Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Ryuugumo

  1. Dunk has already stated that they're going to add an engraving feature. It would be cool if certain patterns had an effect like summoning a dragon or something.

    (dwarves mining and building grandhalls of engraved stone until one day when a dwarf accidently engraves the wrong pattern and summons a dragon which must now be slain for the dwarves to regain their mountain hame)


  2. We don't give our crops to the king. We don't even have a king. We're a anarcho-syndicalist commune, we take it in turns to act as sort of a chief executive officer for the week. But all the decisions of that officer must be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs but by a two-thirds majority in the case of a more major ...

    Anyhow, mud would be awesome as I have some constructions that would need things like wattle-n-dab. I.E. timberframed mid-class houses, hoardings, rafters, ... Also, could we make them white-washable?


  3. well you know that the jungle trees, Kapoks, give you purple planks even if they are more of a light purple

    Yeah but IRL it's more of a pale striped dark brown. The TFC version looks alot nicer. So we have red, brown, white, green, pale, yellow, and purple, but no blue. :(

  4. What is going on today? Can we not have peace? I've looked at several threads today and nothing is being productive. Could we please stop name-calling, insulting, argueing and get back to adult discussion and suggestion making?


  5. I'm not getting upset at you, personally.

    You asked a question, I answered it, and then provided additional information.

    The last two lines were unrelated to your post and directed at the forumites in general. Believability is subjective.

    Thanks for clearing that up. Forumns never give a good indication of tone or intent (/sigh).

    Fantasy or not, dragons have played a major role in the cultures and lives of peoples all over the world, and regardless of their biological integrity or how legitimate they feel, they've had a huge impact on the development of society and civilization, merely because people believed they were real. In TFC, they just might be.

    Glad to see that we might be seeing them. Thanks Dunk :)

  6. Dinosaur bones.

    You're also giving the word "dragon" more variation than any other animal species ever created. Including something like "griffon" (which does not have a world wide spread across culture).

    If you want to insist that every culture has "dragons" then you have to recognize the quetzacoatl as a dragon, which it really isn't. You also have to lump together orriental dragons and occidental dragons under the same definition, and the two look nothing alike, have different personalities, and are *gasp* treated differently by people (western dragons are for slaying, eastern dragons are for praying).

    And that's before we even get to the native American tribes....

    Oh, and if we want to pull the "everyone believes that there are dragons, therefore dragons are ok in a game about believability," then I propose gods, religion, magic, homeopathy, psychic powers, and sacred cows.

    Everyone knows that at least two of those work in real life.

    Hey now, calm down. I simply asked some questions. The only thing I "stated" in my post was that these questions need answers and that I'm an idiot. You seem to be the only one aggressive here dude. Settle down or switch threads, please.

  7. As you guys argue facts, I'm going to argue statistics. What are the chances that the entire world has dragon legends? What are the chances that the entire world just made them up for !@#$% and giggles? Why, until recently (last couple hundred years) did people not use dinosaur (which logically has an advantage in the naming community for it's simplicity?) What are the chances, that since we obviously had eye witnesses, they died before we came on the scene? What species has dominated this planet? What are the chances that we killed dragons off? Why do we have so many stories about them? How come some reptiles (to this day) are classified as dragons by the scientific community? What are the chances that over the centuries we have simply stretched aspects of reality into a state that we have a problem proving every small detail? Are dragons real? Are the legends accurate? Is this thread just a place for narrow-mind people to argue back and forth without consideration for the other party? Am I an idiot?

    These are questions you need to consider before saying either yes or no.

    P.S. Except the last one, which I'll proudly answer, "Yes I am!"


  8. Just FYI, dragons are not believable.

    1) Size. I forget the exact measurements above which it would impossible for the creature to fly, but I think it was 3 meters.

    2) Skeletal structure. They have six limbs so unless it's an insect, it can't exist.

    3) Breath weapons. Go on, rationalize that one. I'll wait.

    4) Heading this off at the pass: Hydrogen Sack. In order to have enough lift to carry a critter the size of a small child, the hydrogen sack would need to be 30 feet in diameter.

    Proof dragons are real:

    1. Reptiles are well known for their ability to continue growing as long as they have enough food to sustain and more.

    2. There have been archeological finds which show hollow boned flying reptiles did exist.

    3. Legends tend to stretch reality into fiction, I personally think this legend should instead say "Their bites burn like fire."

    4. What non-sense is this I hear about "hydrogen sacks?"

    5. We as a race tend to conceal the faults we have in the actions we have committed. Nobody finds dragons anymore due to the fact that when there was enough food for certain reptiles to gain their legendary sizes we banded together and for the safety of society killed them. Why do we not see dragons anymore? Not enough food in the areas we drain and when they get big enough to become a problem we kill them before they do.


  9. My only concern is my server runs constantly so to me it seems like a bigger deal then maybe if I wasn't running a server. Sorry if I offended anyone by using the word cancer. I just don't want my world to be need a reset after running it for 6 months. The rest of this thread is just mind-boggling awesome. We will need better boats to reach our tropical paradise. :)


  10. I definitely support the usage or ocean, river, and plains use in world gen. for between 2000 and -2000; however when you start saying things like reproduce themselves I think of the problems with cancer. Cancer is a cell that reproduces itself faster than it dies. We would be unable to build on those islands no matter how cool they would be and it would eventually make our world unplayable. So tropic islands and fauna, yes! Blocks that reproduce themselves, no!

    Also with the overlap in the new world gen. we should be able to see some, if not often, tropic fauna between 4000 and -4000.


  11. Yeah but nobody ever said that thatch roofs were stable. I just want them for decorative roofs for the peasant houses. :) But anyhow I think a non-solid block would be best for pit-traps. Maybe it could use whatever texture is near it or whichever texture is most common around where it's placed.

    P.S. this would lead to things like punji traps and minefields.


  12. Ok so how about this. New thatch block that we can use for roofing is simular to leaf blocks. Cover your pit with thatch and it looks solid (simular to leaves) but you walk over it and fall straight down. It's not concealed, but if you make a harmless pattern of them around your area people make just think it's decorative and fall (literally) for your trap.

    P.S. This would also be cool for roofing material and would make roof supports very helpful for when your on your roof.


  13. Roof overhangs not only look good but they stop those silly spiders. Yes, pitfall traps would be awesome.




    G=grass, D=dirt, _=air, S=new spike block

    When mob walks over the floating grass, it collapses and falls down onto the spike block which (due to special coding) breaks the dirt block (not the spike block) and allows the mob that fell in the pit to take damage until it dies. Reset the trap by:

    GDG -> GGG -> GGG

    DDD -> DDD -> D_D

    DDD -> DDD -> DSD
