Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Shiphty

  1. About making coins of every metal, I suggested that part to give a bit of realism, but your community can use like only copper coins, for example, or only iron coins, or only brass coins, or only gold coins, or use brass and gold coins to determine that gold values the double as brass, for example.


    It's too contrived of an idea.

    A bar of metal is useful to me.  1/64th of a bar of metal... or anything short of a whole bar... is less useful.  Even if I have 64 coins, I still have to smelt them back into a bar, so a bar would be worth more to me than 64 coins.  When I trade it's because someone has something I want.  I want bars, I can use them.  I don't want coins.


    Besides, ground nuggets stack... i think up to 64... why not use them as coins if you're so keen on it?


  2. A comment on group sleep:


    First, it is rude for folks to sign on and go afk for great lengths of time and often.  You're using up a spot on the server, using up ram, causing lag with monster gen and you're not even playing.


    Second, it's also ridiculous to expect people to always either sleep or disconnect simply because you want day.  It's fine to ask but sometimes folks are doing something they can't leave be.  They might even be so busy doing something difficult that they can't even stop and respond.  Blacksmithing and intense battle come to mind.

    And even if someone isn't doing something difficult, maybe they just don't want to stop what they're doing every ten minutes and wait for everyone to disconnect or sleep... after a while it can get annoying.


    There's nothing wrong with asking but you should probably expect that folks will generally not be inclined to acquiesce, and you should be okay with that.  Just hole up for the night and wait.


  3. I'm okay with /home and /spawn and such being prohibitive.  It depends on what kind of server we're trying for.  If it costs enderpearls then towns like mine will simply be isolated and unable to interact much with the community, trade will be a big deal and community projects simply won't be an option for Glangyth.


    I'm not for or against expensive fast-travel, just saying that if it's so difficult the result will be less interaction with a lot of towns.


  4. Honestly, it's pretty difficult to argue with a statement like "traders in the game would ruin the magic."

    One may as well say "I don't like that idea... and I don't like chocolate either."

    All in all, the game is amazing and I appreciate the work you guys have done on it.


    Being someone who spends all my time in single player I thought that the idea of traders coming once a year might lend itself to the same sort of specialization which you guys seem to desire in multiplayer, id est someone focusing on farming or tending to animals or some sort of crafting so that they can eventually trade with what they've made to acquire those things they're not too good at acquiring.


    However, I've had my say and I appreciate your listening.


    I'm now going to go scour all the copper and tin from my mine.


  5. I've been scanning this forum and haven't seen (but honestly could've missed) anything about trading the way that Dwarf Fortress handles it.


    Is it feasible, at least in single player, to have some merchants show up once a year and trade with the player(s)?


    This would make gems and works of art and trade goods and surplus supplies more useful.


