Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Terex

  1. Improved hunger mechanics upon waking

    I nearly once killed myself too waking up in TFC without food
  2. [b78.15] Armour bug

    Hmm... I'm not using smartmoving but another mod called animated player.Sorry that must be it then.
  3. [b78.15] Armour bug

    Version #: b78.15 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Single player Suggested Name: Armour is not equipped properly (shifted) Suggested Category: Annoying Description: The helmet is not equipped,the tunic is equipped on the head, the pants are equipped on the torso, and the boots are equipped on the legs. So you can't wear boots...? Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes
  4. [Solved, Intentional][b78.15] Forge heating

    Ah I see it was intended. I like building more than tech progression so I didn't get even this far yet before. Talkingabout the forge user interface, I'd be happier with an even number of slots he he.
  5. Version #: b78.15 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Single player Suggested Name: Forge now heats every slot evenly Suggested Category: Minor Description: The forge contains a V-shaped array of slots. At the bottom of the V, materials used to heat faster and at the top heating was slower. Now, after some testing, all 5 slots heat stuffup at the same rate. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes
  6. My recommendation is to move on to a new location. Of course you can criticize this one instance where you are not finding what you set out to look for, but the thing is that the landscape is procedurally generated. There are bound to be a few bugs here and there.
  7. Easy way to get lots of wood

    Example of what I stated above:
  8. I suspect that sometimes the surface ore nuggets do not necessarily indicate a large quantity of ore concentrated deep below (and yes into the middle layer is possible). You were probably looking for scraps.
  9. Easy way to get lots of wood

    Best way to get wood is to plant Douglas fir trees 2 blocks apart in a grid. Of course first you need to get a bunch of saplings. Anyway, after trimming the leaves for saplings, you cut down one that one tree and all the others around it also get chopped down, and you get loads of wood.
  10. [0.79.?] Metal tools - priority and materials

    Oh noes, silver has been removed from gold panning ha ha That's ok though, i already established a copper mine (rich), gold mine (poor) and silver mine (normal) in my world he he. If only i could find some flux-stone... argh.
  11. Staying with 1.6.4 discussion

    All mod creators will port their work to newer versions of minecraft lest their project gets abandoned, and TFC should undergo this treatment likewise. I'm not saying it should happen now, maybe in 6 months to a year but keep developing towards 1.7/1.8/1.9.
  12. Laying planks bug?

    I was playing with my mate some week ago (version 78.12 I think?) and noticed a bug with laying planks exactly what you can see Arkas is dealing with in the video below. It's kinda weird/hard to explain. Anyone experience this bug? The misplaced planks are consumed and not returned.
  13. [0.79.?] Metal tools - priority and materials

    For me pick, pro-pick, then saw. I prefer exploration than sitting at a stream gold panning...
  14. Prospector's pick : How to use at it's best.

    Woah, necroposting There have been many changes to ore generation and distribution in the latest snapshot b78 so some new techniques could be used and some old ones are still applicable as well. One consideration that springs to mind is the possibility to simply spot ores in the cliffs of mountains. However, from what i read (could be wrong), the largest ore bodies are not in the surface layer. In my brief experience so far, ore bodies can be quite extensive and distributed in density. A few blocks can be mined at the surface but if you follow a pro-pick signal down into the depths the real jackpot lies 50-60 blocks below the surface. Whilst mining, the level change technique is still the best imo. Follow the pro-pick signals on a horizonal plane to where the signal is strongest in the centre point of all 4 directions, then dig down vertically. If the signal increases, keep going. Stop when the signal decreases and back up at least some 12 blocks. Then again branch out in all 4 directions in the horizontal plane to find the ore body. The ore body will be in one of those directions. In the new snapshot, however, the ore can be concentrated in small clusters which does require some branch mining.
  15. Etho does TerraFirmaCraft

    Ha ha so that was why! Btw it looked like he was still playing a version of TFC where the bonfires don't extinguish.
  16. Infinite Map Mod?

    I use mapwriter too. Kinda cheaty but I'm not going to remember where I find everything. Less frustration = happier gameplay
  17. Bibliocraft Addon

    This may sound dumb, but breaking boats still gives vanilla wood planks which can be used with bibliocraft xD
  18. I reported this as a bug but it turned out to be a 'feature'. Anyhow, maybe it didn't get any attention so I want to address it as a topic of discussion. The first question is why? Why can we no longer keep items (ingots, armour, etc) at temperature in the auxiliary slots of the forge (and in the anvil)? My rebuttal is that this is a mistake. Juggling tens of ingots to make something was already finicky before but now it will be downright impossible since they cool down so fast. That means as a player I can only heat up a pair of ingots to make a double ingot at a time. That is not in the spirit of TFC where doing things in bulk should be more rewarding. Furthermore, playing on a server adds lag. Sometimes ingots just fly out of my inventory because it took a little longer to place them in an item slot (or crafting area). With this in mind, it is incredibly frustrating that I get punished for that because in the mean time the ingot already cooled outside it's workable temperature range. Lastly, since ingots cool down so fast, a LOT more charcoal will be required to constantly reheat them to workable temperature. What is the point of a forge having 5 slots when obviously you wont use them all. Who can juggle 5 hot ingots at variable temperatures?? So I urge the developers to reconsider adding the option of keeping item temperatures in the forge (and anvil). If not re-implemented by default, at least give us the option in a config file. Or, drastically reduce the cooling rate of items (ingots, etc). In the real world, surely items do not cool down as fast as they do in TFC nor does a blacksmith have to juggle so many ingots (to make armour or higher grade metals).
  19. Slow website/forum

    I often notice how slow the website and forum load and I have decent internet connectivity. Then I see a post about migration to another host/server but the situation never really improves. I wonder what is up? Sometimes I cannot access the site for a day or more.
  20. Some companion mods suggestions

    Thanks mate! In other news, b78.10 is now incompatible with Optifine. Seems some major world rendering changes in the latest version of TFC, causes TFC to crash with Optifine.
  21. Fix deceptive display of decay

    I too wondered if the progress bar should be scaled differently to give a better warning sign some food item is going off and needs treatment before it's too late.
  22. Unusual Tree Spawning

    Plus they don't cut down properly. The canopy remains present after chopping the tree trunk.
  23. [78.10] Metals cool too fast

    *bump* Ihave to say it again. Iknow the title says b78.8, but also in b78.9 metals cool way too fast. I could only just make double ingots before one already cooled below welding temperature whilst the other ingot was still liquid. There is just no way to pour the metal out of the jar more efficiently.
  24. Version #: b78.9 Suggested Name: Bon fires burn forever Suggested Category: Minor Description: The little bon fires made from 3 sticks will burn forever after adding 1 log Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes
  25. This is a problem with minecraft (v1.6.4). This cannot be fixed as far as I know. Just bear with it for the while.