Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by erian_7

  1. Hey Ultima, good to see you on previously. As requested, here are my thoughts on mods that would enhance TFC play: More Uses for Cloth: I don't mean wool blocks for building--those always struck me as weird, but having tarps to use as temporary/cheap roofs, for vendor stalls, etc. would be nice (esp. if they can be dyed). Leather might similarly be used, and both could even be used for walls/wall coverings in conjunction with beams given historical uses. Hydro/Wind Power: I saw you mentioned RedPower...Having the ability to construct water wheels and wind mills would be fabulous, and of course has been covered before by other mods. Both could be used to create structures like a grist mill (so we don't have the horrid quern-click-fest necessary now to grind grains) and a saw mill (higher output of logs/beams, but would require a large supply of wood as input). I'm not looking for crazy stuff like shield generators and turret guns--just historically appropriate uses of the available power sources to automate some current processes. I know the Tinkers Construct creator was looking at options in this arena, and of course there's Better Than Wolves. Water Screw: Using Red Steel to place infinite water blocks is nice, but I'd love the realism of building water screws (maybe powered by wind/water as above) that push water up blocks to then flow through aqueducts/etc. This would allow hydration of farms away from rivers/lakes/oceans in the early game when it's actually important. Could build from the sluice concept for transporting water over long distances. Gates/Drawbridges: Epic, chiseled walls, castles, and towers are so sad with little double door access points... Fertilizer: Both using some of the mineral options, as well as using processed peat. More Mineral Uses: For example, gypsum for fertilizer above, or plaster for making sculptures. For the love, something to do with all the random stuff we find. Bees/Honey: So I can have some mead! I guess the food usage could be nice, and wax for candles and such...but mead is the most important! As for some existing mods that might add to the TFC experience: All of the GrowthCraft pieces as they add more depth to foods.Aquaculture as it adds more robust fishing (need to block the crazy armor finds)Secret Rooms, as having hidden doors, torch switches, etc. would be very nice in those huge castles.That's probably enough for now...
  2. Server is down again it seems. renadi, any progress on getting some admin folks to help with resets?
  3. All, please note renadi has requested no one log on until he posts to do so here.
  4. From what I can tell, the lag largely comes in when folks (usually new players) engage mobs at night and suddenly we have the server in the tank. If we can limit mob spawns, that would help I believe. I don't know if it's possible, but the Custom Mob Spawner mod used with Mo'Creatures supports limiting number of simultaneous spawns.
  5. We started a spawn trade center on the old world and it worked well, actually. Getting to /spawn was free, we each started building out a chunk, and so could trade that way. Then we'd use /t spawn to get back to our towns. Now that would cost an ender pearl, but that's not too bad for general trade. A server/admin town could work I suppose, but I like the collaborative, player-based effort necessary for creating a central trade center. I'm good either way, I suppose, so long as we have somewhere to meet and trade, new players aren't screwed when /spawn has no stones/trees in sight for hundreds of blocks, and towns could have a means of recruiting. As it stood, I had 25 members in my town due to my proximity to spawn and willingness to take on/train new players. The next closest town had 8 members I think and there were several 2-3 player towns that definitely deserved a better shot at recruiting.
  6. For folks that started up prior to the server backup date, my town will be happy to supply you with goods to restart things. I'd rather use resources that way than lose good community members. You can even join our town, get what you need, and go start fresh if that suits your needs.
  7. If we can do that, and TP to there is free or less expensive, that would definitely be good for the far-flung towns. I'd be happy to commit time and resources to building a chunk there.
  8. One proposal if we do go new world--can we please this time have each town claim one chunk near spawn. This will (1) facilitate trade, (2) help protect spawn so new folks aren't spawn-killed, and (3) allow town to recruit new members. Of course, we'd all have to be in the same nation, but I don't at present see a need for multiple nations, at least not until we decide to go for World War TFC.
  9. Yep, still using MyTown. tenterro and I met up on the old world so I got to see Snowfall. He's on the new one at Laketown (or is it Longlake?). The important thing for this server is we have a good community--ultimately that trumps the actual game world for me. Although I don't really look forward to starting fresh in some aspects, in other ways it could be beneficial and if I'm having fun with folks I know then I'm good.
