Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Terex

  1. There is a compatibility mod? heh cool didn't even know that! I didn't get as far as making the tools so the compatibility mod may still be useful if it works (since it is based on MC1.6.2). Did you try carpenter's mod already yourself?


  2. As stated in another thread by Kitty, only temperature affects the rate of decay (not storage, etc). So being in a jungle biome or close to the artic will have a significant effect on your food. Maybe the decay rate is exponential, so that is something to keep an eye on.


  3. My test worlds are also littered with shallow caves. I fell down a sinkhole more than once. The surface is no longer that safe to walk on as it once was :D


    I think the ponds look like that because two water source blocks cannot create a third source block. So holes dont fill up with water.


  4. Funny that you mention that Kitty. In the beginning i found a cherry tree and stuffed my inventory full of cherries without realising i could combine them. I had inventory management problems from day 1 :D


  5. I believe that the further you get into the game, the easier game mechanics should become. So some food should be allowed to be preserved in some fashion with the right tools (like being able to store food in snow/ice from the last winter). Just my thoughts... It would be kinda tiresome to still run around looking for fresh food once all other game challenges have been overcome (like achieving blue/red steel). The new game also gives a LOT of food from a single harvest/kill. It is almost blasphemous to let some of it go to waste ha ha. But feels like real life that does. :D


  6. Wow, i just tested the Carpenters blocks mod and works with TFC wood planks! How cool is that? We can build sloped roofs and all that jazz with TFC block textures. Not sure if the tools can be crafted but i think so once you get iron ingots a long way into the game.


    Btw. I can only run the lowest quality of Chocapic13' shaders at 30 fps (720p) on my 2.5 year old Dell XPS laptop. It's already very satisfying. 


  7. Thanks to compatibility with MC 1.6.4, there are a ton of mods out there that can be used in conjunction with TFCb78. Here i suggest only aesthetic mods that do not affect gameplay. Sorry, no links. Just google them.


    Animated player

    Dynamic lights

    Shaders mod (Chocapic13' shaders, derived from SonicEther v10)

    Better grass and leaves mod

    Optifine (Standard)

    Inventory tweaks



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  8. I'm not arguing for extreme realism. On the contrary. But my mild suggestion for use of gems is a fair one. I'm not suggesting to alter gameplay.Combining gems gives a reason to keep the tens of pieces of every type probably only two double chests can hold. This mechanic would let you achieve, one day, the perfect gem of all types for display purposes. 


  9. I love the new TFC (b78). Really good work, awesome improvements. Great terrain and ore generation making mining more exciting than ever before (and less a chore).


    I do want to comment on the changes to food and decay. Before a unit of food was instantly consumed. Now it depends on how much in oz there is of it and how much % of it has decayed. To me i feel that the game still needs to be rebalanced. I'm in day 3 in my world and already have more food than i know what to do with. There is one cherry tree near me and killed one deer. I'm fine that a piece of meat can be eaten multiple times before it is consumed, but the fruit (cherries) surely should be consumed in one bite! I'm happy to hear other people's opinions on this.


  10. This discussion on gems is kinda dumb if we are going to be pedantic. The protection meter, the only thing crafted with gems in the game is not a thing in real life so ... take that out? I would be happy, if anything, we can combine gem fragments into larger gems like in the games Diablo 2, 3.


  11. With the fact that it is possible to find surface nuggets of every single metal in B78, forcing mining tiers is kind of pointless. There are already forced tiers in the creating of the tools due to the anvil restrictions.


    It's been a while since I've played TFC, but i'm sure up to this point that was not the case, right? I mostly remember finding copper ores from the surface nuggets. Does that mean there is no more depth restriction on how far the ore body could be below the surface? Or can any ore body be at shallow levels? Then in turn that would mean any rock type can be at the surface. 
