Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Terex

  1. I also think it's kinda lame to have to mine so much copper for bronze bloomery blocks. The game does not need to be dragged out unnecessarily long to get to the reasonable good stuff, wrought iron. There is still plenty of progression after that, even for multiplayer. My main concern is that after conquering all technologies, TFC should still have a playability factor like building. Building is only fun with efficient tools... Sadly, I never got to that point.


  2. -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

    Don't need to delete any folders. Just make a new profile and choose a folder of your liking. When you first launch your new profile, the launcher will install a new instance of MC in it.


    For example, I have several MC folders sitting in AppData/roaming







    Each instance of MC is patched with forge. Each folder has its own resourcepacks, mods, screenshots, etc subfolders.


    NOTE: In the profile settings for modded MC versions you might want to add some Java arguments to allocate more memory (see above).


  3. I reported this as a bug but it turned out to be a 'feature'. Anyhow, maybe it didn't get any attention so I want to address it as a topic of discussion. The first question is why?


    Why can we no longer keep items (ingots, armour, etc) at temperature in the auxiliary slots of the forge (and in the anvil)?


    My rebuttal is that this is a mistake. Juggling tens of ingots to make something was already finicky before but now it will be downright impossible since they cool down so fast. That means as a player I can only heat up a pair of ingots to make a double ingot at a time. That is not in the spirit of TFC where doing things in bulk should be more rewarding. Furthermore, playing on a server adds lag. Sometimes ingots just fly out of my inventory because it took a little longer to place them in an item slot (or crafting area). With this in mind, it is incredibly frustrating that I get punished for that because in the mean time the ingot already cooled outside it's workable temperature range. Lastly, since ingots cool down so fast, a LOT more charcoal will be required to constantly reheat them to workable temperature. What is the point of a forge having 5 slots when obviously you wont use them all. Who can juggle 5 hot ingots at variable temperatures??


    So I urge the developers to reconsider adding the option of keeping item temperatures in the forge (and anvil). If not re-implemented by default, at least give us the option in a config file.

    Or, drastically reduce the cooling rate of items (ingots, etc). In the real world, surely items do not cool down as fast as they do in TFC nor does a blacksmith have to juggle so many ingots (to make armour or higher grade metals).


  4. I often notice how slow the website and forum load and I have decent internet connectivity. Then I see a post about migration to another host/server but the situation never really improves. I wonder what is up? Sometimes I cannot access the site for a day or more.


  5. Version #: b78.7


    Suggested Name: Rose gold double ingots cannot be worked on a rose gold anvil to make sheets.


    Suggested Category: Minor


    Description: I'm not sure about this one. I'm sure we should be able to make rose gold sheets and double sheets. I tried heating a double ingot to workable temperature and tried hit-hit-hit but nothing happened. There seems to be no rule? Furthermore, I'm not sure that 8 double sheets of rose gold can be used to make a bloomery block. If that recipe does not exist, please consider adding it since rose gold is a tier 2 metal along side the bronze varieties.


    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes



  6. Version #: b78.7


    Suggested Name: Ingots do not keep temperature in anvil and forge


    Suggested Category: Annoying


    Description: I'm surprised this was not reported already, but once I progressed to the point of making ingots and a forge, I realised that the heated ingots do not keep their temperature in the anvil slots and forge auxiliary slots. To be honest, I only tested with rose gold ingots.


    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes



  7. I'm not really sure this is the best strategy. It's not just a handful of (black) bronze tools you need, but enough for an anvil and at least one bloomery block. Maaaybe some armour too while you're mining the ore for bronze or rose gold instead.


  8. My impression is the same with Winged Rayeth. Forests are rare and far apart. This does not say anything about their size however. When I find a forest/jungle, it can be large.


    Now, depending on summer or winter, if we generate new terrain then may we generate a forest in winter, whereas in summer it wont be there due to too high temperature? Unfortunately once a terrain is generated, it is permanent.


  9. The nuggets on the surface can now hint at ore bodies way deeper than before in the previous builds (ie. top of middle rock layer even). Keep digging down and your pro-pick should eventually start giving signs. The ore bodies are now genuinely dispersed and no longer concentrated at a specific y level if you played earlier versions of TFC.


  10. Pro-tip for those struggling with frame rate issues and still want fancy graphics, give Java more memory and start the MC launcher with a low desktop resolution (basically as low as you can go to get good fps).
