Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Volheim

  1. vanishing iron ingots

    Suggested Name: Vanishing wrought iron ingots/duplication wrought iron ingots Suggested Category: Severe-AnnoyingDescription: sometimes when I make wrought iron the 4 one eats(deleting them) up some of the iron while trying to stack them in the inventory and the same one also can make ghost duplication ingots while placeing them on the ground.Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: No as I play on a server I don´t think that is the link of the Crash Report: does not make crashs
  2. puh! Entro should we not start to update those server pics :3
  3. Volheim´s lets play TFC

    Okay seems that I can´t get more videos in a post so from here on this post you will find episode 6 to 10 when they come out episode 6 episode 7 episode 8 to come episode 9 to come episode 10 to come
  4. so yeah as the title says I´m Volheim and I do let´s plays(well then you can think about it if it is good or not ;P) but I have finelly started on my TFC lets play again and what I want with this topic here is to hear what you guys want me to do like TFC guides wise or just some building/survival LP so let me is my channel : here is my TFC/what is going to become my crococraft playlist : here is my first episode on Crococraft and episode 2 is out abit about pit kilns and iron ingot bug episode 3 just some mining and talking :3 episode 4 a bit of a talking episode but looking at some clay stuff also in this video episode 5 just telling I´m not dead
  5. Volheim´s lets play TFC

    Okay a little late with this one but version B78 so what more can I say starting out looking at some of the new stuff and Hey just normal derping around as normal will work out a Tumbnail but busy with some RL stuff but next week be ready for new episode
  6. Volheim´s lets play TFC

    SO! I have not stopped I was playing ESO great game but now that B78 is stable means that crococraft is getting updated and we can build something big with out thinking about when then server will update but have been a bit lazy so here is the 2 new episodes 5 an 6 episode 5 episode 6
  7. Volheim´s lets play TFC

    episode 4 a bit of a talking episode but looking at some clay stuff also in this video
  8. Explosives, a use for gunpowder.

    as I said Before Dynamite! that could be a great Idea! it can be actived with flint and steel only and it has the size of a torch and makes a 3x3x3 hole?
  9. Volheim´s lets play TFC

    episode 3 is out went on a bit of a mining trip to try and find some silver with the server owner :3
  10. Explosives, a use for gunpowder.

    hmm I don´t really see any need for a update on gunpowder yet as the powder keg is fine as it is now (or I would love to see that you need less for one ;3) as we use it on Crococraft quiet alot for getting just cluster vains and digging out huge space for big builds but if there should be added something new it should be dynamite which needs less gun powder and makes smaller explosions but it is harder to make
  11. Volheim´s lets play TFC

    episode 2 is out I hope it is something that can be used ;3
  12. vanishing iron ingots

    here you go kitty it starts 2:30 mins in the bug related thing.
  13. vanishing iron ingots

    something is weird with it thats true I redid the bug and somehow it happen when i had to many Ingots on me the good thing is I got it on video and much more some how I dup it, it will be up on soon
  14. vanishing iron ingots

    it will be up in one of my videos here on Wednesday if I can reprocess it I will also link it here My bloomery is 4 blocks with gives a 400% bloom normally I just throw in the stuff so it fills but I will test it and it is normally charcoal I am throwing in first which is just full stack of 64 or what I normaly can fill it with. I don´t believe I ever unloaded the chunk in the process what I did was I took 5 400% blooms and made it into 20 ingots. that made every four ingot become "ghost" ingots
  15. Volheim´s lets play TFC

    yeah I know I saved it so I could mine if after the competition :3
  16. let there be booze

    oh i see thank you then ;3
  17. let there be booze

    So I have be playing TFC for a quiet a bit now like everyone self :3 and when I have planted fruittrees I thought about there could be more to that. So I said to my self Brewing like in IC2 mod for minecraft just a little deeper I am brewing in real life to and with fruittrees you could make cider and with the grains plus a new item hops you could make beer or honey as mead because we already have some of the stuff we need to make booze with like a grinder and barrels we just need the rest
  18. Username: VolheimAge: 26Location: DenmarkWhy do you like to play TFC? : I love the hardness the game gives meWhy do you want to join? : A not a big fan of SSP games and really like to get in to a communite where people like to play together and where server does not close after a weekWhat will you add to the server? : what will I add? hmm beside I have a small hobby with makeing youtube videos, I can bring danish humor and friendlyness :3