rammed Earth construction

    Maybe a more desaturated form of the soil colors but still enough saturation to keep the varity.
  25. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Modern-believable-with-a-time-period-of-1600 else we would have to allow players to turn lead into gold. Now you have your answer, so please stop having this pointless arguement as any further arguement will simply be ignored.