  10. This is actually a new world, reset with the v77 release.
  11. Well, if we do have to reset, let's please do so in an orderly, coordinated fashion. I definitely agree that the moving spawn is problematic when it separates town by 30k+ of blocks. If we have to restart, we have to restart. I'm still on for playing.
  12. Okay, what just happened? I see requests for reset/rollback. I'd go for rollback given the effort we've put into our town. And I assume this has something to do with why when I started the game just now, I spawned in lava and lost everything?
  13. I can confirm Warlord, and he's a solid, helpful player. I've got 20 years in IT, and I believe Shiphty and tenterro have an IT background (not to say they'd necessarily want this role). All are active on the server, and tenterro has the advantage of being in an opposite time zone from us for play times. The random server deaths are pretty much the only thing holding this one back now (the rest is actually TFC-specific, like sheep/chickens not breeding properly).
  14. Hmm, looks like it... renadi, can we get a few folks with admin rights to do reboots? We've got some solid, regular players, adults, that have IT experience.
  15. Do you have a town or homestead established, and if so have you placed any particular type of block, herded animals, etc.? Might help narrow down the issue. And of course, it may not be related to your location at all...
  16. Okay, sounds good. I've got access to mine dacite, granite, and quartzite if needed as well. I was thinking about chert bricks on the roof, to look sort of like Spanish tile. What do you think? Also, the level of detail you see in tenterro's work--that's my goal for town buildings (well, outside whatever folks build themselves). So, for the tavern I've got a rounded deck layout in mind, from sycamore, with carved support beams and seating underneath, an "L" shaped top floor for the public connecting tho the deck, and a basement for your storage needs, Once the server is back up, I can rough out the shape to see if you like it. Oh, and I've got an idea in mind for a sculpture to match the tavern name. We probably won't be able to get into major castle builds until our metal is advanced, but we can start the basics (including the flying bridges).
  17. renadi, if we need some additional OP/admin folks, there are several regular/active members that might be recommended. Might help with server reboots when the system has a hard crash like this.
  18. Hey Paolo, for the new tavern you wanted sycamore, right? Any particular type of stone you'd like to pair with it?
  19. renadi, I think the town that's locking mine down is Markus--that you by any chance? Because that would be ironic... Also, I'm looking to turn a portion of our town into a learning center for new folks, since we're large and near initial spawn. I can dedicate space to that once the claims are operational again. Finally, it does look like the book and quill recipe is broken. Any chance you can give each town 1-2 of those? I'd like one for our charter/rules, and another for smithy orders. Of course, that assumes they'll even work... Thanks!
  20. Book and Quill?

    Any problems with the book and quill in 77.5? I know we could make them in 76 on the Carpe Aurum server, but now we can't get them to work.
  21. Dang, server down again. renadi, is this you working on stuff, or an instability? Ah well, may be a good thing. I'll get some sleep tonight!
  22. Server is down, yes. I don't want community interaction to be too prohibited. I'd definitely like to see towns getting set up close enough to build roads and have real, meaningful trade. But I'd also like to be able to visit those folks 28k blocks away at times. Paolo, don't drink yourself to death in my town!
  23. Straw! That makes perfect sense. Thanks Paolo, I'll try that when we can get back on. We got one male sheep in our pen by pushing it--that was not fun, bur probably funny to watch. Especially when three town members and a visitor all joined in to corral the thing! renadi, any way you can get us some Book and Quills for use? They'd be really nice for communicating town rules, setting up smithy orders, etc.
  24. We could go zombie flesh. Another item with no use at present. Bones, however, would keep them a prized commodity and so demand would make random teleports not feasible. They can also be harvested by starting folks from cows and such. And an entirely separate item...can anyone get the Book and Quill to craft? I've tried with both the vanilla book, and with the TFC converted book. I'd like to get one for our town charter... And another...we can't get sheep to follow wheat now it seems. I've tried grains, and others say they tried raw wheat. Anybody know if this is an issue, change in 77, or something we're missing?
  25. Hmm, what about gems? It'd be really nice if gems had an actual use...Might make sluicing more useful then. Be nice if it can distinguish between quality of gems too. Of course, that doesn't help for new folks. If /t spawn NAME is free for non-members, it encourages them to use towns as "warp points" for travel without joining. So, joining becomes bad. Unless towns build spawn points surrounded by claimed plots that don't allow Outsiders to travel through. And that shuts down tours...Gems might still work, and if /spawn is free towns can warp there to provide recruits with gems.