Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ryuugumo

  1. Fortification

    Roof overhangs not only look good but they stop those silly spiders. Yes, pitfall traps would be awesome. GGG D_D DSD G=grass, D=dirt, _=air, S=new spike block When mob walks over the floating grass, it collapses and falls down onto the spike block which (due to special coding) breaks the dirt block (not the spike block) and allows the mob that fell in the pit to take damage until it dies. Reset the trap by: GDG -> GGG -> GGG DDD -> DDD -> D_D DDD -> DDD -> DSD
  2. Fortification

    Ok, so you want wear and tear. We could make it so that this block would show a certain number of spikes and when it takes damage a spike disappears until it's completely gone.
  3. Fortification

    Perfect, one block that does both things we want. Also, instead of openning that can of worms (block wear and tear) maybe they could be a little cheaper like a 2x2 and also become a one use item.
  4. Magma forges

    It depends on perspective. Dragons are giant lizards or as culture in more recent times have dubbed dinosaur (giant lizard). Reptiles don't stop growing as long as they can find enough food to maintian and further their body size. Are dragons real? Yes! Are you likely to EVER see one in your life time? No. As far as enchanting, I'm not sure; however, there are many strange and unexplainable things that happen on this for me to be bold enough to give you a flat-out no.
  5. Fortification

    Don't be a flower. Nobody is saying that this thread is useless. We are trying to flush out an idea and get it in shape to present to Bioxx so he can make your dream come true. A palisade is a series of logs that are dug into the ground to make a wooden wall. They often have sharp tips but for all purposes those are useless unless you're trying to climb over them. A good palisade is tightly bound together and doesn't have many if any noticable gaps. I thought you wanted a fortification that could hurt enemies that walk over them. Last I checked you didn't just stroll over a palisade. My misunderstanding about what you wanted; however, now you made me want spike pits or "Cheval de frise."
  6. Fortification

    We already have palisades. Just right click a log on the ground or shift click on a log pile.
  7. Fortification

    Why cann't we have both? My Castle walls are missing spike pits.
  8. Fortification

    Are we talking about "Cheval de frise" heavy duty spike traps designed to harm moving enemies or "punji" sticks which are designed to harm enemies that walk over it? If we are talking about "Cheval de frise" then it needs to be made of logs counting no less than six tied together to another log. If, however, we are talking about "punji" sticks then we cann't really have them as mono-directional however it would be very nice at the bottom of a moat or trench and can be made rather cheaply. Cheap doesn't mean OP if it has limits or a reason to spend more for an upgrade.
  9. Fortification

    You could make grass that grows replace them so they become more of a quick fix to security but still a worthwhile investment to start with.
  10. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    You are quite correct. We have a mechanic in place that does that too if you use rock instead of either brick or smooth stone.
  11. No problem, it wasn't meant for you but for people like this guy. Dude, Jack seriously? Let them try and make their own choice.
  12. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    In older days walls would be extended down till they reached rock. This feature made it difficult for invaders to tunnel in quickly. Since we have no stone pickaxes anymore and stone can only be broken with a pickaxe. We have block protection against random griefers. I suggest we use it by not building on spawn and putting a wall around our buildings. (I'm referring to a good wall that reaches down to rock) It would be nice to have a block that prevents hostile mobs from spawning. I wouldn't mind placing several around my cities to avoid the disgusting look of over-torching.
  13. Dwarves

    Even if we don't get dwarfs, could we reskin the testificates to look better and maybe give us an option to spawn them in. Our cities are looking more ghost town than city-ish.
  14. Agreed whole heartedly; yet at the same time, we shouldn't push those people away saying "This is my elite mod and you cann't play it." No no no, we should help them get started and if they decide it's too hard then fine, but we weren't the cause. I remember the first time I went to mod my .jar and it was scary, frustrating and confusing. Now I can install mods in my sleep. Don't not help people just because it's easy for you now.
  15. First, I know you're new here and all but settle down. Second, TFC doesn't go in the .jar anymore. TFC goes in the "mods" folder which MCForge creates the first time you run the modded .jar. Third, no modder in the world is responsible for what MoJang does with their file sizes.
  16. Tell your friends to watch and if they still don't get it then they're just trying to avoid playing with you. Sorry, but if they cann't understand a 6min video showing them how, then either they still get spoon fed by their mother or they're making excuses.
  17. Problem installing 49i

    Here is a video tutorial on how it's done:
  18. Magma forges

    Brave, brave Sir Forum, brave Sir Forum ran away. He bravely ran away, away, o brave Sir Forum. When Python reared it's awesome head he bravely turned his tail and fled. Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Forum. (and they killed and did eat Brave Sir Forum's minstrels and there was much rejoicing in the land)
  19. Magma forges

    Does he live anywhere near the castle Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh?
  20. Why this mod is important.

    Dude! Don't feed the trolls.However "realistic" or not, doesn't change the fact that I have been affected by both Minecraft and TFC. I'm a blacksmith by trade and TFC got me introduced to geology. Minecraft itself got me interested in both using my creative side of the brain and in architechure. It's because of this that both Minecraft and TFC will have a special place in my heart. Without MoJang and Bioxx I would never have found that I love more than working with metal. Instead of turning this into a troll thread try saying why this mod means what it does to you.
  21. Why this mod is important.

    This is more true then you know. MoJang made a wonderful 3d render, Bioxx modified that render's terrian generation, we learn from a game, gamers profit. People over-look Minecraft as "just a game" when it's really one of the best 3d renders in which you can freely and easily alter shapes, items, buildings, and inventions, and this is not to mention the amount of logic that people obtain by creating complex redstone circuits and using them in inventions or recreations that are vastly easier to explain in the larger scale than real life allows. TerraFirmaCraft is also as valuable as Minecraft; however, it's valuable in a different way. It plants a spark in people to go find-out what things are in real life (that they may never had any interest in at all before) and it gives them the tools to explore and try things that they either wouldn't have the time or money to do in real-life. Both MoJang and Bioxx should be proud of their work, because it has put tools in the hands of people who would otherwise never had a chance to explore, learn, or create the things they do here.Good job and keep it up. You're changing the world one bit at a time.
  22. Gem Cutting

    I ..... it ... Bioxx .... said .... not ..... but . could .. wrong. ... probally ..... impatient, ... hard ... to .. though .... mod .. soo ....! Thank ... for .... a ..... mod. (It's fun to delete every other word ... ooops I meant: It's ... to ...... every ..... word) LOL
  23. Gem Cutting

    You could say that. I'm just saying that when you have an item that's been in since at least Beta1 and no use for it and no recorded statement about them having a use that people are gonna post suggestions about what you can do with them. If you don't want the forum clutter then just give us a hint. We promise not to tell too many people.
  24. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Yes! Capes are awesome! Wait, ... craftable and equippable? Wow, dude you have made my day!
  25. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    1. cool2. ... 3. You mean like equippable clothes that look different professions I.E. blacksmiths apron, sooty mining clothes, fine clothes, ... ? If so that would be cool.