Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Veelay

  1. Pottery: Static Positioning

    Actually, in Fast graphics mode, it already does this. If you have optifine, you can set the vanilla setting to fast and individually toggle all the vanilla details to fancy, leaving pottery in fast since there's no option to tell it otherwise.
  2. Screenshots! Including some baby pictures Immediately after joining the server, I headed to Thalassa's Watch. It was the middle of the night, and my first glimpse of (pre)civilization was oh so sweet. Tomato and Acidreflux had a small fortified area where I stayed the night. When morning came, we got right to work. Soon I had a mine established, where I would eventually find our first iron ore. It wasn't long before Thalassa's Watch became a much nicer place than it was my first night! And this is just the beginning. Come start your own town and help make this world more diverse and interesting!
  3. I absolutely love clay vessels for storage. My souterrain wouldn't be complete without loads of pottery. I think it's pretty reasonable within the limits of minecraft, I don't think the point is to make it completely realistic. Going down that path too religiously usually leads to games losing what makes them fun. TFC has been doing a pretty good job of keeping the balance. It's challenging, but not ridiculous.
  4. Regarding Powder Kegs:

    The rarity of sulfur alone is enough to balance it out. I've found a ton of it and still only have enough for a single keg. It's incredibly rare -- it's only found around lava pockets, and I've encountered vast expanses of lava lakes without a trace of sulfur. Not to mention, the prospector's pick can't be used to find it. If anything, I think it needs to be balanced in the other direction by making the recipe for gunpowder yield 3 instead of 2.
  5. I'm afraid I must disagree. The thing about terrafirmacraft is that progression speed is largely based on chance. In my current single-player world, I've been stuck in the bronze age for about one default in-game year. Now, you never specified what you consider 'too fast' or 'longer', but that, for me, is a pretty reasonable amount of time for just now being on the cusp of the bronze age. You've got a couple of good ideas here, but nothing that makes a coherent whole -- just a bunch of suggestions cobbled together without a whole lot of thought as to how they work together or fit in with the mod as it is now.